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[non d20] Buffy RPG


fnork de sporg said:
I haven't seen all of the older episodes yet, but at least so far I can't remember any occasion where a slayer whuuped him in a straight up fight. Maybe I'm wrong.

It's happened. Buffy and Faith have both opened a can on him before. You never know without the kill though.. Buffy's wailed on Spike too but I don't think she could take him all the way. Guess it's up to the writers in the end.

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Lord Ravinous said:
BTW, that episode flipped me out last night, I ain't gonna say no more, cause I think Canada is behind on episodes compared to us, and I don't wanna spoil it for our Northern friends...

Right there with you. Stupid once-a-week shows.. I want to see what happens next NOW. :mad:

It is not for thee...


First Post
I've been debating getting this for some time now...after reading this, I'll need to. The only problem is I'm not sure whether or not I'll ever get to play it. it would be cool to run a session on here.


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yangnome said:
I've been debating getting this for some time now...after reading this, I'll need to. The only problem is I'm not sure whether or not I'll ever get to play it. it would be cool to run a session on here.

Even if you don't get to play it right away the writing and production value are so good you should just enjoy reading it.


Valiantheart said:

Also, Buffy has been shown to be stronger than Angel as recently as season 4. Buffy has seemed to grow stronger over the seasons as she has grown more connected to her power. On the other hand I wouldnt be surprised if Angel was actually more skilled.

That sounds right to me - emphasises that Carella made a mistake giving Angel a higher STR stat than Buffy. He gives several Slayers surprisingly low STR stats, I'd think the minimum Slayer STR would be 6 (which is the absolute max for normal humans) or 7.


First Post
Every single night the same arrangement
I go out and fight the fight
Still, I always feel the strange estrangement
Nothing here is real,
Nothing here is right
I’ve been making shows of trading blows
Just hoping no one knows
That I’ve been

Going through the motions
Walking through the part
Nothing seems to penetrate my heart
I was always brave and kind of righteous
Now I find I'm wavering
Crawl out of your grave you'll find this fight
Just doesn't mean a thing
She ain't got that swing
Thanks for noticing
She does pretty well with fiends from hell
But lately, we can tell
That she's just

Going through the motions
Faking it somehow
She's not even half the girl she...
Will I stay this way forever?
Sleepwalk through my life's endeavour
How can I repay?
I don't want to be

Going through the motions
Losing all my drive
I can't even see
If this is really me
And I just wanna be

In the words of the immortal Xander, "Nothing can defeat the penis!!"

Buffy rules!!! Angel rules!!! Sucks no more new Buffy's after this season.
=o( Atleast Joss said he will be ending Buffy with a nice surprise. Hope it is nice.

Can't wait for FireFly to come out on DVD!!!


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I have to say I love the game, and I've only so far played it via email. To the point where I've started looking at using it for various other genres even fantasy.

It's also got me looking at buying various other games that use unisystem.


First Post
I bought this book since I'm a huge Buffy fan-boy, and even if you discount that, I still say it's one of the finest game products I've ever purchased (I've been playing for about 10 years, to give perspective on that).

I got it at GenCon last year, after hearing about it at the Buffy CCG booth. $40 was a steep price for a hardback book no larger than (maybe smaller than?) the 3E PHB, but hey, fanboyhood meant I could justify it.

I didn't have much time to look at it until 3 weeks later when things settled down a bit at work and the games I was running already (D&D and Exalted) were prepped enough. Then I cracked open the book and was *blown away*.

In all my years of gameplay I've neven beet the type to actually sit down and read a rules book. I flip through it, dig for ideas, and pull it out only when necessary. Example being the splat books for D&D - if I'm making a fighter I pull out S&F (and Quint. Fighter, etc...) to get ideas and look at the real mechanics on something, but otherwise the book sits unused on my shelf awaiting the next time it will be desired.

I've only ever actually read one game book from cover to cover - the Sabbat Guide for Mind's Eye Theatre Vampire (LARP). That book kicks ass and I don't even want to play Sabbat. It's just that well written.

Buffy RPG was the second book I ever read cover to cover. Every sentence gives new ideas or helps set the mood. It's all written just like an episode of Buffy, very casual and with plenty of self-referential humor. Golden.

I loved it so much, in fact, that I immediately purchased the limited edition of the book at my FLGS ($70) and then pre-ordered copies of Director's Screen ($20), Slayer's Handbook Limited Ed ($55), Monster Smackdown Limited Ed ($55), and Magic Box ($27). That's a lot of investment for me to make (a college student who only works 3 months a year) but I knew they'd all be great purchases. And thus far I've been anythng but disappointed by Slayer's Handbook and Monster Smackdown.

I really can't say enough good about this game. I've run 2 one-shots for some people around here to try and get the hang of running a television-type game (as opposed to a chronicle-type game that I'm more used to), and to see what players might want to play in it.

I've got a group of a couple guys interested in playing it this summer, but I really need to find a girl or two to even out the gender of the gaming group, since Buffy seems (IMO) to be a game that really *needs* both sexes playing it to be as good as it can be.

The mechanics are a joy after coming from the very laden and specific D20 System (which, don't get me wrong, I really like). They're simple as hell, use just 1d10 for all rolls (save for damage, which you needn't roll dice for anyways if you don't want to using a variant system in the book).

I found a copy of WitchCraft (uses almost the same system) for 60% off a couple weeks later and picked that up. It also kicks ass. Unisystem and Eden Studios have gained a lifelong fan in me from Buffy RPG. I got their catalog in the mail with my Monster Smackdown, and I found over $400 in books I wanted already. Compared to the very few D20 books I am at all interested in anymore (after blowing $1000 this year on them).

Trust me, if you like Buffy at all, you'll love the core book and the game in general. Finding players will be the real hitch, but since, in general, Buffy fans seem to clump together, you might not have too much trouble with that.

Long post, I know. So I'll close by saying that the game kicked my ass completely. It's one of the best I've ever seen in terms of production value, editing, mechanics, and just manaing to get that perfect 'feel' somehow. It's the best $40 I ever spent on gaming materials.

Cor Azer

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Acmite said:
Well.....if you hadn't abandoned your Waterloo group........


Hey you! Get back to work, Mr. I'm-too-busy-to-play-an-email-game-but-can-post-on-ENWorld-all-I-want!

Besides... while I could have possibly gotten a few more one shots up there, nobody seemed interested in playing a few series.

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