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Notes for a New Campaign City, Parsantium


I really like the fairytale/legendary elements you worked in. I'm running a city campaign right now, and I'm trying to imagine working a "green knight's challenge" in; I can't imagine how I'd do that in an urban setting....

Thanks - I wrote all the forest ruins stuff but the Green Knight and talking bears/satyr encounter are from Wrath of the River King by Wolfgang Baur. Maybe you could look at a trip outside your city? My campaign will be back within Parsantium's walls after this adventure.



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The next adventure!


Been thinking about this while I've been away for a few days.

I'd like to start the adventure with the PCs being hired by Dulicitus the playwright to look into the activities of Iancu Petronas, his avant-garde arch-rival. Dulicitus will take the PCs to the theatre to see one of Petronas' (excellent) plays and get them interested by implying that Iancu is "connected" to the Old Quarter's criminal fraternity. Hopefully the PCs will be able to find enough dirt on the young upstart to discredit him ahead of the winter Aymaran Festivities.

During the course of the adventure, the PCs will spy on Iancu Petronas and his friends as they carouse their way throughout the Old Quarter, drinking, gambling and whoring. It will become apparent that the playwright himself just likes a good time, but that one or two members of his entourage are involved with the Golden Scimitars. At a meeting at the bathhouse, the PCs gain a few leads into the current activities of the criminal gang and are able to follow these in order to put a spanner in the works - these activities could be as per Gilladian's or Jack7's suggestions.

That's as far as I've got so far. Any comments?




More thoughts on the next adventure


A few more ideas on the Golden Scimitars adventure - what the organization is up to, and some possible encounters for the PCs to get mixed up in using suggestions from Gilladian and Jack7. I need to work out how to get to these from the initial set up though...


The Golden Scimitars are planning on expanding their territory from the Old Quarter’s Dock and Poor Wards into the Makers Ward. By siding with different guilds and families against their rivals, the organization is able to gain influence over some important factions in the Old Quarter. Their activities include supporting their allies in the ward’s frequent street fights, blackmail and extortion. Zeno Meverel as Avishandu’s respectable faceman (and owner of numerous businesses in the Poor Ward) is leading the charge on this initiative.


1. At the bathhouse, the PCs witness a murder or something else they shouldn’t – perhaps a secret meeting in the steam room.

2. The PCs need to report in regularly to Dulicitus and co. at the Golden Bean Tree coffee house in the Khanduq of the Nightingale’s Song. While meeting their patron, the PCs are witness to a visit from heavies seeking to extort protection money from Yasmina. The Golden Scimitars have already got the Blue Monkey and many of the artists running stalls in the khaduq on their list of “clients”.

3. The PCs get caught up in a street fight between two rival guilds or families. They can intervene on one side or the other, help the City Watch break up the fight or keep well clear

4. Kaham al-Vizhon, proprietor at the White Palm tavern – a popular meeting place for influential Old Quarter merchants – is having an affair with Beatus, an actor and friend of Iancu Petronas, behind his wife’s back¬. The Golden Scimitars have found out and are blackmailing Kaham. The hapless barkeep has been forced to install a pair of Golden Scimitar spies on the staff so they can keep an eye on guild goings-on.

Any comments?




All of them sound interesting. How are the PCs going to get mixed up in Kaham's trouble? Will they maybe dine at the White Palm and recognize an enemy on the staff? Or Kaham might ask his "old friend" Dulicitis to recommend someone that can help him "with a problem"?


All of them sound interesting. How are the PCs going to get mixed up in Kaham's trouble? Will they maybe dine at the White Palm and recognize an enemy on the staff? Or Kaham might ask his "old friend" Dulicitis to recommend someone that can help him "with a problem"?
Both good ideas - thanks! I had been thinking the PCs might spot Kaham arguing with someone from the Golden Scimitars over installing their spies on the staff but either of these would work better.

I'll post the outline I've done so far later.




First Post
I like a lot of your ideas Rich, and I like what Gill suggested.

Some thoughts that occurred to me.

1. At the bathhouse, the PCs witness a murder or something else they shouldn’t – perhaps a secret meeting in the steam room.

At the bathhouse they might view events which seem perfectly innocuous, though somewhat strange or out of the ordinary. Only later do they find a body, or the appearance of a murder without the corpus or corpora delicti, but with plenty of supporting evidence that something very bad, maybe even brutal happened. Then they would have to figure out what exactly occurred based upon their own observations and some investigative work. The crime might have been real and would then lead them to a suspect or suspects (involving the wider storyline), or it might have been a plant or a set-up in order to lure them into a trap or along a false trail.

Another thing I thought of regarding the bathhouse. Suppose there is the common or public bath and smaller areas for private patrons or clients. The PCs may have been allowed access to the private areas only to discover that the water they are bathing in is full of small but poisonous serpents, toads, fish, perhaps even water insects or arachnids. (Which they only discover after disrobing and entering the water, which might be cloudy from mineral or warm springs.)

Then again they might find that the water they bathe in is filled with a powerful contact drug or hallucinogen, which they can absorb through their skin.

2. The PCs need to report in regularly to Dulicitus and co. at the Golden Bean Tree coffee house in the Khanduq of the Nightingale’s Song. While meeting their patron, the PCs are witness to a visit from heavies seeking to extort protection money from Yasmina. The Golden Scimitars have already got the Blue Monkey and many of the artists running stalls in the khaduq on their list of “clients”.

The PCs might discover that there is a split among the Scimitars. That there is a young, brash, popular fellow in the group who is peeling away work from the main group, and that he had originally done so clandestinely, but is now working openly. It could lead to an interesting role play situation, and an opportunity for the PCs to insert a man into the break-always, or to somehow work the two groups against each other. As the group seeks to expand operations into new areas this would be a perfect time for a split as one faction seeks to expand cautiously and without stirring up a lot of new enemies, but the younger or more ambitious man seeks to his old leaders, grab power for himself, or maybe even start his own rival criminal organization.

3. The PCs get caught up in a street fight between two rival guilds or families. They can intervene on one side or the other, help the City Watch break up the fight or keep well clear

This situation reminded me of a device I often use called the Counterparty. I'm gonna write up a thread about it in another forum but basically the idea is a party who are rivals to the party you are running in your game (the party of your players). It doesn't have to be a direct one to one correspondence, but the rival party does have to be either adversaries or in direct competition with the PCs. For instance here is a Party (of my players), and here is that party's Counterparty. If the counterparty is filled with generally friendly competitors, then they are Rivals. If they are dangerous rivals then they are Adversaries. If they are sworn or blood enemies then I call them Nemeses. Of course these categories of competition can change or alter over time.

I'm not speaking of the Scimitars though they could potentially employ the Counterparty or the counterparty could even be enemies of the Scimitars. To the PCs the counterparty could be potential rivals, adversaries, nemeses, or even unlikely allies.

In any case I think this situation is perfect for the counterparty.

4. Kaham al-Vizhon, proprietor at the White Palm tavern – a popular meeting place for influential Old Quarter merchants – is having an affair with Beatus, an actor and friend of Iancu Petronas, behind his wife’s back¬. The Golden Scimitars have found out and are blackmailing Kaham. The hapless barkeep has been forced to install a pair of Golden Scimitar spies on the staff so they can keep an eye on guild goings-on.

You know the party could be victims of the same basic tactic. The Scimitars find out about the party, how they operate, who they normally protect and like, work with, etc. Then they plant a person, maybe an orphan or girl who needs help, and the party seeks to help them. All of the time the scimitars are using the plant to spy upon the party so as to anticipate their moves, etc. Another interesting role play opportunity and another set of mysteries as the PCs try and figure out who is leaking info or how they are being anticipated or thwarted.

Get luck Rich. You've got a really interesting and well developed world and setting. Your players probably have an awful lot of fun when you guys play.



Here's what happened in this week's session - second part of Wrath of the River King.

26th Maius

With the bear and satyrs dealt with the PCs demand that the tavern-keeper, Nikola, takes them to the barn where the miller is being held prisoner. Pellham the guard won’t let them inside so the party go to see Kemal, the village muhtar (headman) who is convinced of Hamid’s guilt despite a lack of any real evidence. Margarita, Ella and Sharden go to the mill pond to see if they can find a body while Krivinn goes to talk to Hamid.

At the mill pond, the PCs run into a strangely-dressed tiefling who introduces himself as “the god-king Koh-Bar”; he claims to be searching for clues leading to a sect with a twisted draconic symbol – Sharden recognises his as the mark of the Twisted Rune. The dwarf goes off to tell Krivinn of the new arrival while Margarita dives into the pond. The genasi can’t find the missing miller’s wife but she does spot a millstone marked with elven runes on the bottom. Krivinn, meanwhile, has been speaking to the confused Hamid who begs for help from the party in finding his missing wife whom he believes has been dragged back to the Feywild by goblins after the two of them argued.

The dragonborn goes to the mill with Sharden where Ella and Koh-Bar are continuing to argue. Koh-Bar heads into the village and goes to the Golden Knight where he frightens one of the villagers. The others go inside the mill and meet a young boy with blond hair who calls himself Flax and says he’s the miller’s son. His story is confusing and the PCs don’t think he’s telling them the (whole) truth. Krivinn goes back to see Kemal again and gets the muhtar to agree to let the PCs investigate Ellessandra’s disappearance thoroughly over the next couple of days before trying Hamid.

By this time it’s starting to get dark so all the PCs go back to the mill. Koh-Bar stays outside, lights a bonfire and declares that the mill and the surrounding area are safe from monsters and evil. Then he goes to sleep. Inside, Sharden fails to pick the lock to the counting room and triggers the magic mouth so Ella kicks the door in. Rest for the night –Margarita falls asleep while she’s meant to be on watch. When she wakes up, Flax is nowhere to be seen.

27th Maius

First Margarita, then Ella and Krivinn swim down into the millpond and pass into the Feywild. After some dithering, Sharden and Koh-Bar tie themselves together and jump in afterwards.

The PCs find themselves under the waters of a rushing river in the Feywild. All five manage to get their heads above water but struggle to get out of the current and lose various bits of their gear. Ella loses a boot and Margarita loses her waterskin in the churning waters but Sharden suffers the most, losing his ritual scroll of eye of alarm, his quarterstaff, his boot (with concealed thieves tools) and his hat. Koh-Bar loses his backpack but more importantly, his “gold” crown. Krivinn and Ella grab hold of a log and Margarita who has made it to the bank helps them out by throwing a rope. However, Sharden and Koh-Bar, both poor swimmers, are still floundering in the water and look to be heading over a waterfall. Desperate situations sometimes call for desperate solutions. Brave Ella uses split the tree to fire arrows with ropes tied to the ends into both PCs – Koh-Bar makes a salmon leap out of the water to make sure she hits him. The two hapless PCs take 19 hp damage each (which drops Koh-Bar to 2 hp!) but they are able to grab hold of the ropes and are dragged to safety just in time to avoid going over the falls.

The damp and gravely injured PCs are tended to by Margarita’s inspiring words of healing but as they rest briefly, the waters start to churn – over a dozen large eel-like creatures are slithering towards the river bank!





Here's my write up of Monday night's game :

27th Maius (contd)
Confronted by the baying pack of eel hounds, Brave Ella climbs up the grassy bank where she can take potshots at them, but Krivinn, Koh-Bar and Margarita soon find themselves surrounded by frenzied eels and slipping all over the place on the muddy shore. Koh-Bar goes unconscious from multiple slithering bites. To rescue the tiefling, Krivinn lays hands on him, then throws him up the bank. Meanwhile, the pack leader has eel-spat at Ella twice and then closes to attack her at close quarters. Koh-Bar uses his thunder leap to jump back into the action, misses three out of four eel hounds, ends up unconscious again and then fails two death saves before being healed by Krivinn. Margarita revives Ella who is being attacked by the leader and then slays the beast after it’s bloodied by Krivinn. Weary from their travails, the PCs head up the creek to find somewhere to rest for the night as it’s getting dark.

The party set up camp – Ella talks about building a fire but using this word seems to freak out Koh-Bar who runs off into the woods, ranting and raving. While he’s gone, Ella makes her small fire. Koh-Bar spots a man of leaves in the trees and returns to the others but Krivinn says the word “fire” again, causing the sorcerer to run off again. When he comes back for a second time, Krivinn sets him off for a third time, then Sharden does. Eventually the PCs stop tormenting the tiefling as twigs in their campfire start screaming and writhing around as if in agony! Krivinn grabs several twigs out of the flames, burning himself in the process, and then lays hands on the sticks in an effort to heal them. The party don’t light another fire and Sharden uses a scroll to cast magic mouth to guard the campsite.

The PCs settle down to rest but Ella’s watch is disturbed by a flock of owls swooping and diving through the camp. Fortunately the others get back to sleep and the party manages to take an extended rest.

Feywild, Day 2

The PCs continue to follow the creek upstream, running into a group of fey and their two hunting boars. They refuse to bow down and swear fealty to the eladrin so battle ensues. The Black Fey runners turn invisible and blind the PCs with their feyshot wands while the boars charge Krivinn and Margarita and the witch surrounds herself in a shadowy aura. After a tough battle where the PCs don’t know where to target with their powers, the PCs are victorious but two of the Black Fey runners manage to escape.

Any comments? Koh-Bar the sorcerer is played by someone who likes changing characters regularly and playing flawed PCs. In Red Hand of Doom, he playing a blind monk with a talking guide dog!




Golden Scimitars Adventure Outline


This is long overdue to be posted, but I've had no time to work on this recently. This outline doesn't yet incorporate most of the cool suggestions from Gilladian and Jack7.

Day 1
1. The PCs are back in Parsantium and receive a messenger snake with tickets for the theatre
2. Meet Dulicitus & friends at the play, adventure briefing
3. Follow Iancu & friends after the play to the Winking Vixen -- some kind of skill challenge to do this? Need to make it so all PCs are involved if possible.
• Need names & descriptions for the actors – Iancu, Beatus, Francio plus three or four others.
• Chance to hear/see Zeno arguing with Eusebia over the accounts
4. Follow Iancu & friends home to their lodgings in the Aymara Sabban in the early hours of the morning

Day 2
5. Iancu & friends meet for late breakfast/lunch at the Golden Bean Tree.
• Yasmina is threatened by thugs from the Golden Scimitars – PCs get the chance to run these thugs off
• Chance to notice that Francio and thugs seem to recognise each other
6. After the play, Iancu and friends go to Fahil’s – Beatus goes to meet Kaham.
• Spot Francio first meeting XXX of the Golden Scimitars to get instructions, and then buying drugs
• Fahil may take an interest in the PCs (especially if they’ve been here before or have a reputation)
• Might see Glyn Merryfield losing money
• Chance to spot Zeno?

Day 3
7. Iancu & friends meet for late breakfast/lunch at the Golden Bean Tree. Francio isn’t present, Beatus is showing off a new piece of jewellery (a gift from Kaham)
8. Street fight encounter
• Masons vs potters
• Masons seem to have extra back-up – they do, from the Golden Scimitars – and the potters are getting thrashed
• The bells ring for the City Watch
• PCs have a chance to recognise Francio in a hood, and also one or two NPCs from the City Attack encounter (2b)
• What can the PCs find out here by interrogating Francio, potters or masons?
9. The PCs need to report in to Dulicitus and are to meet him at the White Palm <use map in KQ #10>
• Chance to spot Kaham arguing with Golden Scimitars thugs over installing spies on the staff
• Maybe Zeno is present, meeting with a guild head (perhaps even Bahram Peroz but probably best not)
10. After the play, Iancu and friends head to the Flaming Vixen
• May recognise Firmina from Orloch’s slave market
• Chance to encounter the sinister Marcus Hape <Elder Evils>?
• Francio looks beaten up a bit

Day 4
11. Iancu & friends meet for late breakfast/lunch at the Golden Bean Tree.
• Possible return of GS extortion crew?
12. Bathhouse
• Iancu and his friends go to the baths <use map in Backdrops>
• Thuggee/GS killers attempt to murder Bahram Peroz, Speaker of the Guild of Weavers and Dyers. PCs should try and stop the killers.
• If they succeed, Bahram will be able to explain quite a bit of what’s been going on – he turned down an offer of “help” from Zeno Meverel and his “organization”, that the Golden Scimitars are trying to gain control of the Ward etc
• If Bahram is killed, the PCs will need to get the information from elsewhere!
13. Eusebia is murdered – how do the PCs find out?

By this stage, the PCs have probably sussed out the following:
- Iancu isn’t really involved in any crime but Francio and, indirectly, Beatus are.
- Zeno & the Golden Scimitars are trying to take control of the Makers Ward
- Zeno owns the Winking Vixen and Fahil’s Floating Palace so someone in these locations can probably point them in the right direction.
- Hints from Naelere if required – maybe in a different guise here. Deva?
- His legitimate office above the Winking Vixen is abandoned but the PCs can find a secret door and hidden staircase leading down into the Hidden Quarter.

The climax of the adventure would take place in Zeno Meverel's Hidden Quarter hideout:

This is in the tunnels of the Hidden Quarter and is accessible from the Winking Vixen. The PCs can make their way there and deal with Zeno and his crew.
• One encounter en route, using sewer tiles.
• Hideout is located in well-preserved building(s) of former old city? Bits of old Dhak Janjua architecture?
• Three or four encounters (?) in hideout – traps and NPCs/monsters
• Clues in the underground hideout will drop more obscure hints about Avishandu.

Any comments?



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