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Niobe's Dilemma (Manzanita Judging)

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LEW Judge
OOG: Sorry, I've Interweb connection problems in the home. I'll be gone on vacation. Different location but access in destination will be unreliable.

Will peers at the darkness beyond the door.

It's a trap. Goddess knows it's a trap. But I cannot turn away now, not when our only clue awaits beyond the door.

Desperation takes hold of him and foolhardiness overwhelms his prudence.

Immediacy is in the fire.
he whispers to himself as he steps guardedly into the portal. He is ready to cry for help if things go awry.


Ogrin catches up with Wil and pulls him back a step just as he's about to step into the room. "Allow me." He then tumbles into the room, attempting to avoid attacks of opportunity and hoping their foes expect a taller opponent. He draws his longsword and dagger while moving, and stops with his back against the opposite wall.

[SBLOCK=OOC & Rolls]I don't think it's dark in the room - right? The people in there are just hidden from view. If it is dark, Ogrin will wield his everburning torch in his off hand instead.

Tumble check to avoid AoO (DC 15):26[/SBLOCK]


The man with the probe
OOC: I'm more confused how you're hearing what's going on when you're down the stairs and he's not... That's what I was trying to keep it in Sblocks earlier, because you're not there. :confused: You also realize you're running 10' up a 5' wide coridor and then 5' further on a landing, through an occupied square, and accross a room of unknown size, while tumbling?

My mistake, I missed he was following Wil, thogh I had thought he was down the stairs. Still, you're trying to cover a lot of ground, while tumbling, and doing something else, in one round.

Nevermind... I think I got a grip now, just tired. Post forthcoming.
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[SBLOCK=OOC]Just to clear things up... my last post was this:
rln said:
Not sure what's expected of Ogrin, but he'll tag along behind Wil, offering assistance when needed.
...so I should be one step behind Wil. Also, moving through a square occupied by a friend does not count against your movement in any way if I remember correctly. The stairs might be considered problematic terrain though.[/SBLOCK]


The man with the probe
As Ogrin rolls into the room, three men step out of the shaddows and launch an attack that was likely ment for Wil.

Two strike Ogrin and another misses, and Ogrin is not feeling well. He continues to move into the room, running out of momentum (and into a coffee table) just out of reach of the two closest.

It's then when he hears two noisy men clank towards him from either side of the room. Both hit, one with a strike to the neck, and Ogrin drops in a pool of blood.


OOC: Wil's up, if he can post by monday. Otherwise, I'll NPC him.

Men by Door (all unharmed)
Ogrin (-1 of 32 and bleeding)
Armored men in room (all unharmed)
Wil (Unharmed)[/sblock]

Ras hears comotion coming from upstairs in the tavern from outside.

Lasair sees the guards turn the corner about a block down. They'll be here shortly (read: Next round)


LEW Judge
Will does not like what he hears from within the room.

"My comrades! To me at once!"

Will moves toward the door and attempts to smash the hinges* so that it cannot be closed against him. He also positions himself so that only one can engage him.

Thrice-damned! Ogrin... hang in there!

"Trickery for trickery, steel for steel! Face me, you brigands!" he taunts them to him.

OOG: *Striking defensively for a +2 AC bonus, bringing his AC to 19
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Voidrunner's Codex

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