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Nine Hand's Epic FR Game

Nine Hands

Here are some stuff from my epic Forgotten Realms game. Since the entire group is elves (mostly), the story revolves around the elven empire and the parties attempt at bringing back the former glory of the elves.

Most of these things are done in 3.5 and may have errors. Such is life :)

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Nine Hands

Elf Eater

Here are the stats for the Elf Eater. This is a monster that is from the Demi-Human Dieties book for 2nd Edition D&D. Under all of the extra stuff, lies a Tarrasque, which has been advanced to 72 HD and modified a bit (the carapace came off, etc). It was pretty funny to some of the other gamers at the store, hearing how I took a Tarrasque and kicked it up a notch.

Note: My players COULD NOT actually defeat this thing, it was more of a boogie man for them to fight. There are some ways to get rid of the monster.

Ityak-Ortheel, the Elf Eater

Colossal+ Magical Beast

Hit Dice: 72d10+1464 (1896 hp)

Initiative: +15

Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)

Armor Class: 41 (–8 size, +3 Dex, +36 natural), touch 5, flat-footed 38

Base Attack/Grapple: +72/+104

Attack: Bite +88 melee (4d8+24/18–20/x3)

Full Attack: Bite +81 melee (4d8+24/18–20/x3) and 40 tentacles +79 melee (1d12+12).
Can target only 4 tentacles on a single creature, each tentacle grants an additional +2 to the grapple check.

Space/Reach: 30 ft./20 ft.

Special Attacks: Augmented critical, frightful presence, improved grab, swallow whole

Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/epic, vulnerability to fire, immunity to acid, cold, poison, paralysis, fear, charm effects, disease, energy drain, death effects, illusions, and ability damage, regeneration 40, scent, spell resistance 42

Saves: Fort +57, Ref +41, Will +32

Abilities: Str 58, Dex 16, Con 42, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 14

Skills: Listen +27 (+10), Search +9, Spot +27 (+10), Survival +18 (+4) (+16 following elves)

Feats: Alertness, Awesome Blow, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Epic Toughness (12), Superior Initiative

Environment: The Abyss

Organization: Unique

Challenge Rating: 28

Treasure: None

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

The Elf Eater is 80 feet in diameter, and it weighs about 130 tons.

The Elf Eater cannot speak and does not breathe air.


The Elf Eater prefers to consume elves. It makes as many tentacle attacks as it can on elven targets. On a successful grapple pin, the next round on another successful grapple check, the elf is tossed into the Elf Eaters mouth and suffers automatic bite damage. The next round the Elf Eater injests the elf, immediately destroying its body and soul (no chance of resurrection). A carefully worded wish or miracle will bring the lost soul back.

The Elf Eater's natural weapons are treated as epic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Augmented Critical (Ex): The Elf Eater's bite threatens a critical hit on a natural attack roll of 18–20, dealing triple damage on a successful critical hit.

Frightful Presence (Su): The Elf Eater can inspire terror by charging or attacking. Affected creatures must succeed on a DC 48 Will save or become shaken, remaining in that condition as long as they remain with 60 feet of the elf eater. The save DC is Charisma-based. Elves suffer a -2 penalty to this saving throw.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the Elf Eater must hit a Huge or smaller opponent with its tentacle attackk. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold.

Swallow Whole (Ex): The elf eater can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Huge or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent is immediately destoryed and his soul devoured by the elf eater. There is no limit to the number of creatures that can be swallowed at a single time.

Regeneration (Ex): No form of attack deals lethal damage to the elf eater. The elf eater regenerates even if it fails a saving throw against a disintegrate spell or a death effect. The elf eater is immune to effects that produce incurable or bleeding wounds, such as mummy rot, a sword with the wounding special ability, or a clay golem’s cursed wound ability. The elf eater only suffers normal damage from fire effects (these can not be regenerated normally)

If the elf eater loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 1d6 minutes (the detached piece dies and decays normally). The creature can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.

Skills: The elf eater has a +8 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.
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Nine Hands

Starym Moonblade

This is my take on the Starym Moonblade. I have a character made up but can't post it since it is in a PDF form. If anyone wants the character that goes with the sword (she's a 27th level Ranger), let me know and I'll pass on the appropriate documentation :)

Basically the sword is more important than the wielder. I used a leveled intelligent item from the Book of Eldritch Might III. Taking a hint from Storminator, I made the sword, the wieldier's cohort for now. Eventually it will be the other way around ;)

Starym Moonblade a.k.a. Bladeshee or Darkmoon

This dark-hued blade has a straight edge and is engraved on each side in filver filigree with identical sets of 9 elvish runes. Written in ancient Espruar, the runes can be translated in order ascending from the hilt, as "amoral, "flee", "treasure seeker", "spirit stealer", "banshee", "hate", "vengeance", "web walker", "sharp". A spiderweb of cracks appears to spread throughout the blade, but they have no effect on the blade's performance or duribility. The steel handguard is smooth and unmarked, and the simple handle is wrapped in the hide of a black dragon. A black moonstone with a bluish sheen, an extremely rare variant of the more common moonstone and engraved with the sigil of the Starym clan (three stars set in an equllateral triangle around an open maw) is set securely in the pommel. Regardless of what material its scabbard is made of, the blade turns this sheath black over time.

+6 Black Steel Ghost Touch, Keen, Unholy, Human Bane Elven Thinblade


Spell save DCs are based based on the the sword's Cha modifier (10 + spell level + Cha modifier). Caster level is 24th.

Suppress Judgement: the Starym Moonblade has been corrupted by the magic of Moander to never pass judgement on any elf who draws the blade. Only when the possessor of the blade is dead can a new owner draw the blade and scribe a rune.

Greater Teleport: Usable twice per day, as a caster equal to the level of the wielder of the blade or the minimum level of the spell, whichever is higher.

Seek Treasure: Can detect the presence, number, type and value of gems, coins, and other valuables within 30 feet.

Human Bane: This special variant of bane affects any race that has human blood (half elves, half orcs, etc). +2 enhancement bonus to the weapon and inflicts an additional +2d6 damage.

Sentience: At the point that the Scourge possessed the blade, Darkmoon instilled in itself the power to add an additional power in addition to the powers scribed by a member of the Starym family.

Wail of the Banshee: Darkmoon can be used to release the spirit of Black Lotus, an elf maiden who slew her father to possess the blade, yet died in a crypt in Myth Drannor. Once per day, her spirit comes forth from Darkmoon and casts Wail of the Banshee. Once per week, Black Lotus can form her spirit into a Mythal Ghost and wield Darkmoon. This is a Summon Monster IX spell that grants the sword the ability to summon a Banshee

Unholy: Darkmoon inflicts an addition +2d6 damage against good aligned foes.

Vengeance: Three times per day, Darkmoon may cast Shield Other on an enemy. This variant of the Shield Other spell causes half the damage taken by the wielder to be transfered to the target of the spell. The target may make a Will save to negate the effect. This spell has a range of 30 feet.

Keen: Darkmoon is a keen weapon.

Other Powers:

Detect Magic 5/day
Shield: 2/day
Undetectable Alignment 1/day
Welter 3/day
Wild Stealth 2/day
Extended Camouflage 2/day
Extended Bladesong 3/day
Bladethirst 2/day
Greater Cat's Grace 2/day
Freedom of Movement 2/day
Dispel Law 1/day
Empowered Cure Moderate Wounds 3/day
Greater Dispel Magic 1/day
Greater Teleport 2/day
Mass Hold Person 2/day
Exteneded Greater Invisibility 1/day
Unholy Aura 1/day

Super Telepathy
Int: 20
Wis: 10
Cha: 20

HP: 89
Hard: 27

Fort: +24
Ref: +15
Will: +15

Knowledge: Geography +19
Spellcraft +18
Knowledge: History +18
Knowledge: Arcana +19
Spot +14
Listen +13
Bluff +32
Sense Motive +32

Influence User
Control User
Enhancement bonuses +7
Magic Items Bonuses +3
Empower Spell
Extend Spell
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Nine Hands

Blackthorne Moonblade

This moonblade is was basically the start of the entire campaign. I took a bunch of disparet character concepts and while sitting at the table, wrote the entire beginning of the adventure, filling in stuff at the end.

This moonblade, wielded by my PC (I actually get to play a character, while running the game, he is as mortal as any of the PCs and he has no real special benefits over them, i.e. he does not gain the benefit of main character shields).

So, this moonblade became the beginning of the adventure, when its last possessor passed to Arvandor and the blade was given to his twice removed cousin Averis (a 1st level commoner). Averis has grown into a pretty deadly duelist in his short time, the sword assisting in his training. As you will read in the history, anyone who is accepted by the blade has two problems, first, there are lingering personalities in the blade which may and do influence the wielder and that they all live in the shadow of the blade's namesake. Most elves call the wielder Blackthorne, his or her original name usually lost to history.

Some of the stuff mentioned in the construction of the blade is based off of the Hero's of High Favor: Elves and Dwarves books.

Blackthorne Moonblade

+5 Mithril Rapier with the following Masterwork Components
Full Basket Hilt (1d3 non-lethal damage)
Fencing Ring Grip (+2 to Bluff skill when Feinting, +2 bonus to disarm checks. If you are disarmed suffers normal weapon damage)
Swift (+2 to Initiative)
Spring Loaded Handle (+3 Dagger, DC 20 search to notice)
Durability (Dwarves assisted in the manufacture)
Enhanced Alloy (+2 natural enhancement bonus)
Hardened (Dwarves assisted in the manufacture)
Maker's Mark
Serrated Blade (reroll one crit confirmation per round for free)
Exotic Weapon (Agile)
Half Weight (x2)

Hardness: 39
Hit Points: 65
Weight: 1/2 lb.

Ghost Touch (+1)
Keen (+1)
Defending (+1)
Bane: Drow Elves (+2, +2d6 damage)
Bane: Undead (+2, +2d6 damage)
Improved Disarm

Quick Draw
10 Ranks of Bluff, Sense Motive, and Listen
Combat Expertise, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus: Dagger, Weapon Focus: Rapier, Weapon Specialization: Rapier, Track, Improved Initiative
Bonded Item (Moonblade): +1 luck bonus to attacks
Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Defense, Weapon Specialization: Dagger

Knowledge of the Ancestors The Blackthorne moonblade has a semi-sentience. All of the previous wielders souls are bound to the sword, rather than being released to Arvandor. This allows the wielder of the blade to make Bardic Knowledge checks with a bonus of 15 plus his Intelligence modifier but only to remember things that could possibly be known by a former blade wielder.

The sword is of a standard elven design, fitting perfectly into an elven hand, its handle wide enough to accomidate their long fingers. The sword has a large sized moonstone (which appears to be the moon in the sky) on the side of the basket hilt, the design of the hilt is of several intertwined trees.

Averis—Male, moon elf, commoner. Received the blade from his uncle. Sort of a reluctant warrior. Averis is loyal and caring, he is a simple man with simple tastes.
1375 DR to ….

Sheredesh—Male, moon elf. Sheredesh was an accomplished warrior and an old man before receiving the sword. He had many adventures in the company of Naldur Bladeleaf. The two of them were practically inseparable. Sheredesh died of old age in the High Forest. He passed the blade to his cousin Averis.
1130 DR to 1375 DR

Meerai—female, moon elf. Meerai was a distant relative of Elleria. Elleria gave the sword personally. She mentioned something about a dream and that Meerai was the only one who had a chance. Meerai drew the blade, becoming extremely disoriented by the flood of emotions and desires running through her. She never traveled to Evermeet to receive training on how to use the blade. Instead choosing to set off with a group of like minded adventurers. She was killed by an encounter with Drow.
1106 DR to 1130 DR

Elleria—female moon elf. When her lover Erlyndrin was killed by Red Wizards, Elleria drew the sword, not thinking that she could die, but just wanting revenge. She slew them all, hunting them down one by one. She took her own life after the blade went dormant once she had her revenge.
1060 DR to 1106 DR

Erlyndrin—male moon elf. A rather handsome and striking elven minstrel, Erlyndrin was a secret member of the Harpers. Fought with the Red Wizards at every opportunity. Was killed by a Red Wizard raiding party. His lover Elleria drew the blade and was judged worthy.
1018 DR to 1060 DR

Belros—male, moon elf. Another swordsman who is given the moonblade. He is taught on Evermeet in the Fencing School. Belros makes a name for himself by fighting almost exclusively with the Cult of the Dragon. Dies during the Rage of Dragons
800 DR to 1018 DR

Royaelyn—male, moon elf. A second story man in the city of Silverymoon is delivered a package one day by members of the Order of the Forgotten Flower. Opening the package reveals a beautiful rapier. Royaelyn draws the sword and is immediately judged worthy. The sword guides him to the Chondalwood and beyond. He travels the Realms performing good deeds for Elven settlements. He is involved in several skirmishes with the Army of Darkness near Myth Drannor, but he is called elsewhere by the moonblade, missing out on the Final Flight.
640 DR to 750 DR

Saeval Ammath—male, moon elf. The noble son of the Ammath Clan. Raises the red dragon named Garnet who inadvertently freed the Nycadeamons who then destroyed Myth Drannor. He becomes the most powerful patriarch of the family. Dies of old age. The moonblade is passed immediately out of the Ammath clan to a distant cousin.
168 DR to 580 DR

Maenriir—female, moon elf. A distant cousin to Eschaleth, she met him once as a child, she thinks. The sword has brought to her by members of the Order of the Forgotten Flower. The blade judged her worthy. Maeniir was a priest of Silvanus, who never used the sword in anger. She worked her magics to keep the Drow attacks on Cormanthyr to a minimum. Dies in an encounter with a drow weapon master. Had a long standing affair with Alokkair Nightstar.
-1000 to -200

Eschaleth—male, moon elf. Eschaleth literally trips over the Blackthorne moonblade. He picks it up, dusts it off, and draws the blade, not knowing what it is. The blade judges him worthy. Eschaleth becomes a whirlwind of blades and lust. He travels throughout Faerun whoring, wenching, and drinking. Eschaleth does good deeds where he goes but is always causing some trouble. Dies in an encounter with the last great wyrm of Wyrmwood.
-1320 to -1100

Verrym—male, moon elf. Verrym was a distant cousin of Blackthorne, who drew the blade successfully, three others in his family had been rejected by the sword centuries earlier. Has a successful career killing drow. Dies in -1950 when Coronal Sakrattars sacrifices himself to destroy the drow. The sword is lost in the woods for 6 hundred years.
-2304 to -1950

Blackthorne—male, half moon/half wood elf. Blackthorne was the greatest wielder of this moonblade. He was a selfless champion of the elves. Every single wielder of the moonblade lives in his shadow. Blackthorne traveled many years with Shevarash the Black Archer and stood over his body when he eventually died. Blackthorne aided the escape of gnomish slaves from Nethril, made many enemies among the Nethrese, made peaceful contact with the dwarves of the Ironstar Kingdom. Blackthorne spent much time traveling with Kahvoerm, who become Coronal of Cormanthyr. Blackthorne passes to Arvandor quietly at night.
-4110 to -2950

Elenia of Eaerlann—female, moon elf. Elenia is an intelligent and witty war mage. She is part of the fledgling forces of Eaerlann and survives The Seven Citadel’s War. Retiring from active duty in -4354, she sires 4 children, giving her last child nicknamed Blackthorne the moonblade.
-4589 to -4209

Andlorr—male, half moon elf. A descendent of Tlaschyr whose adventuring group slayed Swiftsteam and recovered the moonblade. Andlorr had vivid dreams of the moonblade calling him. Dies of old age. The sword is passed on to his full moon elven half sister Elenia of Eaerlann.
-4650 to -4589

Tlaschyr of clan Dawnbreeze—male, moon elf. His entire clan was wiped out in the flight of dragons. Moonblade was carried off to the lair of Swiftsteam, an ancient Red Dragon.
-8900 to -8800

Adlyrden—male, moon elf. Adlyrden’s brother was ordered by his family to draw the moonblade. Adlyrden knocked him out and took his place to save him. During a scuffle with his brother afterwards, the blade killed him. Adlyrden never forgave himself for what happened. Died of old age.
-9000 to -8573
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