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New Gothic D&D Storyline To Be Announced On Monday

I've heard from various sources that WotC will be announcing the new storyline on Monday. They've apparently seeded various promotional images to several websites. I don't know any more than that, but if I hear anything, I'll let you know. The below image was apparently sent to The Escapist. Make of it what you will! Looks to me like vampires and ... Ravenloft? (Though if it's not set in the Forgotten Realms, that'd be uncharacteristic.)

I've heard from various sources that WotC will be announcing the new storyline on Monday. They've apparently seeded various promotional images to several websites. I don't know any more than that, but if I hear anything, I'll let you know. The below image was apparently sent to The Escapist. Make of it what you will! Looks to me like vampires and ... Ravenloft? (Though if it's not set in the Forgotten Realms, that'd be uncharacteristic.)


And Geek & Sundry was sent this piece:


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Something I noticed when Out of the Abyss came out was that they had hard cover adventures to go along with their board games. Wrath for Tyranny, Temple for PotA (granted it was released with the module) and Drizzt for OotA. I was guessing back in November if the next one would be Ravenloft because a) Ravenloft is awesome, and b) they have a companion board game already that they can get new sales on. I'm willing to bet that sales of the Board Games during the last three seasons were high enough that the Shakespeare giant campaign was put on the back burner to capitalise on sales of current product.

Just a thought.

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It does look Ravenloft-y, but it won't be set in Ravenloft. Oh, there will be bits in the back of the book on how to set it in Ravenloft, as well as other settings (including homebrew), but this adventure will be set in the Sword Coast region of Faerun, just like the last 3. Tyranny of Dragons was Dragonlance set in Faerun, Princes of the Apocalypse was Greyhawk set in Faerun, Out of the Abyss was something I don't really care about set in Faerun (maybe Faerun or Planescape? Don't know, don't really care. The entirety of that adventure interested me not at all). This will be Ravenloft set in Faerun, probably in Waterdeep or somewhere around there. Probably have to stop the denizens of the Shadowfell from invading the Sword Coast, or something similar.


Not a AP fan...

But this has me interested. If it's more manageable size-wise (like they kinda sorta talked about in the recent past), I might need to break out the plastic fantastic.

Lots of good/exciting news so far in the New Year from Wizards.

I am seeing the holy symbol of FR deity Lathander in the window between her head and the fang drapes. Hmmm....

Not really. The circle in the middle would only be a half-circle, to represent the rising sun. There would also be a horizontal line to represent the horizon as well.

Klaudius Rex

It does look Ravenloft-y, but it won't be set in Ravenloft. Oh, there will be bits in the back of the book on how to set it in Ravenloft, as well as other settings (including homebrew), but this adventure will be set in the Sword Coast region of Faerun, just like the last 3. Tyranny of Dragons was Dragonlance set in Faerun, Princes of the Apocalypse was Greyhawk set in Faerun, Out of the Abyss was something I don't really care about set in Faerun (maybe Faerun or Planescape? Don't know, don't really care. The entirety of that adventure interested me not at all). This will be Ravenloft set in Faerun, probably in Waterdeep or somewhere around there. Probably have to stop the denizens of the Shadowfell from invading the Sword Coast, or something similar.

I dont know about that.

Tiamat is very much a part of the Forgotten Realms, mainly worshiped far to the south-east of the Sword Coast, but still a small church exists. And the main antagonists, the Cult of the Dragon, has been reoccuring villans for some time.

The elemental cultists sound very much like Greyhawk, but in this case there was no single Temple of Elemental Evil, just 4 different cult groups threatening the region.

And, the most recent Underdark campaign, Out of the Abyss, has all the famous geographic locales under the Sword Coast North including Sloopbludop, Gracklstugh, Menzoberranzan, and Gauntlgrym. So, i think this adventure was also very much in line with the Forgotten Realms.

This upcoming adventure, if it indeed is Ravenloft, will most likely start somewhere in the Realms and the mists will invariably come and drag you to Ravenloft. That is not so bad.

However, i dont want to see Castle Ravenloft and the nation of Barovia anywhere on the face of Faerun. that would be whack!


It gets really interesting if you go to the D&D website right now and search terms like "Strahd" and "Eva"...

ARTICLE - 01/14/2016

Wizards of the Coast announced Curse of Strahd, a new Dungeons & Dragons adventure set in Castle ... the authors of the original Ravenloft adventure published in 1983, Curse of Strahdpits players against ... the vampire Strahd von Zarovich. Curse of Strahd will be available to everyone on March 15, 2016. 01/11/2016 ...



ARTICLE - 01/14/2016

News Today, Wizards of the Coast announced Curse of Strahd, a new Dungeons & Dragons adventure ... and Laura Hickman, the authors of the original Ravenloft adventure published in 1983, Curse of Strahd pits ... players against the vampire Strahd von Zarovich. Curse of Strahdwill be available to everyone on March ...


ARTICLE - 01/14/2016

Madam Eva. Drawing random cards from her tarroka deck, she directs adventurers to search Strahd’s domain ... the power of Madam Eva for yourself. D&D fans can have their own distinct fortunes read each day ... by retweeting the official [MENTION=17465]Wizard[/MENTION]s_DnD Twitter account using the hashtag #DNDFortune. Madam Eva’s fortunes 

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