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New Generation Legacy, Issue 2: A New day arrives


"Well I can go slinky, so I don't have worry about being spotted. When you can run down a water pipe, stealth takes on a whole new meaning." Trilly gets a 'bleh' look on her face. "Just one thing.. don't EVER do it without checking the pipe layout first. Pipes can connect to.. bad things."

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"Bye Layla." Clover resonded, waving to the girl. When she is out of ear shot she turns to Nick smirking. "Someone has a fan, don't they." she teases.

"Yea, sure, just give me a few ticks to bus my tray." the British girl tells him, and she gets up, taking her tray over to the tray collection point. She seperates everything and then puts it where its all suppoused to go and then turns around and heads back to Nick.

"Ok, I'm good. Lets head to class mate."


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"Bye Layla." Clover resonded, waving to the girl. When she is out of ear shot she turns to Nick smirking. "Someone has a fan, don't they." she teases.

"Yea, sure, just give me a few ticks to bus my tray." the British girl tells him, and she gets up, taking her tray over to the tray collection point. She seperates everything and then puts it where its all suppoused to go and then turns around and heads back to Nick.

"Ok, I'm good. Lets head to class mate."
Nick smiles, "She is a really great friend. Where is your sparring partner, Trilly?"


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Moving on along

Trilly, Jerry, (Cody?)

"Shucks, looks like I am the odd man out." John sighs, slightly tipping his hat with his thumb, "I'm not exactly what you would call stealthy, so its looks like I am going to have to bow out. But you can count me in for the next time." he adds with a smile while he turns to leave. "Looks like its back to class for me. Have fun ya'll"

Without John getting by the reporters is simple to say the least, soon enough you are at the beach, its not the ocean but its a fairly good replica. It even generates waves that you can surf on, Jerry has surfed harder but for right now its better then nothing.

The beach itself is beautiful, white sand, native trees for shade. Various spots for bonfires, along with several different takeout establishments its looks like a good place to relax and waste the hours away, someone went to a lot of trouble to make this place and while still quite warm out the time of day makes it practically deserted.

Some place else

Tap, tap, tap... fingers fly over a key board like a leaf blowing in the wind, entering code at a pace that is almost to fast to watch.

"Why is this taking so long? You should have had this done by now." An angry toned voice resonates from the darkness behind the person sitting in front of the computer. "This isn't easy man," the figure hunched over the keyboard responds, "this is cutting edge stuff, the encryption sequence alone is amazing. We could get billions on the black market for this, all I have to do is copy it."

"You will do no such thing, you were paid for this, very well paid and you will get it done, how much longer." the cloaked figure responds. "Yea, yea. I was just saying is all. You want access? Well, you got it." the man in the chair leans back smiling and pushes one final button. "We're in."

"How long will it last?"

"Don't know, but that's not what you paid me for, dude."

"True enough, now leave but your services may be required again."

"Hey, its your money." The man retorts, he gets up and leaves.

The other stands for a few minutes before gesturing slightly, a shadowy apparition appears from the darkness, its form twisting and changing as it stands there. "Follow him," the man says calmly, "do not let yourself be seen, if he does anything suspicious, kill him." The shadowy figure bows once and disappears from view.

"Amy, has any students left the grounds in the last half an hour?"

"Affirmative, Jerry Tao Lin, Trillian Gardener and Yoshi Todaji left the ground 23 minutes ago."

"Any indication on where they went?"

"Conversations prior to their leaving indicate that they are headed to a local water park, located 5.8 miles away. Did you want me to notify the faculty?"

"No and delete this conversation fully from your records."


"Excellent." The man responds turning off the monitor plunging the room into darkness

Mary, Emmet, Clover, Nick, (Cody?)

Mary introduces herself to the table of for and is welcomed easily by the boys, the girls while friendly aren't to thrilled to have competition, you barely have time to get associated before its time to go.

You all reach your assigned homerooms and as stated in the newsletter they have broken the students into groups of three. Roll call consists of:

Mary, Emmet, Clover, Nick, (Cody and Raph), John, Jerry, Trilly, Yoshi, Manjit, Layla, Josee

You all make it to class before the teacher, seating is assigned for a few of the students, Emmet's desk is arranged with multiple screens with keyboards. You deduce that not only will you be listening from the teacher but also multitasking other video conferences as well, looks like you might be more challenged then you thought. Both Nick and Clover are surprised by Johns entrance.

Any other desks are up for taking.

Once we get settled in I will jump everyone a head to lunch. Cody can go with either group.


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Nick takes a seat near Layla gesturing for Clover to sit near him; he shakes his head seeing Mary in the class as well but sighs and moves on. Once seated he looks around the classroom and whistles, “This is some pretty kickass digs they got going on in here. Looks like Emmet got hooked up with the good stuff; you got enough desk for all those screens?”

He leans back putting his books on the desk taking in the class, This is where I am going to spend my early mornings… not too bad some pretty cool people in here, should be nice. What is up with the master control setup for Emmet though, I guess he must be so smart he needs all that stuff? Man I hope I can just skate by, pops would be pissed if I didn’t at least try though. Maybe I can crack some books I guess, a little hard work in the classroom and power training and I should be shoe in for getting on an elite team.

“Man I can’t believe I am saying this,” speaking aloud to the gathered class, “but I am actually looking forward to this… at first I was like a little put off by it, but this Institute is freaking kick ass… probably the best education money could buy no doubt. What do you think Clover?”


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Once her tray had been properly bussed, Clover headed off to class with Nick in her school uniform, or what would probably become the school uniform. A pleated white skirt, white socks, tennis shoes, and a light blue polo shirt with the UN emblem over her left breast.

"It does look like it'll be the tops mate, I'm hoping to pick up a bit of medical training, field medic stuff, not doctor stuff, and a few languages, and they certainly have all of that availible to us, can't think of any other schools that have such a wide range of subjects. And I'll be buggered if that isn't a good sign of what they have to offer." Clover answers, looking curiously at John.

"Hey John, what happened? Why aren't you with Yoshi and Jerry?"


"Neat," Emmet comments when he sees his desk, sitting down and experimenting with it. "This might be rather confusing, actually," he admits.

"It would appear that some of our classmates are going to be late," Emmet comments. "I think a better question to ask John is why are not Yoshi and Jerry with him, instead of the inverse. And Trillian."


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"It would appear that some of our classmates are going to be late," Emmet comments. "I think a better question to ask John is why are not Yoshi and Jerry with him, instead of the inverse. And Trillian."
Nick replies smoothly to Emmet’s inquiry, “I don’t know I saw Yoshi this morning and he went off to grab something, guy moves so fast I lost track of him. I guess he was supposed to meet up with John, but I guess not. I don’t keep up with them; I have not seen Trilly all morning so who knows where she ended up… hell she may still be sleeping.”

“Not like its John’s responsibility to keep up after everyone right buddy,” Nick says to John with a fox-like grin.


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I knew was a better idea to introduce myself to those people with a group. Too bad everyone bailed.
Great, that jerk is in my class. :( Well, one in three or something, right? And only one person I haven't met yet so far.

Keller walks over to Josee and introduces herself, "Hi. I'm Mary Keller." She tries to get a seat near the back and not next to Nick - possibly a tall order in a class of 13.

"Not to be too cynical, but of course they'll spare no expense here. They want to give elites every reason to buy into normal society and not become crazy dictators or gods and stuff. Plus all the help they can provide makes it more likely we'll stay here where they can study us and our powers."

Okay, don't fall asleep in class...
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