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D&D 4E No Roleplaying XP in 4e

CleverNickName said:
Dammit. How many more of these "fixes" am I going to have to house-rule out of 4E before I can play the game I love?
I assume you call it "fix" in apostrophes because there is not actually a hard rule totally forbidding you to ever put out roleplaying XP, and thus is not exactly "house-rule" material?

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Thornir Alekeg

CleverNickName said:
Dammit. How many more of these "fixes" am I going to have to house-rule out of 4E before I can play the game I love?

I've been gaming for more than 20 years, almost exclusively as the DM. I always award bonus XP, at least once per game session but sometimes as frequently as every encounter. I award it for many different reasons, but most often, I award it for good roleplaying. I also give XP penalties, but that's another topic. Anyway, I have never observed any of the ill effects described (lack of fun, overly judgmental perceptions, hurt feelings, assessments of crappiness, the begging of stupid questions, etc.) Maybe I'm not doing it right, or maybe I'm just oblivious to the secret pain and suffering of my players, or maybe my games have been "downright crappy" all these years and nobody ever noticed. But to my knowledge, it has never killed anyone's fun or broken any of my games. My players are always happy and excited about game night, have a good time, and give generally positive feedback.

I'm pretty good at deciding what does and does not work at my table. I see no need for this rule at all.
Ummm, before you get all up in a tizzy, this isn't a "rule" that needs to be house-ruled out. This is a post on a WotC messageboard about Quest XP and gives some perspective about one developer's feelings on roleplaying XP awards.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I seriously doubt that there is anything in the books that will specifically say "You may not give out XP awards for anything else, such as good roleplaying."

Baka no Hentai

First Post
CleverNickName said:
I'm pretty good at deciding what does and does not work at my table.

If thats truly the case, then what is the problem?

Theres no reason to get up in arms about the existence of a codified rule of how to dole out roleplaying experience.... I'm sure that the designers know that groups will do as they see fit in that matter, and thus there is no point in them trying to quantify the un-quantifiable (if that is even a word.)

Bottom line is, the DMs that want to give out XP for roleplaying will keep doing whatever they are doing today. Those that dont... will keep doing whatever they are doing today.


First Post
I hate RP experience both as a player and as a dm.

When I first started playing oWoD larp I played a Tremere who was very manipulative. Now the very fact that, after every game I played in, the ST made statements on how effective I was as my character should have gotten me at least one roleplaying reward. I was ooc and I always acted consistently. But the award always went to other players. Players would roleplay bisexual characters and get awards for it. Players would roleplay duels and such and get awards for it. Yet after every game I was always told that my character was the most effective. I managed to get the prince thrown out of office. The primogen were implicated in colluding with the sabbat. I eventually got the position that I wanted. I roleplayed my loyalty to my clan and my belief in the masquerade. Still no rp rewards. When the chronicle ended the st mentioned that he thought I played the best character in the game. But I never was given an award for it.

Which brings me to my second bad rp experience. I am playing a WW crossover game where we all play badguys. I am a Nephandi. The other players are playing Black Spiral Dancers, Lasambra Sabbat, and various other bad guys of the WoD. We all had a goal that needed to be accomplished. We were all supposed to work together. Instead the party breaks out in a brawl in the first five minutes of game time. I quietly leave and began accomplishing the goals we were supposed to accomplish. Eight hours later the game comes to an end. I managed to accomplish the tasks we were supposed to do. The brawl leads to its inevitable conclusion. The st awards xp for the surviving characters. RP awards are handed out. I don't get one. After we arrange for the next game the st says that I played the best out of the whole group. No rp award though.

In fact this is quite common. In many game I have been in I have seen the best rp award go to the group or player who acts the most extreme or different than the other characters. But the players who actually try to accomplish goals often are left without a reward.

In a d&d game I played in 3.0 I was a wizard. I was engaged to marry an angel in an arranged marriage. I roleplayed the characters fears and need to escape this predicament. I was told I did an excellent job of roleplaying for the whole campaign. But I never got the best roleplayin award. Instead it went to a character that spent most of the time each game trying to debate the moral rights and wrongs of our actions and thus holding up the game. Several of the players mentioned that they didn't think he needed an award. But the dm liked it so he got the award. A couple months later he was a level and a half above us from these rewards.

As a dm I also hate the award. Especially since it is so arbitrary. There are no good rules to determine what good roleplaying is. People like different things. What may be a good film to some others see as a piece of trash. I hated it when players would ask who roleplayed the best in a game. I would tell them that it was the group as whole that impressed me.

If a dm is going to award a best rp award then he should also award players who are good at other aspects of the game. Best character build award. Best Combat tactics award. Best in game joke award. The list goes on and on. Or the dm could just drop the awards and everything will be okay.

I really don't like the rp awards because in the end the same people tend to get them. It doesn't matter how much a player roleplays his character. It really all comes down to what the dm or st liked the best. And there are no rules for that.

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Thornir Alekeg said:
Ummm, before you get all up in a tizzy, this isn't a "rule" that needs to be house-ruled out. This is a post on a WotC messageboard about Quest XP and gives some perspective about one developer's feelings on roleplaying XP awards.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I seriously doubt that there is anything in the books that will specifically say "You may not give out XP awards for anything else, such as good roleplaying."
Yeah, sorry about that. I don't know why I am so easily irritated today; maybe I should switch to decaf. But I'm feeling a lot better now.

Really, the thing I object to the most is the insinuation that so many things I have enjoyed for years are now bad or broken or wrong, for no reason. It hasn't been anything really big, just little things like alignment, minions, and bonus XP. It's been adding up gradually for a week or two, and when I read about how one of my most-used game rewards is now "downright crappy," I sort of lost it.

Sorry about that. I'm usually better at keeping my bile in check.

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