• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

No news of a 4th ed D&D game, YET? :/

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And Atari have been in the crapper for a while. not that I have much sympahty for them, after screwing up so many game sby forcing their early release, grr, but interferes with many games being made, sigh.

As a constant DM, and lately one who can't even get to DM, I miss my D&D fix :/


It is getting rather annoying... After seeing the rules though, I have suspected that it would be tough to make a 4e computer game that worked properly within the rules. Perhaps there will be an announcement to coincide with the release of the Players Handbook 2 or the Eberron Campaign Setting.


It's frustrating to see such a good license go to waste. 4e would be the easiest D&D to adapt to computer games yet, and still ... nothing. Grrr...


First Post
It is getting rather annoying... After seeing the rules though, I have suspected that it would be tough to make a 4e computer game that worked properly within the rules. Perhaps there will be an announcement to coincide with the release of the Players Handbook 2 or the Eberron Campaign Setting.

I don't think it would be tough... at least, not as tough as making any other sort of video game.

I do think that 4E with its focus on economy of actions pretty much demands that it be turn-based. Unfortunately, computer gaming has long moved past the point where turn-based games are really viable, outside of Civilization. Even RPGs these days (NWN, Morrowind) are really varying degrees of action-RPGs rather than turn-based. I don't think that a game based solely on 4E's ruleset would ever get made based on that.

Now, you could translate the action types into action RPGs, NWN-style... but I don't think it would work as well as the 3E rules would. Specifically, you could make Minor Actions instant and Standard Actions six seconds (or whatever time scale your combat is). However, fitting move actions and mobility in general just doesn't work as well.

What I can easily see is such a game coming out for the consoles. In fact, I can very easily see a game in the vein of FFT/Vandal Hearts/Diagaea/etc. using the 4E ruleset, and I think it would be really fun. Downloadable content would allow add-ons to be released. Actually, now that I type this I think it's very viable. It kind of makes me wish I was in the business... ah well.

What I'd really like to see though some kind of turn-based game coming out for the PC. However, I think the poor release of ToE nixed that option pretty well.

Ranger REG

What I'd really like to see though some kind of turn-based game coming out for the PC. However, I think the poor release of ToE nixed that option pretty well.
It's still possible. Unfortunately as you said, real-time gaming is more preferred by gamers these days, mainly MMO-type gaming.

Only old-school gamers like me prefer the style that Fallout 3 and KOTOR offer.

Fallout3 has been a huge hit ;) And most folk I know preffer turn based D&D-style RPG games, real time specifically prohibits the tactics that make D&D fun!

Moving can be in Real time, and combat switches in turn based, like Pool of Radiance II and Tmeple of ELemental Evil.

Hence, while I like NWN, I find it nowhere near as much fun as it could be, and Temple of Elemental Evil was greatly superior!
It's much more "juicy" to set up combos of effects and strategies, and those would be IMPOSSIBLE to do in rela time in any menaingful way.

4th ED is loaded with possibilities to use each characters powers to devastating effect, using push, pull, slides to ram enemies off cliffs, into flanks, into other area of effects etc, hehe!

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