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New Spell Dancer


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While I liked the concept, it went in the wrong direction. Also the fact that it was feat heavy and required cross class skills made it utterly useless for most party applications.
Requirements: Feats- Dodge, Mobility, and any one metamagic feat
Skills- Concentration 4 ranks, Perform(dance) 6 ranks, Spellcraft 4 ranks
Spellcasting- able to cast 3rd level spells
Hit die: d6
Skills: 4+Int. mod., concentration, jump, tumble, craft, knowledge(arcana), perform, spellcraft, swim, scry, profession, and spot
BAB: poor
Fort: poor
Reflex: good
Will: good
Spell levels: they gain full spellcasting of the Spelldancers choice of one previous casting class.
Spelldance: A spelldance is a special technique in which a Spelldancer uses to enhance their spell casting. In order to perform one they must initiate a perform check(DC 15) as a move action that provokes no attacks of opportunity, maintaining a spelldance requires you to move at least half your speed during a round and not be prone. It also requires not wielding a sheild, only wearing light or no armor, and a not carrying a medium load. While performing the dance they may take tumble checks to avoid attacks of opportunity only for movement at level one. Starting at the first level and every odd level after you gain one use of it a day(5 total). The duration of these uses are half of your perform score. When finished using the dance a Spell Dancer is fatigued for a number of rounds equal to spent dance rounds. They may not use this feature while in the fatigued or exhausted condition.
At first level while in a spelldance a Spell Dancer may forgo any verbal components in place of additional somatic components created by the dance. They also receive a +1 caster level and +1 DC to any spell they cast.
Battle Dynamics: At level 2 a Spell dancer can choose to sacrifice a spell as a swift action for their allies in a 60 foot radius to gain an inspiration bonus in attack and damage rolls equal to the spell level sacrificed for one round. If they are in a spelldance they may continue this at half(round down) bonus for one more round. They must be able to see or hear the Spell Dancer for the additional rounds. This is a mind affecting ability Additional rounds come at 6 and 8. They may use this once during a spell dance.
Fluid casting: At level 3 they may initiate a special maneuver while in a dance which as a standard action they may move up to their speed and cast a spell at the same time. If they trigger an attack of opportunity doing this it is for the spell cast not movement.
Evasion: At level 4 they get evasion as a Rogue.
Metamagic dance: At level 5 they may apply metamagic feats, except for quicken and persistent spell, to spells they are about to cast without increasing the level. In order to do this they must dance for a number of rounds equal to the level of the metamagic feat. They may apply it in the next round as a free action. They can continue to act normally within the parameters of the dance however if anything were to interrupt it the levels gained are lost.
Revitalizing Spirit: At level 6 they may choose to sacrifice a spell as a swift action for their allies within 60 ft to gain an inspiration bonus to their saves and fast healing equal to the spell sacrificed. The same rules as Battle Dynamics. They gain one additional use
Gypsy fervor: At level 7 They may choose to give a metamagic feat prepared in a dance to a fellow spell caster within 30 feet as a move action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.
Mystical Projection: If threatened with an attack of opportunity due to spell casting a Spell Dancer may make a tumble check(20+level of spell). If successful you cast normally without provoking the attack. If not successful the spell fails and provoke an attack of opportunity.
Taking the lead: At level 9 A Spelldancer receives an extra +1 caster level and +1 DC while spelldancing and they can share with allied spell casters within 30 feet and must be able to see them. This is considered a mind affecting ability.
Arcane Motif: At level 10 a Spelldancer may take one of two options. both of these options may only be used per spelldance.
Enigmatic Flourish If they are a spontaneous caster while in a spell dance they may sacrifice a spell as a swift action for any spell they may have had previously known and stored of equal or lesser level.
Improvised Choreography If they prepare their spells they may sacrifice a spell for any spell of equal or lesser level as if they could cast spontaneously. They may also still use any prepared effects that the sacrificed spell had before so long as it still equals the level of spell.
If a Spell Dancer can do both they can choose either one.
I kind of had a hard time not knowing what to cut, so suggestions please.
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First Post
I like the general direction you've taken this, a lot. Congratz for an interesting concept. However, I have serious complaints about game balance, and some comprehension problems:

1. The original spelldancer had high prerequisites and few abilities, but the free application of metamagic via spelldance made this worthwhile. To me it would seem the prereq department of your variant makes it very, very easy to enter this class, while it grants many more, and more powerful, abilities. You might want to keep much higher prereqs.

2. The way your variant can apply metamagic feats for free comes across as really cheap. The original spelldancer had to make hard checks, and risk taking Con damage, for using it. Even the (widely considered very powerful) Incantatrix must pull off some amazing Spellcraft checks to apply any heavy metamagic for free. Your Spelldancer has no restrictions, other than qualifying for the PrC (easy), and investing a few rounds. It's exceedingly simple to apply Persistent Spell to any spell you like. This is a game-breaker, as far as I'm concerned. You might want to introduce some serious drawbacks to using Metamagic Dance (other than fatigue for a mere few rounds, which is basically a non-issue).

3. Some abilities could be better written. I don't comprehend Enigmatic Flourish at all. Battle Dynamics likewise has me scratching my head. Could you elaborate on how these abilities are supposed to work? Most other abilities could do with a little bit of more "rules-y" language, as well: specify which kind of bonus is granted, what the spelldance ability's duration is measured in (rounds, I guess?), what "perform score" you're talking about (ranks? total bonus?). Your specification of what causes attacks of opportunity in the Fluid Casting ability description could be much clearer. Etc.

4. You forgot to put down the Spelldancer's class skills.

5. Not everybody will have Magic of Faerûn open in front of them. Write out the class's prerequisites instead of referencing the old rulebook.

Otherwise, nice work!
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First Post
I like the general direction you've taken this, a lot. Congratz for an interesting concept. However, I have serious complaints about game balance, and some comprehension problems:

1. The original spelldancer had high prerequisites and few abilities, but the free application of metamagic via spelldance made this worthwhile. To me it would seem the prereq department of your variant makes it very, very easy to enter this class, while it grants many more, and more powerful, abilities. You might want to keep much higher prereqs.

2. The way your variant can apply metamagic feats for free comes across as really cheap. The original spelldancer had to make hard checks, and risk taking Con damage, for using it. Even the (widely considered very powerful) Incantatrix must pull off some amazing Spellcraft checks to apply any heavy metamagic for free. Your Spelldancer has no restrictions, other than qualifying for the PrC (easy), and investing a few rounds. It's exceedingly simple to apply Persistent Spell to any spell you like. This is a game-breaker, as far as I'm concerned. You might want to introduce some serious drawbacks to using Metamagic Dance (other than fatigue for a mere few rounds, which is basically a non-issue).

3. Some abilities could be better written. I don't comprehend Enigmatic Flourish at all. Battle Dynamics likewise has me scratching my head. Could you elaborate on how these abilities are supposed to work? Most other abilities could do with a little bit of more "rules-y" language, as well: specify which kind of bonus is granted, what the spelldance ability's duration is measured in (rounds, I guess?), what "perform score" you're talking about (ranks? total bonus?). Your specification of what causes attacks of opportunity in the Fluid Casting ability description could be much clearer. Etc.

4. You forgot to put down the Spelldancer's class skills.

5. Not everybody will have Magic of Faerûn open in front of them. Write out the class's prerequisites instead of referencing the old rulebook.

Otherwise, nice work!
Oh, yeah I should probably add the requirements and skills, sorry.
1. As for the adjustments I made the problem with the original it requires ten ranks of cross class skills. This means a spell caster will have to at least take two other levels of a core class that halts progression. I mean unless you are a human and have able learner. It also had three completely useless feats and one only situationally beneficial feat for casting as requirements. As was a sorcerer is utterly screwed taking this. Remember it still takes three feats and a cross class skill 6, so possibly four feats.
2. Actually the Incantatrix doesn't require spellcraft check at all. If it did that is outside rule in which must apply to all casters applying on the fly or a houserule. It also has three bonus feats and level knockoff capability. Also from what was said in the Magic of Faerun there is no indication on what the Spelldancer could even cast or not during the spelldance. It sounded it could only dance and apply those tactically and effectively stupid effects while dancing. Also the con. damage was a fort. save applied after dancing not for casting but for dancing and well I thought that was ridiculous because most likely you will have a lack fortitude. So combined with cooperative dance it was a recipe for suicide. This on the other hand doesn't give any feats. I could remove the storing though. Well it is an issue for the Spelldancer because at least someone has to burn a spell or an ability to get them going again with it. Remember they can't use it while fatigued. Though I didn't specify whether spelldance could only be used during battle I should add persistent spell to the off limits list.
3. Okay, I know it is a bit weird but yet again I wanted to throw a bone to spontaneous casters as they have little known selection. So what Enigmatic Flourish does is that if a sorcerer had previous spells known, in other words they opted to forget the previous for the ones they currently have, they could resurrect others they have used before eliminating them from their spells known. Though they must have actually used them before. Okay, the rules of Battle Dynamics/Revitalizing Spirit if they initiate this ability while in spell dance they may continue bonus in the next round for half(round down) value. This increases up to 3 at level 8, however bonuses do not stack if a spelldancer sacrifices again they reset. Though may be it would simpler just to say one use with the two per dance. Duration is half of their perform scores ranks. Okay Fluid casting means if you provoke an attack of opportunity it is for the spell not the movement, in other words no tumble for it until level 8, but then it is a much higher DC.
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