Nocturne of Sorrow, Orsal J


Quozen considers the situation. "I am certain I could keep my horse quite lightly packed, but that is because I use so little. All the armor, weaponry, and, indeed, supplies we would need could not fit on a single mount for each of us. It will be a long distance... as we travel we must keep on the lookout for swifter transportation--if only because the cult will seek it out as well."

The elf contemplates further. "We will need good maps, the best we can find. There is no way we can carry a year's worth of food with us on the trip, and must find ways to survive along the way. Knowing where the oases are is key in getting us across the desert and the sinkhole. And... a spyglass. When our maps fail us, we must know what is on the horizon."

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Rystil Arden

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(OOC: I'm not really sure why, but spyglasses in D&D are ridiculously expensive. Its utility to cost ratio probably makes it out of budget reach--a wand of CLW is cheaper somehow :confused: )


(OOC: I know... it's practically a running gag that they are so incredibly expensive. I hear they require the lenses from two baby dragon's eyes, and since the lenses are different sizes, two different babies from two different broods are needed. :p

No, I don't expect I'll get a spyglass. I'll just make jokes along the way about how useful a spyglass would be in this or that situation... ;) )


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InVinoVeritas said:
Quozen considers the situation. "I am certain I could keep my horse quite lightly packed, but that is because I use so little. All the armor, weaponry, and, indeed, supplies we would need could not fit on a single mount for each of us. It will be a long distance... as we travel we must keep on the lookout for swifter transportation--if only because the cult will seek it out as well."

The elf contemplates further. "We will need good maps, the best we can find. There is no way we can carry a year's worth of food with us on the trip, and must find ways to survive along the way. Knowing where the oases are is key in getting us across the desert and the sinkhole. And... a spyglass. When our maps fail us, we must know what is on the horizon."

well then, perhaps my cousin Hasin will prove useful on this adventure after all. When we were lads, I always thought the time he spent away from the clan, out in the wilderness was unnatural, but it did give him skills we may find useful now.


Rystil Arden said:
"You will have the swiftest horses available. However, if you can't keep them all lightly encumbered, it could take almost a year to ride down that far. It is an extremely long distance."
OOC: Let's see, a light load for a light horse is -150 lbs and a light load for a light warhorse is -230 lbs.
Jace and gear weighs 250 lbs, looks like i've got to unload some goods before heading out.

As for food, a wand of create food and water could be useful here. Any of our 3 clerics could wield one. At the minimum 5th CL, the wand would provide food and water for (3 humans or 1 horse)/level for 24 hours. That's (15 humans or 5 horses) fed every day on 1 charge. Of course, a fully charged wand would cost 11,250gp, and I doubt Monemvassia will want to spend that much on us.

Minor notes: create food and water is a 3rd level spell, with a minimum Caster Level of 5th. 5x3x750=11,250gp


Rystil Arden said:
(OOC: The wand is ridiculously priced compared to rations--an equivalent amount of food to the 11250 gp wand costs only 375 gp)
ooc: Right, rations are cheaper.
Jace rubs his chin, How long is our trip? How many days will we spend traveling? How many trail rations will we need round-trip? How much of that can we fit on a horse? Do we need extra steeds to carry our rations? Do we need to bring feed or is there grass the whole way? Would we need additional horses to carry feed?


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Hasin dwarf ranger

jaker2003 said:
ooc: Right, rations are cheaper.
Jace rubs his chin, How long is our trip? How many days will we spend traveling? How many trail rations will we need round-trip? How much of that can we fit on a horse? Do we need extra steeds to carry our rations? Do we need to bring feed or is there grass the whole way? Would we need additional horses to carry feed?

A year is not such a bad thing on the road- lets just join up with a caravan. it is only barely worse then traveling alone- but there is plenty of food...and usually willing companions to warm you...for a small for buying supplies , what we will need more then good horses is shelter. we can walk eventually to any part of the world- but a snowstorm will kill us.
might i suggest:
2 tents each
2 quaals feather tokens (swan)
1 merlund's spoon each
a hewards handy haversack
fishing gear
a small silver bowl and a piece of lodestone
60lbs of rations (in the haversack)
1 wand of clw
2 horses each
some kind of trade goods to take to the caravan.

This way we can pose as a marchent and his guards until we break away from the caravan at night. the goods needn't be cheap- just hard to get in the fire lands- i would suggest parchment, seeds, wooden trinkets or animal pelts

ooc- it's funny jace droogle and i have actually discussed who will have the alignment drift-


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ooc: You do realize we are traveling to the negative energy one (nocturne=night)??!! The fire one wouldn't be so bad cause people live in there, but I don't know if any players know of any cities for the Neg area, so trading is iffy. The magic items you're talking about is like 40,000 gold pieces... If Frump had that much cash (or could get that much), he'd prolly give us 100 gold each to go live in a tavern for a month, and take the rest!


First Post
jaker2003 said:
OOC: Let's see, a light load for a light horse is -150 lbs and a light load for a light warhorse is -230 lbs.
Jace and gear weighs 250 lbs, looks like i've got to unload some goods before heading out.

OOC - well droggle weighs 200 lbs, and his armor weighs 45, so trimming down what he carries isn't really an option

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