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New Numenera Kickstarter Delves Into Liminal Shores

Monte Cook Games' latest Kickstarter contains three new hardcover Numenera books - Voices of the Datasphere (a 'metaphysical' space), Liminal Shore (a new continent on the Ninth World), and Edge of the Sun (secrets of why the sun hasn't swallowed the earth yet, a billion years from now).

Monte Cook Games' latest Kickstarter contains three new hardcover Numenera books - Voices of the Datasphere (a 'metaphysical' space), Liminal Shore (a new continent on the Ninth World), and Edge of the Sun (secrets of why the sun hasn't swallowed the earth yet, a billion years from now).


"Explore a vast new realm. Uncover never-before-revealed secrets of how the ancients shaped the Ninth World. Face the legacy of those secrets—and, possibly, the utter destruction of the Ninth World. The Numenera: Liminal Shores Kickstarter seeks to fund three thematically linked, hardcover sourcebooks containing all new material for the award-winning phenomenon of the Numenera tabletop RPG."

Already at 170K after two days, this looks sure to be another of MCG's half-million-dollar Kickstarters. You can get all three books in PDF for $50, or hardcover for $135.


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James Fellows

Who doesn't love more splat books, really? I can see there's a fad of putting out books that have some fluff, some adventure bits, some extra character options, and bunches of items/spells/cyphers/etc

Backed for all physical products for this one immediately!

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Of all the complaints one could make about Numenera, finding the system difficult is a surprise to me. It's a very simple system.

It's not that they didn't know the rules, it's that they didn't understand how to engage the players using those rules. The official characters they brought to the demonstration con game were intended to be used in settlement building. Characters included faces who were powerless in the high action, battle-arena mission. Monsters had such high DR that most characters couldn't affect them.

In short, the reason why Numenera didn't work at the numerous con games I've attended is that MCG staffers ran the game as if it were D&D or PF - had no exploration, no numenera or artifact discoveries.

I mean, I also think that the system is badly designed. There's the potential for fun, sure. I think that Forbidden Lands does a better job of what Numenera wants to do.


I've yet to have a good experience with Numenera. Having learned my lesson, I refused to join my friends' group at a GenCon event. They all ended up walking out. Even MCG's official GMs don't seem to know how to run this system.
I have had plenty of great experiences with the game, and incidentally none of my players have ever walked out on any of my games.

I'm not trying to criticize people who enjoy it.
Only the official MCG GMs and the design of the rules? How respectful of you. I'm glad that you came here to a thread about one of their Kickstarters since you obviously have no interest in the system just so you could badmouth the game. That seems like a productive use of the forum.

I'm just saying let the buyer beware and really look at the system before backing this project.
Chances are most backers will know what they are getting into since this is a clearly supplement to the system that they probably already have.


Only the official MCG GMs and the design of the rules? How respectful of you. I'm glad that you came here to a thread about one of their Kickstarters since you obviously have no interest in the system just so you could badmouth the game. That seems like a productive use of the forum.

I have plenty of interest in the system ... but it's not positive. But you're right that this specific thread isn't the right place to air my displeasure. Elsewhere on the forums is fair game, though.

Enjoy your supplements. :)


I'm excited to get into these books. Sure, I don't play nearly as much as I'd like, but we're currently messing around in Invisible Sun, instead. If nothing else, these books provide entertainment and inspiration for running sessions, even for other systems. And MCG produce high-quality products with good writing and creativity. I love their stuff.

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