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Nice things players have done for DM's/GM's

With March Fo(u)rth for GM's/DM's day almost upon us again it made me wonder what sorts of nice things players have done for their DM's, not just necessarily on the 4th of March, but any time.

Unfortunately I don't have much to share personally. I get the occasional "thanks for a fun night" from my players, but that is about all I've gotten in the last 6 years that I've been regularly DM'ing.

Prior to that I was almost purely a player, but I don't really remember doing anything to thank my DM either, so I guess you reap what you sow! ;)

I'm sure others have some nice stories to share though, either from a DM or player point of view.

Olaf the Stout

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For my 40th birthday, Sagiro wrote -- and my players, several of whom are professional musicians, performed -- a 9 song original musical based on an adventure from my last campaign. It was absolutely amazing.


I only wish my players knew about this, but we don't even hang out or celebrate each other's birthdays and I've some of these guys longer than a decade.


First Post
I was given a set of elven dice for one DM day.

On the final game of our WotBS campaign, my players got together and made for me (but everybody ate) a cupcake-cake in the shape of the Torch of the Burning Sky.

Of course food bribes are standard fare at our table as well.


People are great about kicking in for soda and snacks.

More importably, it's traditional for people to buy Japanese candies and bring them to the table. The one rule is that they can have no English on them at all. Bonus points if they end up tasting nasty; the best compliment is "This is revolting. It tastes like Worcestershire-covered cigarette butts. You have to try some!"


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I did get the Japanese grabbag once.. But the best things really come from my players who are also DMs. I have a couple of characters who have gone viral in other campaigns including a vindictive over-the-top rakshasa who loved slow-clapping to introduce himself, and a fat merchant who uses a wind-elemental fan to keep himself cool/Gust-bull's-rush others far away from him and into the hands of his more mercenary companion.

Beer, sex, and food are also acceptable, though I guess the middle one really only works when you're single or happen to be married to the DM :p. Sadly these day I would probably give more XP and consideration for a good beer or excellent meal (Steaks will get you some fudged rolls for sure ;)).




My players are cool.

Once, when I had no money, I asked if someone (anyone) could bring me a 2 liter of soda for game night on our Facebook "Game" group. When game night came, I wound up with 10 different 2 liters.

Three weeks ago, a player showed up with a Batman knife (this, but red and black): http://www.lmpenterprises.co.uk/ekmps/shops/pearl/images/bat_double_bladed_throwing_knife.jpg.

The week before a different player's girlfriend brought me a cardboard mask of Batman that she cut out of a cereal box. She told me she grabbed that cereal box a month ago and had been working on it specifically to get me the "mask" (she cut two holes and tied a string to it to make it work).

I've been brought pizza, chicken, cake, and the like, but I rarely take any of it. I did take a vanilla cupcake on my player's birthday, and a cookie that was baked for me, specifically.

I've had players try to arrange game day too often, and quit other groups because they didn't find them satisfying after joining my group. While not explicitly a compliment, I'll take it (even if I feel bad for the other groups; my players are pretty good).

These have been this year (save for two players dropping their old groups). I'm sure there are many others over the years. Rides in the past, pencils, ink for the printer, and other mundane objects. Telling me that my game is the best, or they'd love to see it as a book series. Or, more heart-warming to me, putting up with me as I made created my system over the course of a few years, and even writing some for my "Player Advice" section. I made sure to include them all, individually, for their contributions. Thanks to X for Y and Z contributions to my game, etc.

Overall, great bunch of guys, too. We hang out outside of game. Camping, hanging out. I've known most since before high school (all but one since high school), and I was the best man at one player's wedding. Lots of thanks goes unsaid, but I think it's pretty genuinely expressed, nonetheless.

I have a player texting me right now about our current campaign (we played yesterday). That's often something that makes me smile. As always, play what you like :)


First Post
My players bought me the Core 3.0 books (they were used). There were no special occasion.
One of the players made a prop dungeon for me, it's kind a big. I had just bought my first apartment.
I carpool with one of the players (he drives) and he doesn't ask for money for gas.

I guess that's all. We don't celebrate birthdays or anything like this.


Cute but dangerous
Well, they bought the food and drinks, often enough, and the adventures they want me to run that are not in my cousin's collection (I get the adventures my cousin's groups are done with). I got ink for the printer before. Recently, a whole buttload of maps from drivethrough RPG was paid for by them, including the amazing Cleric's Cathedral map we really needed.

And, best of all, they usually don't argue and work together with each other and me. That includes a group that was deemed "un-GMable" by other GMs before, turns out they just needed a different style.

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