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Notes for a New Campaign City, Parsantium


I just wish I could play in your game! It might make me understand what people like about 4th edition :)

My game has too many threads right now. I need to decide what options the PCs are really interested in pursuing. Hmmm... they really won't tell me!

Thanks for the compliment! Having said that, although 4e is quite a different system as far as combat encounters go, the rest of the game runs exactly the same as earlier editions of D&D I've run, whether 1e, 2e or 3.x. I think we're all just enjoying exploring a new games system.

If your players won't tell you which thread they want to pursue, you'll just have to choose one or two for them ;)



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Session #33

Here's what happened in Monday night's session in which we introduced a new PC, Saethus, an eladrin wizard from the Summer Kingdom and member of the Estoteric Order of the Blue Lotus:

4th Iunius
Krivinn talks to Watch patrol leader, Innocentius, giving him his unasked-for views on law enforcement in Parsantium. Meanwhile, an eladrin wizard named Saethus has been watching the party from across the street – he recognises Brave Ella from the Birch Queen’s Fair. Ella goes over to talk to him. Then, a messenger snake arrives – Dulicitus wants to see the PCs that evening at the White Palm for a progress report. As the party discuss what to do, Brave Ella offends Krivinn by calling him a tiefling. In response to this “racial abuse”, the paladin snaps the ranger’s arrows and stomps off to the headquarters of the Most Excellent Order of Stonecutters and Masons. Ella, Bolval and Saethus go there separately and find the dragonborn waiting in the lobby. Krivinn and Bolval are shown in to see Master Agapetus who tells the PCs that the Masons have had backing from some muscle from the Poor Ward in their dispute with the Potters. When the paladin tries to make a citizen’s arrest, the guildsman has them all thrown out of the Masonic Hall.

To make it up with Krivinn, Brave Ella buys the dragonborn a fragrant candle and sends him a messenger snake to say sorry. She buys some beer for Bolval who she also insulted. Next, she heads over to the Guild of Potters and Tile-Makers where Master Plutinus explains that the Potters used to be backed by a gang called the Lamplighters but these guys have now vanished from the scene, giving the Masons and the Golden Scimitars the upper hand. Back at their apartment, Ella and Krivinn make up after their row – the paladin has bought the elf some new arrows and a quiver.

In the evening, the PCs go to the White Palm and meet with Dulicitus. They give their report to the grumpy playwright, telling him that they haven’t yet been able to pin anything serious on Iancu Petronas. Dulicitus pays them their first three days’ money – 450 gp. After the meeting, the party are invited to sample some beers in the White Palm’s yakhchal (cellar) by the landlord, Kaham. The tavern-owner explains that the Golden Scimitars are trying to take over the Makers Ward and have forced him to place two spies on his staff – a half orc and a fire genasi, both useless waiters. Promising to help Kaham, the PCs go to catch the second half of the play. They meet Iancu and friends afterwards and go with them to the Tankard and Gull in the Poor Ward’s red light district, and then on to the Fallen Angel, a kinky brothel. Here, the PCs recognise Firmina, the red leather-clad brothel-keeper from Orloch’s slave auction. Meanwhile, Ella has returned to the White Palm to find out the names of the two Golden Scimitars spies; while she’s there she spots the same man she’s seen before at both the slave auction and Fahil’s Floating Palace. This mysterious guy has just had an argument with Bahram Peroz, Speaker of the Guild of Weavers and Dyers. She rejoins the others afterwards and the party agree to escort Francio home. As they walk through the narrow streets, they are attacked from two sides by Ikar the half-orc, Sufyan the fire genasi and three knife fighters. Saethus fey steps to the roof of a buiding and attacks with Bigby’s Icy Grasp and Ella uses evasive strike to lead the Sufyan and one of the knife fighters away from the others. However, this means Krivinn and Bolval are being attacked from both sides as Francio ducks into the nearest house. Bolval’s healing powers are enough to keep the dragonborn alive and the Golden Scimitars withdraw after the Saethus’ icy hand kills Ikar. On his body, the PCs find a note reading “Hippocampus Bathhouse, 2nd hour after midday”.

Next session, we should get to play through the events at the baths where the Golden Scimitars attempt to assassinate Bahram Peroz. From there, clues will lead the PCs back to the Winking Vixen and the entrance to the Hidden Quarter where Zeno Meverel's underground lair awaits!

My plans for the Golden Scimitars base is an old crumbling building dating back to the founding of Parsantium when it was known as Dhak Janjua which has been built over in the intervening centuries. Sahasran in origin, there will be lots of Indian-style features to the building. Encounters will be with the thieves and thugs of the criminal gang and maybe some underground dwelling humanoid allies. Troglodytes perhaps?

I am planning on a ghoul encounter on the way there. This ghoul pack, led by Rotten Mursel, an Abyssal ghoul, has a non-aggression pack with the Golden Scimitars. The gangsters pass unmolested past the ghoul lair but the PCs won't be so lucky.




Session #34


Got a bit behind with posting here! Here's what happened in the first session at the Hippocampus Baths.

4th Iunius
After the battle with the Golden Scimitars, the PCs escort Francio back to Aymara Sabban and go to bed.

5th Iunius
Keep an eye on Francio’s apartment building in the morning and then collect him, taking the actor to the Golden Bean Tree at midday to meet Iancu. Iancu invites the PCs to come with his troupe to the Hippocampus Bathhouse.

Ella and Saethus go to the bathhouse ahead of the others. Here they are greeted by Hildvin (the square-bodied female dwarf owner) and admitted to the baths. Soon afterwards Krivinn and Bolval arrive with Iancu, Francio and the other actors. Reluctantly, the PCs head inside the baths without their armour and weapons, get undressed and don fluffy white towels. Saethus and Bolval head to the Natatio, and Krivinn and Ella go to the Caldarium. Nothing much happens although Ella does spot Bahram Peroz – the guildmaster has a massage and then heads towards the private baths.

Suddenly, the alarm is raised by Hildvin – one of her attendants has been murdered in the Atrium and his body hidden under an ornamental shrub. The PCs grab their weapons from the cloakroom, lock the front gates and then go to find the killer(s), locking the doors to the baths behind them. The party head into the Tepidarium, sending the bathers to the swimming pool. Here, Ella and Krivinn spot Yorgi and a knife fighter with a Golden Scimitars tattoo. A second knife fighter appears through the steam as the PCs attack, cheered on by Francio. Ella kills one of the knife fighters (bravely) and Krivinn kills Yorgi as a clothed assassin appears from one of the private baths and throws a poisoned knife at Saethus, blinding him. Next, he blinds Bolval and then follows up with a devastating attack which bloodies the dwarf cleric. Ella kills the second knife fighter and the assassin flees into the hypocaust below the baths. Chasing him into the staff area, the PCs find another dead member of staff – the half-orc tellak (masseur) Umit. Krivinn lets the bathers leave the bathhouse and blocks the unlocked door to the furnace room with several benches from the Atrium. The party take a short rest before heading down the stairs to the hypocaust.

Down below, the assassin is waiting in the shadows along with a third knife fighter. Krivinn is blinded and bloodied but the PCs are able to finish off the knife fighter pretty easily. The assassin flees into the furnace room.




Session #35

Second session at the baths:

5th Iunius (contd)
The PCs decide to pursue the assassin into the furnace room. Krivinn opens the door but to his surprise sees two gnolls and a human wizard in the room as well as the assassin. Said wizard blasts the dragonborn with a lightning bolt which arcs to attack Bolval and Ella. Saethus throws a fireball into the room in retaliation but it’s pretty ineffectual. Krivinn goes in but gets beaten up badly by the gnolls who shove him backwards, knock him prone and then shut the door! When the PCs open the door again, the wizard blasts the party again with his lightning bolts and lightning serpent and the gnolls attack anyone in the doorway with their greatswords. After a while, the assassin reappears and attacks Ella but this is his undoing as the not-so-brave elf backs away and shoots him dead. Meanwhile, Krivinn has fallen unconscious to the wizard’s spells and gnoll blades, prompting Bolval to heal him. The wizard and gnolls run for it as the PCs give chase – Ella and Saethus dash upstairs while the other two pursue through the furnace room door into the Atrium. Here, the wizard is brought down but both gnolls climb over the locked gate and escape.

With the fight over, the PCs help Hildvin search the baths, looking for the assassin’s victim. They hear moaning from behind the door to a private bath and burst in, only to find two elderly gentlemen having sex with a pretty young masseuse. Krivinn tries to intervene but is told to “get out!” in no uncertain terms.

More moaning from behind a different door turns out to be coming from the real victim, Bahram Peroz, Speaker of the Guild of Weavers and Dyers, who has been poisoned. The PCs are able to stabilize the dying guildmaster and take him to the Temple of Niu Dahan where Gong and Wang Jin We tend to him, performing a ritual to get rid of the poison.

Coming round, Bahram explains that Zeno Meverel of the Golden Scimitars is trying to move in on the Makers Ward by gaining influence over the guilds. The gang boss is based at the Winking Vixen brothel.

Later, Saethus visits Marjani Minar, headquarters of the Esoteric Order of the Blue Lotus, to find out if any of his colleagues have heard of Varazes – the wizard who attacked the PCs in the baths. They haven’t.

Later still, the PCs meet Francio at the stage door of the Theatre of Aymara after the play and ask him a few questions before heading home to bed.


Session #36

And last Monday's session, bringing us up to date! In this session I finally got to use a suggestion by Tonguez in this early post on this mammoth thread!

6th Iunius (contd)
Bolval disappears to fetch Sharden while Brave Ella, Krivinn and Saethus head through the secret door and down the spiral staircase into the Hidden Quarter. At the bottom of the stairs they are fortunate to find three potions of healing as they don’t have a cleric with them. From here, the party enters a wide corridor heading from the north east to the south west. Most tracks in the muddy floor are to the south west so the PCs go that way.

After three hundred yards, they hear crying coming from a side passage: a little girl in a red dress is sitting hunched against the wall. When the noble Krivinn goes to help, she gets to her feet and races round the corner. The PCs follow only to find they have been lured by the “little girl” (actually a goblin) into an ambush by a pack of meeping ghouls led by the fearsome Rotten Mursel. The PCs go into combat but Krivinn and Saethus soon find themselves immobilized by the ghouls’ paralyzing attacks. Saethus uses his fey step to get out of trouble and scores a double critical with his shock sphere! Krivinn, meanwhile, is in trouble – flanked by Rotten Mursel and one of his lackeys, the paladin is reduced to 2 hp, stunned and immobilized. Ella and Saethus finish off the three regular ghouls which causes Mursel to withdraw, allowing the pair to attend to the dragonborn and take a short rest.

The party open the door to the ghoul lair. Inside are Rotten Mursel, a stench ghoul, and three goblins dressed in children’s clothes, holding toys and gnawing on human bones. Krivinn attacks the ghouls from the doorway as Saethus throws a shock sphere into the room which annihilates the goblins. Mursel moves round to attack Ella and Saethus from the rear while Krivinn battles the ghast, killing him. Eventually the PCs manage to finish off the abyssal ghoul leader and plunder the ghouls’ treasure hoard.

Next session: the PCs should get inside the Golden Scimitars lair. I ended up going for a more conventional dungeon for this but the final encounter will take place in an ancient temple of Ravana, god of the rakshasas.




Long overdue update

Oh dear! I've not been on this thread for ages!

Anyway, I've still got two Parsantium campaigns running. The first one is weekly and is up to its 48th session - the PCs are now 9th level (mostly) and are currently outside Parsantium on their way to the Ironcrags (as seen in Halls of the Mountain King). The second campaign is monthly-ish and we've played 16 sessions - the PCs are 6th level and we're playing Goodman Games' Scions of Punjar.

Both campaigns are going well - you can check out what's going on in the session logs on my LJ, At the Sign of the Green Man (see sig)

I'll pop back here when I start work on the next proper Parsantium adventure which will most likely involve the Hippodrome.



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