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First Post
Hi, again. I ask to one question..

I have level Human Male,7 Ninja/3 Assassin and 50.000 gp. My stats:

STR: 14
DEX: 20
CON: 14
INT: 14
WİS: 14
CHAR: 10

Circlet of Persuation, Gloves of Dexterity, Periapt of Wisdom (Total 12500 gp).

And others??

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And what type of weapons and general tactics does he use?

One item you definitely want, whatever type of character he may be, is a Cloak of Resistance +2 or +3.


Well, if you have access to Dragon Magazine, Dragon 330 has some assassin items in it. My favorite: the Goggles of Scrutiny (page 68; small bonus to Search and Spot checks, and makes it so you only have to study your Death Attack target for 2 rounds instead of 3) for 12,000 gp.


+1 Keen Shortsword (8,310 gold), for a basic weapon.
Boots of Striding and Springing (5,500 gold) to further increase your movement options.
Ring of Force Shield (8,500 gp) to give you some extra protection
Ring of Protection +2 (8,000 gp) to give you more protection
Cloak of Resistance +2 (4,000 gp) to help your saves

Add in the 12,500 you've already spent, and you'll be at 46,810 gp spent, which leaves 3,190 gold. You'll want your basic equipment, obviously. I would also recommend picking up a fair selection and amount of poisons. If you have enough left over after all that (and some potions), consier a Heward's Handy Haversack (at 2,000 gp) - you're strong and don't wear armor, so it isn't stricly neccessary, but it would be helpful for organizing things and hauling treasure out.

You could also drop the protection on the ring or the cloak, and switch over to an assassin's dagger (or see if you can get the same benefit on a shortsword).

Iku Rex

I'd buy:

4000 Headband of Intellect +2
4000 Gloves of Dexterity +2
4000 Periapt of Wisdom +2
4000 Bracers of Armor +2
9000 Vest of Resistance +3 (CArc)
12000 Boots of Speed
2000 Ring of Protection +1
2500 Cloak of Elvenkind
2500 Ring of Climbing
2500 Eyes of the Eagle

46500 gp
3500 for other equipment.

I've included several skill boosters (hide, climb, spot) to help your ninja "image". The headband helps with your assassin spells and your death attack. Boots of speed are always great and you won't regret buying them.

There's 3500 left for mundane stuff. I'd consider a reach weapon like a chain (OA)/spiked chain or a kusari-gama (DMG). Tanglefoot bags can be powerful weapons against Large or smaller opponents.

BTW: Which spells are you choosing as "spells known"? Alter self can change you into a tren for +8 AC, +4 hide and and natural attacks.


First Post
I think, I use two short sword. This is bad or good??
My Feats;

Arterial Strike
Weapon Focus (Short Sword)
Weapon Finesse
Improved Two Weapon Fighing
Two Weapon Fighting

And yes, I know a 2nd level spell (Assassin). I can choose this spell.

My equipments;

+2 Short Sword--8000
+2 Short Sword--8000
Gloves of Dexterity +2--4000
Periapt of Wisdom +2--4000
Circle of Persuation--4500
Boots of Striding and Springing--5500
Eyes of the Eagle--2500
Bracers of Armor +2--4000
Ring of Protection +1--2000
Large Silver Shuriken--500 gp
Bag of Holding type I--2500 gp
Cloak of Elvenkind-2500

To comment on this :)


Personally, I prefer something other than +2 on my weapons. I'm usually fine with the initial +1, and then get the wizard to slap a Greater Magic Weapon on there. I'd much rather have keen or flaming or something of that nature than an additional +1. But that's just me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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