New Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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*Kauldron steps in to the bar. He stops as he holds open the door for a moment in time. Looking from one side to the other. His heavy armor completely concealing his small statured form. He steps inside and closes the door behind himself. Moving towards the bar of this unusual place. He pulls the cigar that he had been smoking out of the slot in his masked helm. A large puff of smoke blew out of the same slot. He puts the cigar out upon his left gauntletted hand placing the butt into a pouch upon his belt. He sighs as he stops infront of the bar noticing the tall barstool. Unhooking his backpack, he places it beside himself, resting it against the stool inwhich he begins to scale. Getting tot he top, he plunks himself down upon it.*

Ahh, much better. Barkeep! An ale if you would! *He calls out to the bartender. He looks over his shoulder to the others in here. Looking over there wears and appearances.* ...such an odd place...*He mumbles to himself and shakes his head. Looking back over to the bartender as he gives him, his ale. He nods to the bartender.* ..thanks.

*He slouches forwards a little and begins to contemplate a bit, as to what he stood do next.*

(OOC: I am a defender if your still needing one. Still in the process of getting sanctioned though. First character here. Heh.)
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Dorn remains fixed in position as Rrek gives advice. Nevertheless, he appears to be listening, as the color of the lightning cycles through the entire spectrum.

"Ha ha! That's fun!" Dorn says, turning to face the swordmage for the first time. He shrinks back instinctively, somewhat intimidated by Rrek's stature, but he recovers quickly. Come on Dorn, can't get intimidated everytime you run into a big fella, he thinks.

"I'm Dorn," he says, extending his hand. "Say, how did you know how to do that?"


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Rrek momentarily ignores Dorn's question, beckoning the barkeep over with two coins held up over his head. "Two more of these fizzy green things, unless you have something stronger? Perhaps some fire dwarf whiskey?"

Two steaming glass bottles, insulated by what appears to be clay are delivered to the table. Tossing back the last of his green drink he appears rather at home with the whiskey bottle in his hand.

Pausing for a few moments he finally sighs and pushes the other bottle closer to Dorn. "That's yours... Drink up!"

Noticing the newcomer he eyes the cigar, "Have another?" He asks.


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Hmmm? *He looks up from his ale upon the bar, and turns to look over his shoulder to the man that spoke to him. His closed masked helm revealing nothing except his vibrant violet eyes. He smirks under his helm, then turns back towards the bar. He reaches down with his right hand to a small box latched to his armored leg. Unclasping a latch he opens the box from the top and pulls out a fine cigar.* I do have another. Though it will come at a meager price.

*He turns in his stool to look towards the man asking for a cigar. He speaks with a heavy strange accent. Unfamiliar to most, expect for possibly some of the arcane types.* I am in need of some information. You see I am rather new to this....let`s say region...yes region..

*He nods slowly as if thinking momentarily to himself.* Where exactly is this region and what is it called?

*He tosses the cigar to the man asking out of good faith.*


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Rrek smirks, "I believe they call this place Daunton but otherwise I am rather new here as well..."

Rrek catches the cigar and then motions to the bartender, pointing to his drink and then towards Kauldron.

Turning back towards Dorn he bites one end of the cigar off and then sticks the cigar in his mouth. Grabbing one of Dorn's wrists he pulls Dorn closer and puts his hand near the end of the cigar. "Now do it again" He says around the cigar.

[sblock=For fun...]Dorn, can you make an Arcana roll? Think it would be kind of funny if this blew up in Rrek's face, but it might actually work...[/sblock]

[sblock=Darksteed]Funny that there are two characters in the tavern who are both from another plane:p[/sblock]
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The door to the tavern opens and a small, thin, female figure walks through. Medium-long white hair frames her face. Her dark, ebony skin looks flawless in the tavern light and her bright red eyes pierce into whatever they see. Her dark, leather outfit hugs her curves, and small leather cords lace the sides of her bodice, hinting ever so slightly at what could be underneath. Walking up to the bar, she leans over a stool backwards, bracing against the flat of the large crescent shaped blade that is strapped to her back. Posing for all of her onlookers, she places one hand behind her head, playing with her hair. She places her other hand on the side of her hip to complete the pose with her head tilted slightly backwards. She obviously thinks a lot of herself. Straightening up and sitting down on the stool she was leaning up against, she giggles at any of the male patrons who look her way. Picking one out at random, she gives him a flirtatious wink.

"Hi everyone...I'm Mikara."


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*He nods to Rrek* Daunton you say. Hmmm...*Raising his gauntletted hand to the base of his masked chin. His index finger idly tapping against it as he ponders in thought for the moment in time. His thought is broken when the bartender gives Kauldron the drink Rrek ordered for him.* ...oh. Thanks. *He nods to the bartender then looks back to Rrek from his sideways stance.* ...Thanks for the information and the drink as well....

*He pauses there. His vibrant violet eyes looking over to the woman that had just entered and taken up the seat next to him. He smirks under his masked helm. His eyes looking her over for the moment in time as she sprawls out haphazardly.*

My, my, my. What do we have here? Hello, beautiful. Would you care for a drink?


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Rrek said:
Pausing for a few moments Rrek finally sighs and pushes the other bottle closer to Dorn. "That's yours... Drink up!"

Dorn eyes the drink warily, and, mustering what inner fortitude he possesses, he downs the drink in a single gulp. Much to his surprise, the familiar urge to simultaneously throw-up, scream, and hide under the table is almost entirely absent. (Endurance 26!). "Thank you, friend, you are too kind," Dorn says, coughing a little bit despite himself.

Rrek said:
Turning back towards Dorn Rrek bites one end of the cigar off and then sticks the cigar in his mouth. Grabbing one of Dorn's wrists he pulls Dorn closer and puts his hand near the end of the cigar. "Now do it again" He says around the cigar.

Dorn was about to provide his usual explanation that though he had an impressive store of arcane power, he sometimes found it difficult to control. Something about Rrek made it pretty clear that this would not be a point worth making.

"OK, here goes!" With no small amount of excitement (and dread) in his heart, Dorn wills his finger to spark, and it does, lighting the cigar better than any match could hope to... match. (Arcana 25)


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Rrek glances up momentarily at the newcomer, sneering out the word, "Breeding-thrall..." he mutters in a disgusted tone.

Turning back towards Dorn he nods proudly, "Good work!" he says as he puffs out several large smoke rings.
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*He nods to Rrek* Daunton you say. Hmmm...*Raising his gauntletted hand to the base of his masked chin. His index finger idly tapping against it as he ponders in thought for the moment in time. His thought is broken when the bartender gives Kauldron the drink Rrek ordered for him.* ...oh. Thanks. *He nods to the bartender then looks back to Rrek from his sideways stance.* ...Thanks for the information and the drink as well....

*He pauses there. His vibrant violet eyes looking over to the woman that had just entered and taken up the seat next to him. He smirks under his masked helm. His eyes looking her over for the moment in time as she sprawls out haphazardly.*

My, my, my. What do we have here? Hello, beautiful. Would you care for a drink?

Swiveling herself around, she pointedly looks at the male adjacent to her, eyeing him from ground to crown and back again, pausing only slightly enough in certain areas to let him know that she was pausing...

Licking her lips lasciviously, she raises her index finger and girlishly places the tip of said finger between her teeth, theatrically crossing her legs

"Well now that all depends on what you intend for me to you have mind?"

She ignores the gith's comment...for now.

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