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Sage of the Scarred Lands
Klaus said:
Dude, Mordru is one of the baddest arse in the DCU!

He has stolen the power of Dr. Fate (helm, cape and all)!

Before that, he stole the power of Arion, Archmage of Atlantis!

When he was after Kid Eternity (who could summon heroes - even superheroes - from the past to protect him), he killed Perseus, Pegasus, Hal Jordan and several others (who promptly returned to their timelines).

He has plagued the Justice Society in the present... AND the Legion of Superheroes in the 30th century (when magic is supposed to be dead)!
I know that Klaus/Claudio. The fact is though whom is the greater threat/power? Amazo or Mordru?

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First Post
Hmm.. Seeing that Mordru can pop Amazo into another dimension from afar, I'd vote for Mordru. Unless they let Amazo take a peek at Dr. Fate. And if he *can* imitate Dr. Fate just by looking at him, Professor Ivo had some *serious * brain mojo goin' on... :D

Viking Bastard

Nightfall said:
I know that Klaus/Claudio. The fact is though whom is the greater threat/power? Amazo or Mordru?
I know they really vamped Amazo up in his Justice League appearance,
but c'mon, even then Mordru could kick his arse with his eyes closed. I
mean, it's frickin' Mordru.


First Post
I'd also classify Mordru as the greater threat. Mordru was originally an enemy of the Legion of Super-Heroes, back when the Legion was THE most powerful team around (20+ active members with several Superman-class members). And they were still never a match for him in power.

If you go back far enough to the first Legion reboot, history was changed when Mon-El destroyed another uber-villain, the Time Trapper. But it turned out that the Time Trapper was the only thing keeping Mordru in check, and with him destroyed, Mordru easily conquered the universe. The only way to beat him was to transform Glorith into the new Time Trapper.

Amazo's bad ass, but he's (by definition!) no more powerful than the JLA.

(Speaking of combined power, I got a kick out of "kind of" seeing the Composite Superman again. I wish he'd return as a super-villain!)


Sage of the Scarred Lands
After these arguements I believe I can equate these two to other "villians" in Marvel universe:

Mordru = Dormandu

Amazo = Apocalyse

Therefore I know who is stronger. Cause in fight even I know Apocalyse will get his ass handed him to by Dormandru.


First Post
This was one of the best episodes so far and it didn't even have any of the "main" character for more then a sec or two. Goes to show that unlike some people that think alot of these characters are only 2nd string and not worthy of carring the main crews capes, their wrong. They can be just as interesting if the story is there.


Registered User
Nah, that episode reminded me allot of the Buffy-Zander episode too.

Super world threatening bad guy and we only see glimpses of that battle while I "support staff hero" does his own side trek with a huge outcome all of it's own, and being funny while doing it. ;)

Also I see Amazo as he has been presented in the JL animated series as being Very much like Marvel's "Super Adaptoid."

Although Apocalypse doesn’t seem too far off the way he left last time.

(I really miss the version of Apocalypse as seen at the end of the X-men Evolution animated series.)

Hand of Vecna

First Post
Nightfall said:
After these arguements I believe I can equate these two to other "villians" in Marvel universe:

Mordru = Dormandu

Amazo = Apocalyse

Therefore I know who is stronger. Cause in fight even I know Apocalyse will get his ass handed him to by Dormandru.

Actually, AMAZO's Marvel equivalent would be the Super Adaptoid (and the JL/JLU AMAZO looks more like the Super-Adaptoid than the comic version of AMAZO). Both are androids created by Evil Scientists (AIM made Super-Adaptoid Prof. Ivo made AMAZO) with the abiliy to mimic the abilities of superheroes in order to help their creator take over the world. AMAZO developing something akin to true sapience is something, to the best of my recolection, seen only in the 'toon.

I'd say Baron Mordo's a closer parallel to Mordru, but that's largely b/c (A) Dr. Strange is the analogue to Dr. Fate, and (B) I've no idea who Dormandu is (unless you meant Dormammu, Lord of the Dark Dimension... in which case, yes, I'd agree with ya there).

And, yes, the X-Men: Evolution version of Apocalypse kicked much booty, especially the fact that he was actually dressed like a Pharaoh for part of the time ;)
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First Post
For quite a long time, Amazo only had the powers of the original JLA. In post-Crisis continuity, that'd be:

- Green Power Ring (Hal Jordan GL)
- Superstrength, shapeshift, telepathy, density control, etc., etc., etc. (J'onn J'onnz... twinky martian)
- Superspeed (Barry Allen Flash)
- Aquatic Telepathy, Superstrength, Dense Skin, Deep Sight (Aquaman)
- Sonic Scream (Black Canary)

He was sentient in a "robotic" kinda way. In JLA: The Nail, Barry singlehandedly defeats Amazo by thinking creatively, as only a human could: he vibrates his hand through Amazo's head and takes out his robotic brain.

Only recently did they gove "adaptation" powers to Amazo (although he still looks corny, with the pointy ears and skullcap).

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