D&D 4E Next Backgrounds in 4e [Suggestions Needed]


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I think maybe know heraldry and nobility would be a better choice for most knights and nobles.

The ruling classes don't tend to be very good at history.

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It's nebulous stuff like that where what [MENTION=84839]Saagael[/MENTION] and [MENTION=81242]Lost Soul[/MENTION] (and myself) are saying makes sense. Freeform backgrounds/skills has another added benefit in that it encourages players to think about their character's backstory during play. Even if the player wants to leverage/min-max a bonus to a check this way, they'll still be creating backstory...and hooks for the DM to use later.

Maybe the main drawbacks would be ambiguity and a "mother may I" dynamic. Though personally I think the benefits far outweigh any possible drawbacks.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
The theme system completely doesn't do any bit of what I'm trying to do here.

As to the comments of the vague skills the problem I have with that is, 4e already has a lot of things built in for skill bonuses, this is incompatable with throwing out the skill system.

Additionally I like the idea of keeping the automatic skills granted by the class, that makes sure that Wizards still have Arcana and Rogues still have stealth, no matter what background they choose.

I think I'm good with Quickleaf's addtions and the slight mod Rampant made on this page.


First Post
The theme system completely doesn't do any bit of what I'm trying to do here.
Agree completely. I was sorely disappointed with seeing themes give further support to the tactical part of the game, when the exploration and social part of the game are in such dire need of support.

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