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Nothing but Poison


First Post
This is my first post although I have been a reader of EN World for some time.

I really enjoyed the poison thread, but feel it got ruined, so I would like to start over.

Creatures of Neutral Alignment use poisons for defense and offense. Snakes and bugs poison their meals before they are meals.

Fantasy creatures of Neutral and Good Alignment use poisons in the save fashion.

Why do Paladins have such a problem with poisons? Because they view the use as lacking in honor.

Some of you believe that allies of Paladins can use poisons without offending the Paladin's Code. Some do not see it that way.

Someone suggested that "poisons" should have a definition of some sort, thou he did not get this across very well. Perhaps calling them each something else- Disabling Poisons could be the knock out and non killing poisons while Deadly Poisons could be just that? :heh:

To my view the Poison = Evil line of thinking is a problem of perception. If an archer coats his arrows with Knock Out Poison that is not lacking in honor, the archer is attempting to capture the target. However if the archer "slices the throat" of the unconscious victuim then that is lacking in honor.

Pouring a Con destroying or "save or die" poison into someone's drink is clearly an act of murder and I can clearly see a Paladin as being very upset at his ally for this and perhaps even ending the relationship.

As a GM I would consider a Paladin's code being in jeopardy if he was allied with someone that constantly used poisons to kill, but that is just my view of thing.

(I do not want to partake in this thread, I just wanted a clear, fresh start on something that I found of interest. Please, do not argue about this, its a game and is suppose to be fun. Thank you- now I hope I did this right. :heh: )

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