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No Dominion ---- by Eosin


That last bit looks pretty good. Oh wait... I'm the one that wrote it. ;)

Edsel: player of the character Torean Norhill.
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Eosin the Red

First Post
Part 2
The group began preparations for a long overland journey. The maids were dismissed but two butlers, Tollin and Gordy had decided to remain in the fortress in an effort to maintain the illusion that the Countess and her son were still present. The toothless old men also had a few surprises for Riddicks men when they tried to take the place. No one had any delusions that anyone remaining in the fortress would be treated with any civility. After several hours, the makeshift party began to climb the hidden stair that provided an escape route for the noble family should the worst occur.

In the darkness and rain above fresh horse sign alerted the party to a scouting encampment. The battle was swiftly closed with arrows being useless in the deluge. The most fearsome aspect of the battle occurred when Fyre summoned the breath of the enemy captain in the darkness, dropping him from the saddle dazed and easily captured.

Bodies were hidden or dropped to the cobblestone far below before the captain was awoken and questioned. The men were ordinary soldiers from the county of Trier. Fearing pursuit the party pressed on in the darkness until they reached Gorn's cleft a narrow defile that provided access to the valley below. The route was treacherous but navigated without injury.

Camping until nightfall let the rain lessen and gave the refugees time to form a plan and get some much needed sleep. With nightfall it was decided that they would flee across the valley and attempt to ford the raging Bray River. The band rightly suspected that both Brayford and Woodbridge would be well watched. All seemed well until the swollen river came into view and Jayme Wingate began to lose his nerve. In the predawn hours Jayme had a few drinks to settle his nerves while Fyre summoned arcane spirits to draw a rope across the river. More than calmed by the strong drink, the refugees realized that Jayme would need assistance across the river.

Making quickly for the Southern Craghorns lest they be caught out in the open, the party collapsed barely noticing their drenched beds. The next day saw more progress into the foothills towards the Eastern March and safety. Drader's Gap was also washed out but still navigable. Early the second day the party joined a makeshift camp of miners searching for gold. The miners warned of troll activity in the hills and of the Vindel raiders who were burning villages along the foothills. Torean spoke with the miners at length discovering that they thought the party to be Vindel headhunters after the bounty placed on the thieving savages by the Earl of Terse.

That evening the party’s camp was set on by more than a dozen men led by a mousey looking figure of nervous mean. The party had little notice but enough to get the countess & her son out of sight. Striding forward, the Bard Torean, spoke with the master at arms for the group, less soldiers than highwaymen. Blessed be Ro, for the corporal had seen Torean perform once in the halls of Lord Bailstone barely two summers ago. Torean explained that the party was hunting Vindel raiders and he was traveling with them in search of some stories. When questioned about the missing countess and her son, Torean perked up and asked if he could travel with the band of warriors on such a noble quest. Stymied, the soldier spoke with the mousy leader, who was later discovered to be Laggos and the troop quickly moved off.

The next few days were rough travel across rougher terrain but without incident. In the Marchlands the party acquired an escort consisting of a full century of men under the service of General Fenthalion, commander of the Eastern March and vassal to the Duke of Wingate. The group was escorted all the way to Brayport and into the territorial lands of Wingate. Torean took up with his family at the Grinning Monkey Inn while the tired travelers rested from the journey before setting out for the capitol of Wingate, the Fortress at Orenstone.

The journey was a quiet one in the lands of Jayme’s father barring an incident at the Wandering Minstrel Inn where the party found Laggos seeking arrangements and asking after them. Sir Jayme Wingate, son of the duke simply commanded the vile Laggos to be directly gone from these lands on pain of death.

The fortress at Orenstone proved both intimidating and welcoming. The duke welcomed the Countess and on hearing her story the Marshall General of Middea dispatched four centuries to quell the unrest in Draysen. Meanwhile, the party collected gear and set to make for Highvale at the soonest opportunity.

Nagus, the Justicar spent many hours alone with the duke and before he left, proclaimed him to be a most blessed man and supporter of the great struggle. Other happenings surely occurred but remain unspoken at the time of this writing.
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Eosin the Red

First Post
I have been keeping up with the Storyhour - just not on ENworld. I will attempt to remedy that.

Part 3
Still muddy from the spring rains, the roads into Draysen took the party through the lands of Lord Bailstone. The lord is known as the Troll of the Gravewoods for his fierce demeanor and unrelenting battle style. His infamy through the lands of the east had everyone on edge. Noble titles and famed performances would not afford one leniency in under the harsh laws of the Gravewoods.

The party felt more at ease when they reached the rustic town of Woodbridge. The most southern crossing of the Bray River by foot or horse, the small town held strategic and economical power disproportionate to its size. The feeling of relief was short lived. In the central square of town was a pillory surrounded by small folk chanting for the death of some unlucky soul. Arron pushed his way through the crowds to see what was transpiring while the rest of the group headed for the Weary Traveler, an inn famed in the region for its fine fare and comfortable accommodations.

Chained and miserable in the center square was a Mendicant priest and Bishop of Draysen, the father Haerflyn. He face was battered from thrown rocks and his fine clothes stained with spoiled fruit. Arron stood in front of the Bishop in a rash moment and declared the priest to be under his protection, at first the crowd seemed ready to surge forward and teach the warrior the folly of his confidence but before they could do so, the pale form of the Justicar made his way forward. Faced with two warriors, one the intimidating albino in service of the Mighty Host the crowd quailed.

Meanwhile, in the inn Torean had spoken with the barkeep and discovered that the Bishop had admitted to helping hide a runaway Vindel savage. The mayor of Woodbridge had taken the priest into custody to save him from the refugees of the Vindel slaughters but when the mob began to threaten the mayor’s home with fire, he brought the Bishop forward with a sentence of the rack for five days and nights.

After long and heated discussions on the best manner in which to proceed, it was eventually decided to speak with the Bishop and if necessary guard him for the next several days. Arron had been speaking with the pilloried priest while the party cavorted in the inn and eventually relayed the whole story to his companions. A young Vindel man and his companions had been set upon by raiders east of Woodbridge. Wounded and bleeding, the leader of the group had sought shelter within the temple of the Great Fellowship. The Bishop was leery of the huge savage but saw in his heart that the brute cleaved to the tenants of the faith and was a good man.

Unfortunately for everyone involved, the Vindel warrior had been tracked to the temple. The region has suffered greatly under the recent raids of extraordinarily brutal Vindel raiders and the locals along with refugees from the Vindel raids were in a mood for a lynching. Fearing for the life of the young man who had entrusted himself to the care of the temple, Bishop Haerflyn helped him escape. But, the mob had the taste of blood in their mouths and they would not be satisfied with the bishop’s perceived betrayal. Fortunately for the bishop the mayor arrived and took him into custody. Fearing for the safety of the town, the Bishop pleaded with the mayor to sentence him to the pillory - with the blessing of the Great Fellowship (The mayor rightly feared retribution for sentencing one so far above his own station.). The party decided that the good bishop could not be left to the mercy of the angered refugees and decided to protect him though his sentence.

With guard duty decided, the party settled in for a long delay. The night passed uneventfully, but the early morning duty fell to Fyre and the storm mage did not return to wake his relief. Fearing the worse, the party braved the rain to find Fyre near death with an arrow in his chest and the Bishop’s body already cold. Fyre was taken to a local healer, while she was not trained in the ways of the Order of Apathos, she was able to stabilize him.

Eosin the Red

First Post
Part 4
Scouting in the rain proved fruitless. No trace of the assailants could be found. Jayme and Torean felt that perhaps a professional tracker might be needed if they were to catch the assassin (and by the shot that took the life of the Bishop he was an expert marksman). The two of them roused the Mayor, who was put off by the intrusion but quickly cooled when he discovered that he was speaking with one of the Lords of Wingate. The mayor directed the party to a woman come recently to these parts and who had just came to the mayor yesterday to offer her services as a tracker. That woman just so happens to be me (Isolade).

Leaving their gear, the party raced head long in the muddy predawn to my makeshift home where I was waiting for them with my gear packed and ready for the long journey ahead. Arron and Freya were familiar to me as men who had spent time at the Academy where I occasionally taught woodland skills. Making quickly for town with a minimum of discussion the men watched me perform my assigned duties as if expecting that a woman might not be able to manage the task. Soon, the party packed their belongings and made to meet me on the outskirts of town. I noted rather quickly that we were headed into Gravewood county and the home of the infamous Earl Bailstone, a man known for his penchant towards violence and oppression. By nightfall we had arrived at Lichefield and I was fairly confident that our prey had also entered the small town.

The bard Torean & Arron entered Lichfield where Torean plied his trade well at a dismal inn called the Good Rest. Before they had retired to the rooms for the night they had learned that a party of five warriors had arrived a few hours earlier under the command of one of the men know to enforce the will of Earl Bailstone. Sir Karse was known as a violent and rough man who took great pride in his bloody work.

We had spilt the group in two, half camping in some near by woods and half in the town, several days passed before we were given a chance at the killer. For men who value honor and justice, the party I found myself traveling with had a knack for the fine art of the ambush. The sniper and his men never even drew weapons. Arrow fire, including my own, made short work of the unarmored men. Fearing to leave a trail and also desiring to send a message, the men left sign that Sir Karse and his men had been done in by a Vindel raid.

Returning to Woodbridge nearly two weeks later we found Fyre was up and if not hale at least ready for the ride to Redgorge. I elected to continue my travels with the party at the command of my mother superior, and truthfully I had best not remain in one spot too long lest my past catch up with me. Spring was fading and summer well on its way as we entered Redgorge. It had been nearly two months since the men had joined company and nearly a month since I had joined them.

Torean made several comments on how Redgorge had changed dramatically since their hasty departure, buildings had been burned, pleasant streets ruined, and the fortress had been sacked among other things. Fluttering above the fortress was the welcoming sight of the Draysen colors and below them the colors of Wingate. Soldiers moved briskly about their business in the streets and peace had come to the quiet little county.

Eosin the Red

First Post
Part 5
While collecting additional supplies we were surprised to be approached by a large Vindel youth. His scars and massive size deterred many who would have taken advantage of his youth but not the guardsmen of Jayme, who had been a quiet presence until now. Standing, the two giants nearly came to blows and the hate in the eyes of Sir Jayme’s guard foreshadowed problems to come.

The Vindel youth, called Ivanic explained that he was recently rescued by the Bishop Haelfyrn and had seen their faithfulness to him. Honor demanded that he avenge his fallen fellows and those who had caused the death of the Bishop indirectly. He spoke at length with the party pointing out inconsistencies with the "Vindel Raids" and the way his people raid the lowlands. The Vindel do not take enough to force people off of land, they do not kill needlessly, they never leave slaughtered animals, and they do not burn villages. To do these things would cause the raiding lands to be abandoned or heavily garrisoned both of which could jeopardize future raiding. It was not the way of the Vindel to raid like this. Already understanding these things and aware that the raids were just a cover to seize Redgorge by Earl Riddick we agreed to help the Vindel find the raiders.

Several weeks sifting through burned and abandoned villages revealed little other than the depths cruelty of the raiders. Eventually we discovered a recently raided farmstead, one with fresh tracks for me to follow. We trailed the raiders into the foothills, eventually realizing that the raiders were headed south using the Craghorns to hide their movements. Taking to the lowlands, where we could out pace the raiders we drove our horses like mad to get ahead of them and then intercept the killers. Once again, arrow fire proved to be the downfall of unarmored men, these friends of mine all have the making of fine woodsman. Searching the bodies we discovered that the raiders were headed to a base camp several days to the south.

Scouting out the camp proved to be easy but taking the hollow it rested in would be another matter. Nearly a dozen raiding parties used the hollow as base camp with permanent sentries and a defensible approach protected by a wide stream. Formulating our strategy, we removed the northern sentry in the dark of night. Using the hole we had created we advanced on the sleeping camp hoping to bring death on the sleeping raiders.

I had wondered about the possibility of other sentries and was not amused to be spotted by a distant guard as we began the dirty work. The camp was turned into an inferno of burning tents and dying men and women. Fyre and Jamye, for the first time unleashed the devastating power of Elan (magic) at their command. The raiders were panicked by the amount of raw magical power commanded by our party and with the disorganized defense they were cut down easily. Arron & Nagus had made their way to the command tent and just as Laggos the Skindancer was exiting. What ensued was a dramatic display of weapons work, perhaps some of the finest that I have witnessed, as Laggos transformed himself into some monstrosity with claws and fangs. As the surrounding battles dwindled the creature that had once been Laggos sensed the turning tides and chose to flee. His were-form was much to fast to follow.

In the morning we finished collecting what valuables we could find and returned with several horses to Redgorge. The commander of Redgorge took note of our report and would return the goods to the growing number of homeless and needy in Redgorge. He would also see to it that the Duke was informed of his son’s findings.

Satisfied that we could do no more, the journey to Highvale awaited us but not before we departed company with Ivanic the Vindel.

Eosin the Red

First Post
Part 6
Upon returning to Highvale we made plans to attend a circus. On the journey to Highvale we had heard several rumors about the circus which had a nefarious reputation in the towns of the valley. Unfortunately we encountered a brawl between two young lads over the affections of a young lady immediately upon entering the circus. The cheeky lass was fearful that the boys might hurt each other. Unable to stand the comely young lady’s distress - Nagus, Arron, & Leonidas taught the town what brawling really looks like. We all felt a bit uncomfortable as the one of the teens and both of the fathers were carried away on stretchers, the girl, of course was sobbing at the display of martial prowess. Looking for a place to hide from the stares of the crowd, we decided to check out the freak show.

Within the tent of the freak show were several odd looking creatures, including a dog boy, midgets, bearded ladies, a giant man, and even a slug man. The last caught the attention of Arron who scrutinized the charred and melted form of the pitiful creature he had found. Convinced that there was something familiar about the mass of flesh he attempted to speak with it. I know that Arron was shaken to discover that the man was none other than Hiblus the Black – once the head master of the school of peers and a man who had abused Arron and Fyre in ways unmentionable when they were children. Arron Left the circus and re-joined several other members of the group who were promising a young lady that they would take her away from the circus that evening. Sometimes I wonder why I travel with men who are so blind to the ways of the fairer sex?

At Arron’s demand we made plans to raid the circus that night – plans that included taking the girl and Hiblus. We arrived shortly before sunset and met Eris, the young lady held against her will by the circus masters. She asked help in retrieving her mother’s wedding ring from her tent before leaving. Several of the group followed her to the carnie section of the circus, where they encountered Madame Zora a seer of some repute. Several of our party spoke with the Madame about issues that they have kept to themselves, however Torean was unable to get the answers that he sought and was instead invited to call upon the Madame in a weeks time in the town of Brayford (just down the valley and one of two ways to cross the Bray river). Leaving the tent we headed to the freak show, noting for the first time a separate tent housing a creature called the White Serpent.

With a mixture of magic and stealth we rescued Hiblus without fanfare or combat. We secreted him away to the Academy where he was questioned by Arron. Apparently, Hiblus had been a cruel and vicious head master at the School of Peers but what had troubled Arron the most was his complete dispassion – he beat the children and worse but never took either joy or remorse in the beatings. It was just something that he did. Now, Hiblus was in the hands of those whom he had crushed but his legs had been amputated, most of the left side of his face charred beyond recognition – a charring so deep that his teeth protruded where his cheek should have been – and the rest of his body appeared to have been liquefied before gelling into its current form.

Several of the students who had survived the School of Peers discussed what was known about Hiblus (In all there are less than two dozen survivors at the Academy). He was a master of the dark arts of Necromancy and once an Archon of the Vintrian Synod. While his necromantic prowess was unchallenged, he was also recognized as a powerful wizard even barring his powers over the Ennwrathi. He beat the children without mercy, joy, or regret – occasionally even using the powers of necromancy to inflict pain that went far beyond anything that the human body was meant to experience. There was no act so foul that he would balk, nor a sight so gruesome as to cause him to turn away.

The questioning lasted several days and the once mighty Hiblus never resisted the questioning. The truth of the matter was almost beyond belief. Prince Rafn, master of the School of Peers and heir to the throne of Middea had committed to some act so black that even Hiblus rebelled against it. Believing himself to be more than a match for the prince he struck with all of the powers at his disposal. He lost. The prince made a lesson of the broken mage – fearing neither the knowledge nor the necromantic power of one of the mightiest mages in all of Middea. Hiblus was questioned repeatedly and even compelled to answer what it was that the prince had done but to no avail – the knowledge simply was not there. Whatever the prince had done would remain a secret for the time being.

Eosin the Red

First Post
Part 7
We made plans to speak with the Duke of Wingate about the news from Hiblus. Reaching him would be a challenge; he had retired to the Fortress at Ridgewall and was expected to take the field in the Ravenswood sometime soon. Collecting supplies we set off to find Jayme’s father – the Duke of Wingate but first we needed to stop at Brayford and speak with Madame Zora. Among the other secrets that Torean was keeping from us was his desire to know the answer to a certain question.

Before we left out Arron, Nagus, & Alacran had the occasion to meet a Vintrian swordsman by the name of Leonidias who took up travel with us for his own reasons.

If the encounters at the circus went badly the week before they were a disaster in Brayford. We met with Madame Zora. Torean apparently discovered the information he sought but also discovered that the White Serpent sought to destroy us.

While we were getting ready to leave, I spied the movement of several crossbow welding thugs who seemed intent on killing us. Arron and Nagus sprang out the tent drawing their fire in a blur of motion. Neither was seriously wounded but found themselves facing nearly a dozen armed men – thankfully once again none of them were armored. The Ringmaster seemed ready to fight until he saw up close the destruction that my companions were capable of unleashing. Instead, he ran into the big top.

Rapidly dispatching the assailants we gave chase, hoping to catch the ringmaster but he had unleashed several wild creatures and the knife throwing triplets who were one of the major draws of the circus. Fyre summoned vast amounts of Elan, rising into the air searching for the ringmaster. Less taxing but no less impressive, Jayme used the torches within the tent as his eyes seeking the coward within the big top. What Jayme saw was not the Ringmaster; it was a scene of carnage. A lion had broken free in the commotion and had killed one of the trained goats – at the sight of a wild lion in their midst’s the crowd had panicked stampeding the exits. Torches were overturned and fire rapidly engulfed the big top. Fearing the loss of hundreds our way against the crowd in an attempt to rescue those trapped within.

Sooty and coughing we emerged from the tent as heroes but heroes who had lost sight of our prey. Both the Ringmaster and the White Serpent had escaped into the Bray River where I could not track them.

Eosin the Red

First Post
Part 8
Torean and I had been sharing a bed for sometime when the other members of the group were otherwise occupied; even still it was quite a shock when they discovered my indiscretions with Torean. The trek through the Eastern Pass of the Craghorns was arduous as always but even more so when I began to suffer sickness in the mornings and we were forced to call the march while I heaved my breakfast. Soon, the others began to suspect what I already knew - more than merely bad food was the cause of my condition. I never realized that Arron & Leonidas felt so strongly about congress. It caused a bit of fury amongst the men, however even delayed by morning sickness and occasional bouts of bickering that strayed close to open violence we reached Ridgewall within the month.

Ridgewall is the most secure fortress in all of Middea – and boastfully within the world. The fortress is situated atop a 200 mile long cliff face that ranges in height from 50 feet to 125 feet. The wall, while assailable in many places without rope, prevents any real troop assault. At the foot of the Fortress is a smaller fortification called Breaker Keep – to gain access to the narrow defile leading up the exposed cliff face one must first take the well fortified lower fortress while it defends itself. To make the task more harrowing arrows and worse rain down from the fortress proper. Many of the best generals will not even consider a siege, instead leaving a contingent of men out of bow shot to hem the garrison in.

The ascent into Ridgewall was impressive for those of us who had never been here before. It is an active military fortress and was quite a sight. Ridgewall normally houses a contingent of nearly 2,000 trained soldiers but the numbers far exceeded that today if I can count. General Isam Fenthalion, reputed for his stern leadership and iron nerves normally commands the fortress but at the present time he had taken to the field with the Duke. Serving in his stead as commander was Jayme’s brother and heir to the ducal seat of Wingate – His Grace Jhoren Wingate. It was obvious that Jayme both looked forward to and dreaded the meeting with his brother and someday his liege. Jhoren is everything that his brother is not; loud, confident, and commanding.

The Jayme was invited to a private dining with Jhoren. He later told me that the meal was an austere affair with Jhoren displaying his typical warrior’s bravado and occasional recklessness. Jhoren told Jayme that he would be taking 450 mounted warriors and 10 scouts into the Ravenswood after their father and that he intended to meet an army that had gotten past the duke in the dense woodland. After small talk and fine food, Jayme came to speak with us and detailed his brother’s plan. Several of the more military minded commented on the stupidity of bringing such a large force of mounted knights into a woodland without a huge contingent of foot to screen. Arron went so far as to call his grace a “knucklehead.” Fearing for the life of his brother Jayme sought out the commander of the garrison in an attempt to stop Jhoren but was informed in no uncertain terms that Jhoren outranked everyone in this fortress and even if the idea was bad – it was his to make. It was also pointed out by the Captain that Jhoren was a veteran Captain-Commander and was highly regarded for his skill at the craft of war.

The next morning saw the departure of Jhoren and his warband but not before my wedding to Torean, I should say Lord Torean but I think I will spring that one on him later. Many of the soldiers stopped by to wish my husband well but many were bemused that one of the most famous philanders in the realm would find himself wed in a fortress that could not be escaped. As if that was an accident?

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