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New Conditions: Broken Arm and Broken Leg


First Post
Broken Arm
- You cannot use a weapon, implement or shield with the broken arm.
- If you receive this condition two times, you cannot use any weapon, implement or shield, nor use any powers with the weapon or implement keywords.
- Next time you receives the chance to spend a healing surge, you can opt to not regain any hit points to eliminate this condition.
- This is considered a Level 1 disease to the purpose of Cure Disease Ritual.

Broken Leg
- You are slowed.
- If you receceive this condition two times, you fall prone and cannot rise up until elimiminate this condition.
- Next time you receives the chance to spend a healing surge, you can opt to not regain any hit points to eliminate this condition.
- This is considered a Level 1 disease to the purpose of Cure Disease Ritual.

What do you think about?

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So, I can heal both during a 5-minute break, or any time a cleric can use Healing Word on me?

That seems remarkably easy to heal. Should it be that easy?


First Post
So, I can heal both during a 5-minute break, or any time a cleric can use Healing Word on me?

That seems remarkably easy to heal. Should it be that easy?

Something like that. It´s not so easy, as you need to spend one healing surge per condition. That way, if you needs to heal 2 broken legs, that will cost 2 healing surges.

I wanted to do something more harsh, but not too gritter.


David Jose
I wanted to do something more harsh, but not too gritter.

I don't know, I'd consider broken limbs to be a whole heck of a lot "too gritter."

It seems like it would only complicate the interaction between an abstract damage system and what a gritty feel would want a broken leg to be. In a gritty campaign, a broken leg should do significantly more than just slow you down, and sitting and catching your breath for 5 minutes shouldn't heal it.


Not that I find it to be particularly "Fourthy", but how about an added "Permanent" condition which could only be removed with big magic or weeks of bedrest?

Somehow you manage to break an arm. For all intents and purposes, you're dazed and weakened till you get back to the city for a month, or you find somone who can cast a "fix your broken arm" ritual.

Broken leg? Dazed and slowed.

The main thing I dislike about these is that it opens up the door for, beyond 2 arms and legs, "What about a broken wrist? What about a compound fracture vs a clean break? What are the individual penalties for each finger?"

These are all questions that I do not miss in my game.
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the Jester

Hmm, a broken limb should take some effort to fix- maybe require a healing power of 3rd level or higher, certainly more than a short rest. If you're healing it over a short rest, call it a sprain or twist. If an extended rest fixes it, call it a pulled muscle or bad sprain or twist. If its broken, it should take magic or time to heal up.

IMHO, YMMV, etc.


I like it. I would change it to Wounded Arm and Wounded Leg. Broken Limbs would be 4-5th level diseases with a time limit at the final stage.

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