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New poll on front page


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I've posted a poll on the front page regarding d20 magazines - what would you like to see? What would make you buy such a magazine, and make success more likely than the current "d20 magazines are doomed to failure unless they're Polyhedron" view?

I've had to include a "something else" option, so if you'd like to see stuff not in the option list, I'd love to know about it!

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Well among other things, I want to see quality of presentation. If it doesn't look good and professional, then they'd be better off just putting up as a website.

Also, for a d20 game magazine, I want to see a lot of Open Content.


Themed issue that arn't ads for a single company would be nice.

Like a war issue that has review of the fighter book by mongoose, war by AEG, a preview of field of blood, a small mass combat system with mini setting adapted (ie with lots of war), or addition to existing mass system.

The same thing could be done to other subject: Firearms, sea, superheroes, furry adventures, high-level, psi, giants, undead, etc..

What I wouldn't like to see is hidden ads, ie sampling from product that are already out (or will be out in a week), or say that they are stand alone but requires a book to be fully useable (like the d20 magazine annual by dragon).

And the possibility to buy back issue (that's the most important part IMO).


House Ruler
I voted for articles on gameplay and DM'ing but "crunchy bits" are almost as important to me. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't use most "bits" I come across. What I do use are "bits" I can drop in my campaign setting - taverns, towers, culture notes, businesses, guilds, cults, natural and unnatural settings, etc. I guess I can always wish... :rolleyes:


Magazine Poll

It would have to be a physically published magazine, not an e-zine. And definately not a "Dugeon Magazine" style thing. Then again, Dragon isn't that cool either.

Perhaps something like Rolling Stone Magazine with interviews & escapades of the developers, publishers, etc. Just an ongoing saga of rants, things that people (like G. Gygax, the dudes from Necromancer Games, Morrus, etc.) have done while drunk / at the last convention, etc.

Make with the carping.


First Post
I like most of the ideas except previews of upcoming products. That type of info makes the maghazine less worthwhile as time goes on. Once the product previewed is out, the preview becomes wasted space. I'd like information that does not become obsolute.

Eosin the Red

First Post
Cool set ups are what I find most interesting in a magazine.

Giving something some spin to see how it comes out. I primarily run my own world but it is interesting to see how different people approach the same situation. While "Requeim for a God" the newly announced book, in the newly announced Event Book Line by Monte Cook has little interest for me, that kind of stuff is exactly what I would like to see in a mag. A stand-alone book is (IMO) too big for the topic but a large magazine article is just about right.

Inclusion of generic goodies is also a big +++ One of the recent Dragons or Dungeons had a Map of Mystery done in the FR style of map making. That one map is worth the full years price of the magazine for me. The key here is professional, top notch graphics. If you are going to include them do it right, or don't even try.

The Powerplay stuff in Dragon is nice.

Cover other games!!!! Say 5% of each issue or article should focus how the article could be used in different systems. Since the resurection of Hero Games, I don't play D&D very often. I still buy alot of source material mainly for cool maps and the mine-ability. D&D has the lions share of fantasy gamers but there are lots of others who would appreciate being mentioned from time to time.


First Post
D20 magazin would be really cool, but I agree it must be a physical one, not a e-zine (I personally wouldn't pay for a e-zine and would be rather unlikely to read it).

Things that I want it is mostly articles on various D20 related topics (be it products, industry, D20 gaming thoughts etc), also rants like the one monte cook does every now and then on his site is mega fun reading and very interesting (especially when concerning D20 and the RPG industry heh).

One more super important thing as already mention, is professional look, editing, and so on. Without that it wouldn't be what I pay for, and I am sure others feel the same.

Another thing I like is relative small previews of upcoming products, maybe they will be obsolute, but gives a good idea of what to buy and what not to (that said don't devote too much space to such).

Theme issues are an excellent idea, sure sometimes one wouldn't like an issue but that happens anyway.

as for stuff about "famous" rpg people's escapades, umm no thanks, if such things should be included let them describe it themselves IMHO.

Cover other game systems idea described below is totally uninteresting IMHO, sure I LOVE Marvel Super Heroes, but if I am paying for a D20 mag I want to read D20 related material.

I wouldn't mind a single story or game play example in each issue, but it should be kept to a single or two, anything more (especially if they are long) takes up too much space.

Finally stuff that expand on exiting stuff is fun to read, various crazy ideas, not something to stuff the mag compeltely with, but a few thigns are good, also ERRATAS would be nice to see in there.

well just my opinion on a D20 mag.
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First Post
I want something big. Lots of pages, lots of content. Skip the glossy pages and high cost art. Take at look at Origins Award winner (for the god knows how many-th time) Alurums & Excursions APA 'zine. That's what I'm talking about. Lot's of crunchy bits, lots of material to use in a campaign, lot's of interviews, industry commentary, GM?Player workshops, regular columns (that dont necessarily have to be written by a 'celeb'). Pack 100 or 150 pages of content in per month or bi monthly issue, get rid of the fancy art, and I'll think about buying your magazine.

Reviews, keep them to less than 10% of your page count, I realize that a lot of fans like them, but a lot of others, like me, find them annoying and wasteful.

Ads are fine, but try and pack them into smaller formats. No giant 1 page ads for 1 product, give them 1/4 or 1/2 page, or make them pack a bunch of their products on one ad. I like ads, they let me see what's coming out in the near future, but big ads for one product annoy me.

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