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New vamp template: the Daywalker

Magus Darkholme

First Post
This is my first attempt at a template. I tried to make kinda like the Blade movies, but with a little D&D twist.
All comments are welcome. I still have to write up an example, but at anyrate, here it is! :D

A daywalker is a type vampire that is able to walk in the light of day. They are extremely rare and, because of their ability to walk around in the daylight, are hard to distinguish from regular humanoids.
A daywalker resembles a normal member of his race, except his facial features are slightly more animalistic. They are powerful creatures, having all the vampires’ strengths, and none of their weaknesses, except the hunger.

Daywalker is a template that can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as “the base creature”). The creatures type changes to “undead”. It uses all the base creatures stats and special abilities except noted here.

HD: Increase to d12.
Speed: Same as the base creature.
AC: The base creature’s natural AC improves to +6.
Attacks: A daywalker retains all the base creatures attacks plus gains a slam attack if it didn’t already have one.
Damage: Daywalkers have slam attacks. If the base creature does not have this attack form, use the damage values in the table below. Creatures with natural attacks retain their old damage rating, or use the values below; whichever is greater.

Size Damage
Fine 1
Diminutive 1d2
Tiny 1d3
Small 1d4
Medium-sized 1d6
Large 1d8
Huge 2d6
Gargantuan 2d8
Colossal 4d6

Special Attacks: A daywalker retains all the special attacks of the base creature, and gains those listed below. Saves have a DC of 10 + ½ the daywalker’s HD + his charisma modifier unless noted otherwise.
Blood Drain (Ex): A daywalker can suck the blood from a living victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, inflicting 1d4 points of permanent constitution drain each round the pin is maintained.
Scent (Ex): All daywalkers have an incredibly sharp sense of smell. The daywalker has the scent feat (Monster Manual) with a range of 30ft.

Special Qualities: A daywalker retains all the special qualities of the base creature and those listed below, and also gains the undead type.

Damage Reduction (Su): A daywalker gains a DR of 20/+1.
Turn Resistance (Ex): A daywalker gains a +6 turn resistance.
Resistance (Ex): A daywalker has a cold, fire and electricity resistance of 20.
Jump (Su): A daywalker is affected as if under a jump spell, cast by a 12th level sorcerer, constantly.
Fast Healing (Ex): A daywalker heals 10 points of damage each round, so long as it has at least 1 hit point. However, a daywalker that is running low on hp will usually try to flee then continue the fight.
Spider Climb (Su): A daywalker can climb sheer surfaces as though effected by a spider climb spell.
Immunities (Ex): A daywalker is totally immune to garlic, silver, running water, and sunlight. They are unaffected by mirrors, and good or neutral daywalkers are immune to holy symbols and can enter holy ground. A daywalker still cannot enter a home or other building unless invited by someone with the authority to do so.
Blood Lust: The sight or smell of blood can drive the daywalker into an uncontrollable frenzy. It must succeed at a will save (DC 17) or be compelled to consume the inciting blood, and may do nothing else, though it will not charge into certain death. It may risk death however, and certainly doesn’t hold back from combat. The daywalker gains no bonuses from this frenzied state. Once the inciting source of blood is consumed, the daywalker is temporally sated and does not risk frenzy again until an hour has passed.

Saves: Same as the base creature.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str+6, Dex+5, Int+2, Wis+3, Cha+4.
Skills: Daywalkers receive a +8 racial bonus on all spot, listen, bluff, hide, move silently, search, sense motive and climb checks.
Feats: Daywalkers gain alertness, combat reflexes, dodge, improved initiative, and lightning reflexes, assuming the base creature meets the prerequisites and doesn’t already have these feats.
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or troop (1-2 plus 2-5 vampires)
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Any chaotic
Advancement: By character class

Since a daywalker is immune to most of a normal vampire’s weaknesses, they are a lot tougher to kill. A daywalker can still be killed by the ole’ stake through the heart, but if the stake is removed it will to it’s unlife.
The most successful way to kill a daywalker is to reduce it’s hp past 0, and cut off it’s head and fill the mouth with holy water.

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I thought Daywalkers were the Half-Vampires? They never really do explain if Blade is 'undead' or not, and whether he can be killed normally.

Somebody should do a Reaper-strain Vampire template. Those were interestinging

Magus Darkholme

First Post
You are right. In the movies and the comics, Blade is a half vampire, but I decided to make it a new, superior, species of vampire instead of a half-vampire.
Reaper eh? That would take alittle while to figure out. I'd also probably have to go see the movie again.:D


Creature Cataloguer
as i've always understood it, blade is not undead. he was born live, and is still alive. he has powers like vampires, but is not one himself.


First Post
I've never really seen the movies :-( but I can comment on the template!

My first thought was "My God! I would hate to fight one of these!" They seem vastly superior to the regular vamp template from the MM with few exceptions. For example, they can still suck blood and all that, but they can't make vampire spawn or new vampires (was that left out intentionally or not?) and they can't summon creatures of the night, so to speak.

So if they are so much better than normal vamps, why is their CR adjustment still +2? I would imagine it would have to be +4 at the very least. Probably +5 or even +6. What do you think?


Magus Darkholme

First Post
Your right BOZ, Blade is NOT undead, however he is half-vampire. But, like I said, I wanted to make it a superior breed of vampire.

Andy, your probably right about the CR. I think a +4 would do it. And yes, I intentionally left it out. I figured, that being immune to nearly everything that can kill a vampire is a good replacement, so to speak.

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