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New Mage Class\System for Review


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I have developed a variant spellcasting system that I would love to get some feedback on. I will give you gist of it below, and you can find the rest following the link in my sig.

Basically, spells are divided up along the lines of what ability score they are based on, so there are INT spells, WIS spells, and CHA spells.

I have also removed the limits on the number of spells you can cast per day, but there is an increasingly difficult Skill check based on your spellcraft skill after you have cast a set number of spells.

Finally, I have a new feat called Combat Spell that allows 1 spell that you can cast any number of times per day, and each time you take this feat, this spell grows in power. It begins as a 1d4 touch attack of a particular element, and you can increase the amount of damage, the type of attack, or even damage type.

Again, this is just a brief outline, and you can find more in the Strata section of the downloads page of the link below.

Thank you for any input, and keep looking for more updates!

Belgarath the Ancient One

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Combat Spell Feat Description

Combat Spell Feat Description:

Combat Spell feat [General]

Benefit: The Combat Spell feat allows a character to cast a particular type of spell in combat as if that character were using a weapon. This means that only AC and any resistance to the spell type protects against the attack; no saves versus spells are possible. Also, the character’s Base Attack bonus is added to
the spell damage.

Use of the Combat Spell feat is a Supernatural ability.

The type of spell is defined by this feat, and is broken up into type, effect, and damage. The first time this feat is chosen, the character chooses a type, which automatically starts with an effect of Strike and a damage of d4. Each subsequent time this feat is taken, a new type, or an increase in effect or damage can be chosen. The following chart lists the types and effects available (effect and damage are listed in ascending order):

Type: Acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, sonic
Effect: Strike, ray, cone, wall, burst, special
Damage: d4, d6, d8, d10, 2d6, d12, 2d8, d20, 3d6, 2d10

Effect types:

Strike: Works the same as a touch attack. Typically, the Effects of the spell are wrapped around the caster’s hand, requiring a successful touch attack in order to hit the target. A Strike casting of the Combat spell feat can also be wrapped around a weapon held by the caster, adding the spell’s damage to any damage inflicted by the weapon. Throwing or dropping a weapon with the spell effect wrapped around it causes it to lose the spell effect.

Ray: Works the same as a ranged touch attack. The effect of the casting goes in a straight line between the caster and the target. Any object blocking the target has a percentage chance to be hit by the spell equal to the amount of cover being provided (i.e., 1/4 coverage has a 25% chance of being hit) for half damage (round down).

Cone: When the character casts a spell with a cone area, the cone shoots away from the character in the direction the character designates. A cone starts as a point directly before the character, and it widens out as it goes. A cone’s width at a given distance from the character equals that distance. Its far end is as wide as the effect is long. Any object within the cone is effected by the spell.

Wall: The spell effect forms a barrier filled with the spell type. Anything passing through the wall is affected as if hit by the spell. The size of the wall is ten feet high by ten feet wide by about one inch thick. Multiple walls can be stacked in any direction (including thickness), but cannot pass through solid objects or any objects larger than itself. They can be made smaller, and can also be made to fill any opening (such as a doorway or window) that is at least as large as ten feet by ten feet. Walls give off a faint shimmer, as a heat wave effect, but are otherwise undetectable. They last one round per character level. Walls can be moved at a rate of ten feet per round as a move equivelant action.

Burst: The character selects the spell’s point of origin. The spell bursts out from this point, affecting whatever it catches in its area. The burst effect radius (how far from the point of origin the spell’s effect extends) is equal to the character’s level in yards.

Special: Each spell type has a special effect associated with it, as follows:

Acid: Destroy. The spell targets a specific item or weapon; if successful, all damage from the spell goes to destroy that item or weapon.

Cold: Bind. Targets are “frozen” in place for 1d6 + caster’s level in minutes.

Electricity: Chain. The character can choose to have the spell leap from a primary target to as many secondary targets as she has levels, as per the chain lightning spell.

Fire: Blind. All targeted creatures or targets in a given area must save versus Fortitude or go blind for a number of hours equal to the caster’s level.

Force: Trap. Encloses a given area in walls of force that cannot be passed unless the walls are first dispelled. The area so enclosed is equal to a ten foot cube (10’ x 10’ x 10’) for every two character levels (rounded down, with a minimum of one ten foot cube).

Sonic: Deafen. All targeted creatures or targets in a given area must save versus Fortitude or go deaf for a number of hours equal to the caster’s level.

Again, any feedback would be appreciated! Thanks,

Belgarath the Ancient One.


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I like the idea of the combat spell feat. I think it's too good at its current level, but the premise is interesting. Maybe this version could work with some stiff prereqs. After all, as is I don't think anybody wouldn't immediately take it.

Incidentally, on your damage progression, you list 2d6 (2 to 12 pts) and then d12 1 to 12 pts).


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At first level, I can see this as the feat that everyone might take, as an additional 1d4 to every attack seems rather appealing. But I think it balances itself out, because of what you end up giving up for it.

Example: A first level Human fighter could take this feat 3 times, and get an additional 1d8 to every melee attack. This may seem very appealing but later on, I think this character would be lacking in other strenghths, such as specialization, weapon focus, and others.

One possible limitation could be that this may only be taken once per level, and I would also make this available to substitue for a metamagic feat.

Belgarath the Ancient One

Voidrunner's Codex

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