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New Design & Development: Paladin Smites!

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First Post
Glad to see crunch. Actual, useful crunch.

Safeguard seems very good, especially at first level.
Renewing seems to be a small amount of healing for the level you gain it. (Maybe ~10% of your hit points?) At least you're smacking someone around with it as well.

Binding... might be useful. If you can take the attacks.

But, OK, Charisma attack? I suspect that is BAB + Cha modifier, but there seems a chance that you just roll charisma, though that doesn't scale well.

Lots of MAD, but it looks like a paladin could, in theory, dump strength.

I wish they would use a different term than ally, however. Unless you have multiple personalities, you are not an ally of yourself. Normal usage of the word needs two or more entities to make sense.

Also glad he (eventually) explained that you do add bonuses to the damage, and it isn't just base weapon damage, because a constant of 2 x d8 (or whatever) would be... bad.


First Post
If you think of the allies as a group, then you are an ally. It's just allies as opposed to enemies. It makes sense, and it's less wordy than "friendly target" (which would require clarification anyway).

Anyway, cool stuff. Smiting is fun. That line of effect smite looks mighty interesting. It's always good to limit a wily opponent's options.
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First Post
Wisdom vc. AC attacks and Wisdom vs. Will attacks. Yummy.

While physical stats will be important for every character, we may be seeing paladins running around with their strength being one of their lowest stats. Force of will becomes more important than force of arms?

I like the development space being explored here.


First Post
So, it looks like a 20th level paladin might have 20 per-encounter smites? Maybe not a smite every level, though. A per-encounter at first level, per day at second, at will at third and so on with the per-encounter for the paladin being smites? That would work for a level 1, 4, 7, 10 and 13 smite which fits the article. The 27 doesn't fit that progression. I will guess that a 13th level paladin has 5 different smites on a per-encounter basis. Being based on the same numbers, they seem to scale very well. The 1st level smite is really just as effective to the 13th level paladin as the 13th level smite. Do these represent choices a paladin makes, or does every 13th level paladin gain the exact same smite?
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Given what's previously been said about roles and builds, and using something akin to talent trees, I'd be amazed if the Paladin didn't get a choice of smites. Though the specifics are something I wouldn't want to try and guess at yet.


I wonder if they will leave the entries as they are now. It seems a bit too technical for the way they've been saying they are writing the book.

In any case, I'm happy to see that damage multipliers increase with level. That will really make a difference in level between 1 and 30, which I like. I like to see a decent change in status from one level to the next. Personally, I wouldn't mind if each level gained ~30-50% increase in base power (read: HP, Damage, BAB, etc).

Repost from DDI:
Smite -- since before 900 CE this word or some very similar Old or Middle English ancestor has meant, "That's going to leave a mark." In the first two editions of Dungeons & Dragons, smite was merely an interesting word used by folks laying down the smack. In my formative gaming years, a player of mine named Erol used to call his halfling paladin's reversed cure light wounds, smites. (Actually he was just a post-Unearthed Arcana fighter/cleric, but he called the character a paladin -- I was not farsighted enough just to let him play a paladin.) I think he just liked yelling "I smite the foul beast!" in that annoying high-pitched kid voice he used to play Sir Lore. (Yes, that's Erol's own name spelled backward in true high-Gygaxian fashion).

With the release of 3rd Edition, Erol's wildest dreams came true. Not only were halflings allowed to be true paladins, smite officially entered the paladin's toolbox. Sure, it was once a day. Sure, it wasn't nearly as good as you wanted it to be sometimes, but smites were promoted from verb to mechanic.

In 4th Edition, D&D smites really come into their own. Now a subset of the paladin's renewable (read, encounter-recharge) powers, smites allow a paladin to deliver a powerful blow with the character's weapon of choice, while layering on some divine effect (and I mean that in both meanings of the word) on allies or enemies. A divine defender, much of the paladin's smites are all about kicking the crap out of those they find anathema while ensuring that foes who want to hurt enemies have a harder time at it. Take, as exhibit one, safeguard smite:

Safeguard Smite
Paladin 1
Encounter • Weapon
Standard Action
Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: 2x[W] + Cha.
Hit or Miss: An ally within 5 squares gains a bonus to AC equal to your Wisdom modifier until the end of your next turn.

This basic, entry-level smite has all the things a growing paladin needs to fulfill its role and lay down some hurt. A Charisma attack against the target's Armor Class, safeguard smite deals double her base weapon's damage plus her Charisma modifier in damage (paladins are a force of personality, after all), and grants a quick boost to an ally in trouble (including, in a pinch, the paladin herself). And there you have it. Your first smite -- simple, serviceable, and fun.

As your paladin progresses as a defender of the faith, smites, like all of your abilities, grow in power and utility. But unlike its defender cousin, the fighter, a paladin is more than just the guy who kicks butt and makes sure enemies focus (or want to focus) on him. Paladins have always been able to heal in some way and the 4th Edition variety is no different. Though this splash of leader flavor into the paladin's defender role comes in many forms, one of the more active and interesting ways that your paladin can come to the aid of a companion while fighting is our second example of a smite:

Renewing Smite
Paladin 13
Encounter • Healing, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: 2x[W] + Cha damage and ally within 5 heals 10 + your Wisdom modifier damage.

You'll no doubt see the pattern between these two smites. They mix a fair portion of damage (scaled up by level, but not necessarily the amount of dice) while giving an ally a much needed boost of hit points at the most opportune moments. Selfish paladins (typically those who serve more self-centered gods or just the occasional egoist who venerates Pelor) can even heal themselves with the strike, as you're considered your own ally unless the effect of a power states otherwise.

Let's move on to smites that inhabit the levels over 20. Binding smite is another flavor of defender smite -- and as its high level demands, does the defender job more effectively, and thus more powerfully than the simple safeguard smite does.

Binding Smite
Paladin 27
Encounter • Weapon
Standard Action
Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2x[W] + Wis damage and target cannot gain line of effect to anyone but you until the end of your next turn.

In binding smite you can see an example of how the effect of a smite goes up with level, while the numbers in their base form seem similar when not taking into account the accuracy and damage boosts that merely gaining levels (and having better weapons) affords. It just gets … well, better. Heck, it's epic, after all, so it has to be good, and you don't have to have 4th Edition books in front of you to realize line of effect denial is good. When you're fighting balor, ancient blue dragons, and sorrowsworn, it had better be good -- those critters don't fool around!

There you have it; just a small taste of what your paladin smites will look like in 4th Edition. While I have lost touch with Erol over the years, I hope that come this summer, somewhere out there, Sir Lore will return – a halfling with a high-pitched voice, yelling, "I smite thee, foul miscreant." I imagine his DM will just wince and sigh, just like I did all those years ago.
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