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No Tiamat in Compendium / Monster Builder


First Post
Any idea why? The only thing I can think of, especially for the Monster Builder, is that Tiamat's design is a formatting nightmare.

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Nahat Anoj

First Post
Huh, that's weird. Vecna is still in there, so they're not taking gods out. Perhaps it's because Tiamat may be getting updated because she's the final boss of Scales of War? I don't know if she is the final boss or not, but it seems likely.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Yeah but it's not the update, Tiamat has never been in the Monster Builder, or the Compendium

Venca has been in there since he was published.


First Post
IIRC WOTC stated somewhere that Tiamat cannot be inserted into Compendium currently because of the formatting issues and they're "working on it".

But this was months ago.


Any idea why? The only thing I can think of, especially for the Monster Builder, is that Tiamat's design is a formatting nightmare.

Is your issue that Tiamat's stats arent available to you or just that it isnt coming up online in the DDI tools?

The DDI issue I can't help with but if you need her stats she is in the Draconomicon (Chromatic Dragons) Book. I am fairly sure you knew she was in there and were simply refering to the fact that she isn't in the online DDI tools section.

Assuming for the moment that you didn't know her stats... try these out for size

Tiamat Level 35 Solo Brute

Huge immortal magical beast (dragon) XP 235,000

Initiative see quintuple actions Senses Perception +29; darkvision

Tiamat’s Aura (Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison) aura 10; any
creature that enters the aura or starts its turn within the aura
takes 25 acid, cold, fire, lightning, and poison damage.

HP 1,610; Bloodied 805; see also bloodied breath and

AC 51; Fortitude 51, Reflex 48, Will 49

Immune attacks by creatures of lower than 20th level

Resist 15 acid, 15 cold, 15 fire, 15 lightning, 15 poison

Saving Throws +5; whenever an attack applies an effect to Tiamat
that a save can end, she immediately rolls a saving throw.
Tiamat also makes saving throws at the end of each of her turns
as normal.

Speed 10, fl y 15 (hover), teleport 5

Action Points 5; each head can use only 1 action point, and
Tiamat can spend an action point only once per round.

> [B]Claw [/B](standard; at-will) ✦ Fire
Reach 3; +38 vs. AC; 4d10 + 12 damage.

> [B]Tail Sting [/B](standard; encounter) ✦ Charm
Reach 4; +39 vs. AC; 4d10 + 12 damage, and Tiamat makes a
secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Attack: +42
vs. Will; the target is dominated (save ends).

> [B]Chromatic Breath[/B] (standard; recharge 1/6) ✦ Acid, Cold, Fire,
Lightning, Poison
Can be used only after each head has acted at least once; close
burst 30; +38 vs. Reflex; 10d8 acid, cold, fire, lightning, and
poison damage, and the target takes ongoing 25 acid, fire, and
poison damage and is slowed (save ends both). Aftereffect: The
target is slowed (save ends).

> [B]Bloodied Breath[/B] (free, when first bloodied; encounter) ✦ Acid,
Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison
Tiamat’s chromatic breath recharges, and she uses it

> [B]Frightful Majesty[/B] (minor; encounter) ✦ Fear
Close burst 20; targets enemies; +38 vs. Will; the target is
stunned until the end of Tiamat’s next turn. Aftereffect: The
target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).

[B]Quintuple Actions[/B]
Tiamat does not roll initiative. Her heads have set initiative
counts of 45, 40, 35, 30, and 25 (Tiamat chooses the order
each round). She cannot delay or ready actions. Each head can
activate once per round on its initiative count to take a standard
action and a minor action. Tiamat’s ability to take immediate
actions refreshes on each head’s activation.

When Tiamat becomes bloodied, she discorporates and is
unable to take physical form for a time.

[B]Quintuple Brain[/B]
Each time Tiamat becomes dazed or stunned, she loses her next
head activation instead. Multiple such effects do not stack.

Alignment Evil Languages Supernal

Skills Arcana +30, Athletics +34, Bluff +31, Diplomacy +31,
Dungeoneering +29, Endurance +34, History +30, Insight +29,
Intimidate +31, Religion +30
Str 34 (+29) Dex 29 (+26) Wis 25 (+24)
Con 34 (+29) Int 26 (+25) Cha 28 (+26)
[B]Black Dragon Head Only[/B]

> [B]Vitriolic Spray[/B] (standard; at-will) ✦ Acid
Close blast 5; +38 vs. Reflex; 2d8+10 acid damage, and the
target is blinded (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target is
not blinded.

> [B]Breath Weapon[/B] (standard; encounter) ✦ Acid
Close blast 5; +37 vs. Reflex; 4d8 + 12 acid damage, and the
target takes ongoing 30 acid damage and a –4 penalty to AC
(save ends both).
[B]Blue Dragon Head Only[/B]

> [B]Gore [/B](standard; at-will) ✦ Lightning
Reach 3; +40 vs. AC; 2d8+12 damage plus 2d8 lightning
damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares and knocked prone.

> [B]Breath Weapon [/B](standard; encounter) ✦ Lightning
Tiamat targets up to three creatures with her lightning breath;
the first target must be within 20 squares of Tiamat, the second
target within 10 squares of the first, and the third target within
10 squares of the second; +39 vs. Reflex; 4d10 + 12 lightning
damage, and one of the target’s acid, cold, fire, lightning, or
poison resistance is negated (Tiamat’s choice; save ends). This
attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.
[B]Green Dragon Head Only

[/B]> [B]Dominating Gaze[/B] (standard; at-will) ✦ Charm
Ranged 20; +38 vs. Will; the target is dominated (save ends).

> [B]Breath Weapon [/B](standard; encounter) ✦ Poison
Close blast 5; +38 vs. Fortitude; 3d12 + 12 poison damage, and
the target takes ongoing 20 poison damage and is slowed
[B]Red Dragon Head Only[/B]

> [B]Bite [/B](standard; at-will) ✦ Fire
Reach 3; +40 vs. AC; 8d8 + 12 fire damage, and the target loses
1d4 healing surges.

> [B]Breath Weapon[/B] (standard; encounter) ✦ Fire
Close blast 5; +38 vs. Reflex; 5d12 +
[B]White Dragon Head Only[/B]

> [B]Bite [/B](standard; at-will) ✦ Cold
Reach 3; +38 vs. AC; 6d12 + 12 cold damage.

> [B]Breath Weapon [/B](standard; encounter) ✦ Cold
Close blast 5; +38 vs. Reflex; 9d6 + 12 cold damage, and the
target takes a –2 penalty to attack

Because Tiamat can act multiple times in a round
and has so many action points, her tactical options are numerous. She can change her tactics even in the
middle of a round. However, she is likely to take certain
actions if facing a credible threat.
At the beginning of combat, Tiamat takes to the
air if not already flying and uses frightful majesty. She
then spends an action point to use her black head’s
breath weapon. On each of her turns, she uses one or
two breath weapons, trying to exhaust all of them so
she can unleash her chromatic breath in the following
round. Tiamat is wily enough to retain at least 2
action points in case she needs to retreat in the face of
a force strong enough to overwhelm a god.
When her chromatic breath becomes active, she
uses it whenever it recharges, relying on her various
melee attacks in the meantime (landing if necessary
to move into reach). Opponents who remain
too long in her aura are not only subject to a barrage
of damage, but also special effects from the various
heads’ attacks. Tiamat also likes turning one or more
foes against each other with her tail sting.


First Post
Yeah I know what Tiamat's statblock looks like but I want to see what it looks like in the new MM3-style stat blocks; it looks a lot cleaner and it makes it easier to understand how multiple-initiative monsters act (Dragon of Tyr for instance).

The Tiamat statblock in the book is messy and you don't even know if she has a move action, when she can use it, which actions you can use during each initiative (head only?), etc. I was hoping they would have an updated statblock for her in Scales of War but all they did was just reprint her stats in Dungeon Magazine.

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