New map - Small dungeon available

Took me like 15 hours but this piece is finished. It's an underground crypt where a magic sword lies, waiting to be discovered.

It is whispered only in myth how the hero Demian defeated Freanna the hag, and saved the common folk. Only the wisest of sages know that this legend is the origin of the common saying “Protect them like Demian did with the weak”. Only no one really knows about the so called Demian. Stories vary and even contradict each other, oral tradition is often an unreliable source of information.

What appears to be real from the different stories is the fact that Demian was a good fighter and a hero to the peasantry. He defeated Freanna singlehandedly in combat. His sword pierced the crone’s heart, in an unexpected turn of events, the sword was imbued with the hag’s essence. It was forever after enhanced with a magical aura. Demian died and as a small idol of the peasantry, was soon the stuff of children tales. His deeds forgotten. His sword passed down to his son and kept changing hands in the family line until it too was either lost or forgotten.

The sword is something mentioned by would-be adventurers and tavern show-offs; They call it Hag’s Bane, The Tinman’s Sword and Demian’s Sword, unaware that they are all the same weapon. The magical sword’s last owner was a knight. His name was Gorman, he was not related in any way to Demian’s bloodline. His father won the sword in a gambling house. Gorman was killed by a pack of wild boars during a hunting expedition. Sir Gorman’s family built a crypt for his bodily remains and personal possessions under his manor. That is were Demian’s Sword currently lies.

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