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Not good :(

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wingsandsword said:
Wow, that was one of the most paranoid, over-the-top, I-couldn't-make-up-junk-that-silly-if-I-tried bits of so-called "news" I've ever read.

Seriously, the author of this article should calm down, take his pills, and ditch the tinfoil cap.

It's not that far fetched, as media becomes more interactive,
(I mean crap it's common knowledge that you can listen in on a person via a phone even when the phone is not in use, why not via other routes of comms)

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librarius_arcana, I don't want to insult you, so I should ask you a question before I say something that does.

Do you take what you read on conspiracy theory sites to be the truth?


First Post
IcyCool said:
librarius_arcana, I don't want to insult you, so I should ask you a question before I say something that does.

Do you take what you read on conspiracy theory sites to be the truth?

LoL, dude it's the first time I've seen anything like this, And I know enough about intell to know how its collected, this doesn't seem that far out there hence the evidence question,
(or to put in another way, do you think people wouldn't do this?) right now I'm broad minded, and not decided either way,

But hey if you want to be rude and all don't let that stop you, but be prepared for a kick in the nutz back ;)


Starman said:
The circvs is your friend.
This is true! I'm also going to point you towards CM, where this thread is perfect. Here, it's on the line between okay and political (if it strayed towards government spying.)

I'll leave it open for now, but don't be surprised if it closes. And I'll slide it into the OT forum.


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Piratecat said:
This is true! I'm also going to point you towards CM, where this thread is perfect. Here, it's on the line between okay and political (if it strayed towards government spying.)

I'll leave it open for now, but don't be surprised if it closes. And I'll slide it into the OT forum.
P-Kitty, can we please just close this thread before things get ugly? Please?

librarius_arcana, I'm not saying this was a bad thing to post (personally, I'm breaking out the tinfoil hats ;)) but this belongs on CM or elsewhere

Also, note here in the general forum that there is, at the link to the OT forum, a sub-title which says "No politics & religion, please." Also, in The Rules (which you agreed to before you officially became a memeber when signing up, right ;);)), EN World clearly states the following:
The Rules said:
Keep it on topic: Ok, so it's not that we actually forbid off-topic conversation. But keep in mind that this is a D&D and D20 site, with many sub-forums on lots of related topics. Try to put your posts in the right forums (it helps people find stuff, for one thing); off-topic posts go in the Off Topic forum. By popular demand, off-topic polls (not posts -- polls) are forbidden. And in this category I should mention the "no religion, no politics" rule -- please refrain from discussion of a religious or political nature. This last may seem a rather draconic rule, but it has helped keep the peace around here for a long time. There are plenty of places on the internet where one could have those sorts of discussion.
Note the underline. No politics or religion.

In any case, I hope this get's closed for the sake of peace before someone gets hurt. But that's just me :)


librarius_arcana said:
<SNIP>And I know enough about intell to know how its collected, this doesn't seem that far out there hence the evidence question,
(or to put in another way, do you think people wouldn't do this?) right now I'm broad minded, and not decided either way, <SNIP>
For the sake of all involved, let me say this is pure tripe. (Not your comments the article.)
As a former employee of the agency in question, there is not enough people, resources, or time to care, deal with, etc. what John and Jane Doe do in their livingrooms or elsewhere.

Too many movies like "Enemy Of The State" fly around with NSA having all sorts of cameras and such trained on the United States citizenry. There is a Signals Directive USSID 18 that all agency employees known by heart. The actual document is quite large but the heart of it comes down to the following =
"Under no circumstances will an American Citizen, buiness or agency by monitored or collected by agency resources unless proper legal authorization or reasonable evidence suggest the contrary." While this may sound like a lot of "wiggle room", trust me, it isn't.

Most of the hardware that the American people at large think exists is more at home in "Flash Gordon" than an ops floor. The whole "Hoover in Space" is a myth folks, remember - Hollywood can't even keep reality straight in that city, how can they keep up on it in the rest of the world? :)
PirateCat (or any other mod) - killing this thread might be a REAL good idea.


First Post
Look honestly people, I just posted this here to share what I've found, if you are so immature to not be capable of discussing this like an adult, and on top of that make lame ass "tin foil" comment, please feel free not to post here, and/or go fu*k yourself :)

You make me embarrassed that people like you are part of the same hobby I have,
you fit and feed all the negative stereotypes that the public associates with this hooby,
something that isn't earnt by the rest of this hobby I must add, just the retards who do the d20 thing,

You know, the smelly, immature, socially retarded, people who just can't function proply in society, (no wonder so many try to escape to a fantasy world)
and you know it's true, of all the people in this hobby that fit the above list it's always the people that play d20, (rarely any other) I mean crap even the WotC guys who did the podcast sound like a couple of immature retards, the scary thing is like you they think it's okay, untill they bump in to the real world

LoL these people are never going to be your combat pilots, or astronauts are they?,
just a thin pathetic sub layer located somewhere near society ass (you are the dump stat lol)

Anyhow, I gave you the doubt, but I'm sorry (true) to say everything they say is true,
don't really blame you for being that way though, nobody would choose to be retarded/etc after all, guessing in your case just some point in your family tree that a brother did his sister,

And go ahead and ban, half of nothing is still nothing right?,(sure even you can work that out) It's not like I'm going to miss this place, ever since the first day I came here some of you have had a chip, (even one of the mods, I knew I should of had some look in to what you did, but hey, at the time just too petty to be important) yet you know nothing about me?, why is that?, is it because normal (okay semi lol) people remind you that you're retarded?, cuz I'm guessing that must hurt,

Btw Gary Gygax Nobody talks like that, you have become a cliché because of it,
(you don't think so hu?, man go watch the guy who owns the comic store in the simpson's,)

Seeya ;)

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