I want to know if you folks ever ran a competition NPC party for the same goal(s) as the PCs have.
E.g. it I s a race for clues with optionally different paths to go or only the quicker party gets the goal.
Especially if you did that in 5e, how did you build that competition party?
Did you take NPC stats and skills or did u make something up out of the Monster manual?
If you played in such a campaign:
was it fun?
How did your PCs keep up themselves versus your NPC party?
Was there frustration if the NPCs resolved something first?
E.g. it I s a race for clues with optionally different paths to go or only the quicker party gets the goal.
Especially if you did that in 5e, how did you build that competition party?
Did you take NPC stats and skills or did u make something up out of the Monster manual?
If you played in such a campaign:
was it fun?
How did your PCs keep up themselves versus your NPC party?
Was there frustration if the NPCs resolved something first?