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Norannar - the train north


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Mor'Gan finishes loading his pistol and it joins its mate in a scabbard at his hip. He decides to leave the rifles in his bunk and goes looking for Feldon.

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Tymin Thaal - Gunmage 4

*Tymin finishes checking over and stowing his gear before holstering his magelocks in their shoulder holsters and heading for the dining car.*


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When you reach the dining car, Lightbringer is already seated at table. He has removed his armour and helmet, but a heavy veil still covers his features. His head is shaven and tatooed, and you notice that he appears not to have any eyebrows, either. A large silver hoop earring hangs from his left ear.

The table in front of him is covered with food, enough food to feed the entire group of you (even with Feldon's appetite) and leave plenty afterwards. A large mug sits beside Lightbringer, with what would appear to be a small reed sticking out of the top.

"Welcome, friends. Come, sit. Enjoy some breakfast before the day gets too far underway. You will excuse me if I don't join you in the meal, but I have already eaten, and I will be able to explain a bit more about myself and our mission, as it were.

"I am, as fantastic as it may sound, a duer out of time, if you will. I was born the second son of Dalzak, during the time of the Great War - what is now known as the War of Ascension. My people had only just discovered the surface realms, and had been hauled ito the War quite unwillingly. I and the second sons of each of the great warlords, were taken and trained in the arts of warfare and were made into a very special unit, with each trained to annihilate a specific foe presented by the Great Mages who would be Gods. Our names were taken from us, and we were given the title 'Loyal Sword' of our fathers.

After the War, we weere no longer needed, so the Great Forger placed us in an enchanted sleeping chamber, to be awakened again when we were needed. I awoke three months ago, but all of my bretheren were either missing or dead."

At this last, Lightbringer goes silent a moment, and a look of very deep sadness crosses his eyes. You think you hear something about a 'beloved Urukslayer,' but are uncertain. You do not even know what an Uruk might be.

After a moment, his eyes harden again, as he looks up. "When I awoke, and left the chamber, I found the world had changed around me. The wilderness I found myself in seemed to have no end, until I came across Mor'Gan and Feldon, who, with a party of others, were tracking a new enemy of their people - your people - who had destroyed the frontier town known as Tolk, in the southernmost reaches of your frontier. When we came across this enemy, I recognized them as being the Urukz, the Ravagers who had originally raided the tunnels of my people and brought us into the Great War. 'But no,' I thought, 'Varnus Giljak and his Clan had slain all of the Urukz, and he had earned the title Urukslayer from his enmity of this people. And the Urukz were barbarous, not an organized military force such as those I was looking upon. And we were looking upon a very large force, indeed. It was decided then that we head back to warn the nations of this time of the great threat posed at their southernmost borders. We left some to keep watch on the Urukz - who now call themselves Tumak - as the three of us headed north. We will first speak with my people, the Dalzak clan. Are there any questions?"


Tymin Thaal Gunmage 4

*Tymin looks up from his food, swallowing a mouthful before speaking.*

"Just one milord, how do we fit into all of this?" Tymin waves his fork in the air as he speaks. "A quick train ride north shouldn't require this kind of firepower." patting one of his pistols.


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"While in Remere, I contacted some of my clan there. Word has spread of my arrival, and it was feared by my clan that there would be those who would not want me to reach Morrakin. Something about a prophecy..." His eyes twinkle a bit, as if he were smiling behind his veil.


Tymin Thaal Human Gunmage 4

Tymin nods, "Ah, and we make sure that they don't reach you. Sounds simple enough, shoot anything you don't recognize as a friend and run over anything sitting on the tracks. Crude, but effective."


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Mor'Gan, listening to an explanation of facts already known to him sits quietly studying his newest companions. Hearing the mention of an obscure prophecy snaps his attention back to the Dueregar warrior across the table.

His right brow raises in an expression of the unasked question in his mind...<something We should know about Varnuus?> unsure of the propriety of asking the question aloud amongst new arrivals and in a location far from private, the Sentinel holds his peace. The expression on his face becomes one of momentary distraction as he turns his gaze from the companions towards the North. Staring through the wall of the dining car his eyes turn vague and unfocused as though seeing something beyond sight and listening to something unheard. A moment passes, time the huge Duermek is as unaware of as his current surroundings.

A moment more then clarity and focus visibly return to his eyes. Shaking his head as if to dispell whatever overcame him he turns back to the table, unaware of the strangeness of his behaviour to Feldon and Varnuus he stands looking at the company in general.

"If you will pardon me my friends, I will absent myself for the moment." then looking directly at Varnuus and Feldon,

"Something is happening...and I don't know what" Then with an expression almost of apology he departs heading towards the rear of the train, a thoughtful expression in his obsidian eyes. The imposing figure in his Great-coat and boots encounters no obstruction as other passengers unconsiously remove themselves from his way creating a path. Yet each of those that he passes on either side shudder slightly as though momentarily chilled. It is only when he has left the Dining car that the eyes of those affected turn momentarily to the door through which he has left.


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(Feldon stops eating for a moment when Mor'Gan leaves, and watches carefully as he walks to the next car)

So what is expected of us when we arrive Varnus?

Anything I should be preparing for? Am I going to need to look like an escort again?

(Feldon returns to eating, he seems determined to eat his portian, Varnus' and now that Morgan is gone, his as well)


First Post
"No, Feldon, you will not be expected to be anything but yourself. On your best behavoiur, of course," Varnus replies absently, standing up to look down the passage Mor'Gan went through.

"Excuse me a moment, friends. I must see what is troubling Mor'Gan." He then walks swiftly through the door toward the rear of the train.

If any follow, you see the confused and, in some cases, alarmed expressions on the faces of the other passengers, most of whom appear to be wealthy duerfolk of some status.

Varnus catches up to Mor'Gan when he stops, and asks quietly, "What is it you sense, my friend?"


First Post
Mor'Gan's brow furrows as he composes his thoughts. his eyes narrowing in an unhappy expression.
"Foreboding my friend. A sense of darkness and threat."
the big Duermek shakes his head as though to dispell his frustration.
"In all honesty Varnus I am not really sure of what I speak in fact. Only that the feeling of threat is growing stronger..."
Mor'Gan pauses as though lost in thought, his hands caressing the butts of his revolvers as though for comfort and security.

"It is as though we are leaving one great danger behind us and travelling into one ahead. When you mentioned a prophecy and began detailing our journey North, dark voices uttering black laughter called in my mind coming from the north...always from the north."

Shaking his head as though to rid it of unhappy thoughts the Sentinel favours The Lightbringer with a half smile.
"who knows Varnus? maybe I'm just uncomfortable with threats unknown ahead as opposed to threats unresolved behind?
He pats the duer on his shoulder.
"Now what's this prophecy then my friend?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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