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Newbie Group: Slave Revolt from the Wizard's Bolthole


If you're more interesting in the plot than the logistics, skip to below the "****" line.

I ran a one shot D&D adventure for my co-workers a couple months ago, and it went over very well. Since then, I've been contemplating running a regular game (the more people in the hobby, the better, no?).

My co-workers are generally 30-something computer programmers. A handful had played D&D "a couple times in high school", but none are gamers.

My current idea is to run a 1st - ??th level dungeon campaign, with heavy exploration, heroism, and strategy, and hopefully a good deal of roleplaying.


Premise: The PCs are slaves of an intelligent, evil race, until they stumble upon an invisible portal while working. The guards do not take kindly to the sudden disappearance of one of the PCs, and prepare to kill a PC, forcing them to revolt and overcome their guards.

The area through the portal serves as a hidden refuge from which the PCs can wage a guerrilla war against their captors. It is a wizards bolthole, shielded against scrying and dimensionally anchored.

Over the course of the campaign, the PCs will explore the remaining areas of the wizard's bolthole, portions of which will be inaccessible to 1st level PCs.

The PCs will have to gather resources (i.e. food!) by staging raids against their former captors. As they become more established, I hope that they will also take to freeing other slaves (or at least family) and punishing their captors.

Of course, eventually, the wizard will come home, and might have a thing or two to say about the people who have moved into his emergency refuge.


+ Captors: Which race should I use? I would like them to have access to most standard classes, and definitely want humanoid, evil, and reasonably civilized. My first inclination are Grimlocks. There is another blind race that I'd like to find, but I can't remember their name (darkcloaks, or something?). Other possibilities include drow, derro, or duergar, but I don't want to put non-darkvision PCs at a severe disadvantage for the whole campaign.

+ Portal: I'm torn regarding whether to allow the external end to move. On one hand, it makes it a lot more believable that the enemy can't simply track down the entrance or block off the area the attacks are coming from. OTOH, I don't want the PCs popping to the surface or directly into the enemy storerooms. Any thoughts for how to restrict this while giving it enough freedom allow some strategic use?

+ Wizard's bolthole: How should I block off portions of the lair? Wizard lock? Fiendish black pudding with the front area warded by Prot. vs. Evil? Part of the point here is to give any PC mages access to workshops, spell scrolls, etc.

+ Newbies: Are there any classical newbie errors I should watch out for with this setup? Anything I'm overlooking that would let the opponents crush a weak band of guerrilla fighters?

+ Startup: How do I ensure that the PCs revolt in the first place? Why are the captors letting a 1st level party work together? What are they working on?

+ Logistics: Assuming the PCs free some of the other slaves, what should I do with the freed people? Will they be able to help the PCs, or just be a burden?

Thanks very much for any help or advice you can offer! :)

. . . . . . . -- Eric

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First Post
This is a very nice idea! I'll give my comments after each of your questions below.


+ Captors: Which race should I use? I would like them to have access to most standard classes, and definitely want humanoid, evil, and reasonably civilized. My first inclination are Grimlocks. There is another blind race that I'd like to find, but I can't remember their name (darkcloaks, or something?). Other possibilities include drow, derro, or duergar, but I don't want to put non-darkvision PCs at a severe disadvantage for the whole campaign.

Yuan-ti? Always good for this kind of thing.
You could go for a more standard race likes orcs or goblins, but maybe for some variety have a usually good race as evil, ie have an evil empire of silver elves enslaving everyone?

A good idea would be top have one race as the overlords, like efreeti for instance, then have a servant warrior race serving them as enforcers, like firenewts, lizardmen, elves, or something/ it gives you the coolness factor of a type of high-powered evil guy (like efreet) while providing the PC's with a type of enemy (the underlings) that they can handle at lower levels.

Basically, the choice of bad guy depends on what kind of campaign you want to run. A semi-desert, kinda arabian adventure? Efreet overlordss and their firenewt minions. Jungle campaign? Yuan-ti and their tainted one and human servitors.

+ Portal: I'm torn regarding whether to allow the external end to move. On one hand, it makes it a lot more believable that the enemy can't simply track down the entrance or block off the area the attacks are coming from. OTOH, I don't want the PCs popping to the surface or directly into the enemy storerooms. Any thoughts for how to restrict this while giving it enough freedom allow some strategic use?

Have them, as they explore the wizards home, find a control room that gives access to a number of set portal locations they can adjust to use. Since it wasn't originally built to be used for the purpose of waging sucha war, the portals locations are for the practical needs of the wixard, so none drop into store rooms - or maybe one or two do. As they explore the complex, they find new rooms that allow them to reactivate portal locations they couldn't use earlier, for instance repairing various engine rooms widens the choice of locations they get.

+ Wizard's bolthole: How should I block off portions of the lair? Wizard lock? Fiendish black pudding with the front area warded by Prot. vs. Evil? Part of the point here is to give any PC mages access to workshops, spell scrolls, etc.

Much of this works, and you can make the place a sorta dungeon adventure when they feel powerful enough to go further in and discover new stuff, but without the dangers of a dungeon if you hung around in the bits you'd cleared out, by using constructs with specific orders to guard certain locations only, and summoned and bound outsiders with the same orders.

+ Newbies: Are there any classical newbie errors I should watch out for with this setup? Anything I'm overlooking that would let the opponents crush a weak band of guerrilla fighters?

Well, I've never tried out an idea like this so I can't help here I'm afraid.

+ Startup: How do I ensure that the PCs revolt in the first place? Why are the captors letting a 1st level party work together? What are they working on?

Depends on the course of the campaign you want to take. I'd need more details to be able to help you with this.

+ Logistics: Assuming the PCs free some of the other slaves, what should I do with the freed people? Will they be able to help the PCs, or just be a burden?

How about some handy stay-at-home NPC classes? A couple of experts - one good at weaponsmithing, say, so that they can make weapons if they get the raw materials. Perhaps a skilled alchemist.

Of course, with this array of talented individuals working together - perhaps the bad guys are using the team of skilled slaves to try and work out just what the secret of the portal is?

Hope some of that is of use.


Re: Re: Newbie Group: Slave Revolt from the Wizard's Bolthole

Thanks for the response, Carnifex.

My original post was unclear, but I was originally assuming it would be underground, although your post makes me wonder if there would be advantages to aboveground adventures (but I will probably go with underground, to keep things easily limited).

I do like your idea of having a hierarchy of evil overlord races, although I plan to have class levels for both races. There will also likely be pets / mounts and possibly wandering monsters as well from time to time.

I think your idea about the fixed set of destinations is probably good, with the potential for finding other "portal keys". Consider that idea implemented (unless someone come up with an even better suggestion ;) )

I don't really have any more details about the master plans of the captors or the role of slaves in those plans, at this point.

Thanks again! Great suggestions.

. . . . . . . -- Eric

+ Captors: Which race should I use? I would like them to have access to most standard classes, and definitely want humanoid, evil, and reasonably civilized. My first inclination are Grimlocks. There is another blind race that I'd like to find, but I can't remember their name (darkcloaks, or something?). Other possibilities include drow, derro, or duergar, but I don't want to put non-darkvision PCs at a severe disadvantage for the whole campaign.

You might be thinking of the darkmantle (Monstrous Manual pg. 39) but they are not intelligent enough to be captors of any sort. You could possible do a hive of formions as the captors. This would work well in that as the group gets more powerful, there are always more powerful formions to fight.

+ Portal: I'm torn regarding whether to allow the external end to move. On one hand, it makes it a lot more believable that the enemy can't simply track down the entrance or block off the area the attacks are coming from. OTOH, I don't want the PCs popping to the surface or directly into the enemy storerooms. Any thoughts for how to restrict this while giving it enough freedom allow some strategic use?

Of course, this brings up another interesting question: Why is the portal where it is? Does the wizard have his portal in the lair of a group of evil blind humanoids for a reason? If the movement of the portal is random, there was no reason. If the wizard created the portal, he is powerful and his reason would be something more than wanting to destroy the race. I would say something akin to that he wanted what the humanoids are looking for. Maybe they are searching for an evil artifact buried beneath the soil. The wizard could possibly be either good or evil, wanting the artifact or wanting to destroy it.

+ Wizard's bolthole: How should I block off portions of the lair? Wizard lock? Fiendish black pudding with the front area warded by Prot. vs. Evil? Part of the point here is to give any PC mages access to workshops, spell scrolls, etc.

Maybe the wizard's place was never designed for intruders. Maybe it is a fortress against outside forces. Why would he have a portal in the middle of an evil civilization without some protection? Maybe the most useful parts are locked off with barriers they have to overcome. Maybe these barriers can only be overcome at certain levels (like a lock that can only be picked by a high level rogue or a rune that can only be dispelled by a high level mage).

+ Newbies: Are there any classical newbie errors I should watch out for with this setup? Anything I'm overlooking that would let the opponents crush a weak band of guerrilla fighters?

I would definately make sure the raids don't get boring. If the raids all seem the same I could see a lot of people not liking the game.

+ Startup: How do I ensure that the PCs revolt in the first place? Why are the captors letting a 1st level party work together? What are they working on?

Maybe they are just a group of slaves like any other. They could be searching for an ancient artifact like above, or they could be searching for a place; such as a portal to the plane of shadow or such. They could be trying to take over everything below the ground like formions.

+ Logistics: Assuming the PCs free some of the other slaves, what should I do with the freed people? Will they be able to help the PCs, or just be a burden?

Maybe start a community in the wizard's place? They could try to take back their land with the group but just be a burden in battle. If the PCs are especially powerful or elves or something, the battles could conceivably last for generations of the freed peoples.


First Post
Slave Hierarchy

You could have drow "Overlords" who are rarely encountered, ruling over Grimlocks. The Grimlocks then rule over the other slave races.

What races are the PC slaves? Are they all human? Where are the slaves from? How long have they been slaves? Recently captured? Decades? 2nd or 3rd generation slave? Are there some of each?

Among the slaves they will form their own hierarchy based on race or nationality or time there.

NPC slaves: There is great potential for slaves brought into the revolt. Major types:

Combatants: People helpful to take on raids
Support: People with useful skills who are not good for raids
Dependants: People who are no help (a sickly child, useless brother of powerfull warrior)

Troublemaker: Someone who questions PC's athority or makes outragous demands before cooperating
Traitor: Someone who would reveal portal to Grimlocks in hopes of a reward.

The last two types are usually in combination with one of the first three types.


First Post

The Portal has 6 possible places it can appear in cave complex.

1 mine shaft (Where players first find it.)
2 storeroom
3 hallway near guard's quarters
4 Large natural cavern abandoned because access tunnel caved in (place to set up refugee camp.)
5 waste pit room
6 small natural fisure (15x15 empty room with no way in or out but portal.)

Every four hours the portal moves to the next location on the list.

At first players might feel it is random where they end up. With time they will learn the pattern and will plan their raids accordingly. If the portal moves while they are raiding they will need to get to the next location or hide till the portal is someplace they can get to. (Sooner or later someone will notice the missing supplies in the storeroom and do something about it.) Eventually the PC's will learn to control the portal.

just my sugestion
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Re: Re: Newbie Group: Slave Revolt from the Wizard's Bolthole

I'd wait to respond until Master of Monkeys was done with this, but it has been about 20 hours now... ;)

The critters I was thinking of may not have been 3rd edition. They were blind humanoids with extrasensory & darkness powers, more civilized than grimlocks. I browsed through my books last night, but couldn't find them. The closest thing I found were the dark creeper / dark stalker from Fiend Folio, but they weren't blind. Still, I might just have been mis-recalling.

Formians are an interesting idea, but when I looked them up I decided that their telepathy / hive mind and the at will teleportation of the Myrmach would make it hard to justify a guerilla force's survival.

One reason I liked the idea was that it is definitely newbie-friendly to have obvious power distinctions by physical form, so that they don't get blindsided by an encounter that is too powerful for them. I may still consider removing the really rough abilities and downscaling them.

My initial idea for why the portal starts where it does: if I make the PCs miners, they will have just broken into a small natural cavern which was previously totally sealed. The wizard created this cavern as a teleport destination, since the bolthole itself is warded against teleport. Since only he had been there, it was unlikely others would find it or be able to reach it. It has been several years, in which the mining efforts have come closer and eventually intersected the cavern.

Still, the mutual interest thing is a nice idea. It also inspired this thought: what if the villains are searching for someone who has been improsoned per the spell? I dunno, I'll have to think it over; my initial inclination is still to have the two be coincidental to each other.

I'm currently thinking the wizard will be neutral or good, but hostile to home invaders... once he learns they exist.

I can definitely see your point about raids getting monotonous. Any suggestions for how to avoid this? My current thoughts are that the villains will react in such a way to prevent the same tactic from being used repeatedly. Plus, I hope that the interactions with family, exploration of the bolthole, and random encounters will be enoug variety. I'm not confident that it will be, 'though.

I think I agree with the suggestion to have them form a community, I'm just not sure what the logistics should be. SOme of this I can figure out when I get there, of course, but the more I know ahead of time, the better.

Thanks again for the feedback and suggestions!

. . . . . . . -- Eric


Re: Slave Hierarchy


I'm not sure what races the slaves will include. I don't plan to restrict my players from the basic PHB races, so potentially all the standard races and perhaps a few others thrown in for spice.

I'll probably assume a couple generations of slavery as the default, and allow people to contradict that freely as long as they provide a reason for not immediately fleeing as soon as they get the chance.

I'll probably use your role templates in fleshing out any freed slaves, thanks. I'll have to think about the slave-race hierarchy thing and how to implement it.

. . . . . . . -- Eric


Pyske said:
If you're more interesting in the plot than the logistics, skip to below the "****" line.

I ran a one shot D&D adventure for my co-workers a couple months ago, and it went over very well. Since then, I've been contemplating running a regular game (the more people in the hobby, the better, no?).

My co-workers are generally 30-something computer programmers. A handful had played D&D "a couple times in high school", but none are gamers.

My current idea is to run a 1st - ??th level dungeon campaign, with heavy exploration, heroism, and strategy, and hopefully a good deal of roleplaying.


- Eric

Just a short comment or two.

First-- Good on you for bringing in new blood, the hobby always needs new/returning players

Second: Start these guys higher than 1st level. 3-5 is just about right IM.
The reason If they aren't familiar with the system it is pretty easy to have a fair and balanced encounter turn into a total party kill with a run of bad die rolls.
Also higher level charcters have a few more options available to them---
Thinking about 3rd level sounds about right, maybe 4th...


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