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D&D 5E NPCs With Class Levels?

Should NPCs Have Class Levels?

  • Yes, as an optional form of advancement.

    Votes: 50 47.2%
  • Yes, as a general rule.

    Votes: 22 20.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 32 30.2%
  • Lemon Githzerai ("There cannot be two pies.")

    Votes: 2 1.9%


I'm not aware of a thread of this precise nature. So... should NPCs have class levels?

  1. Yes, as an optional means of monster advancement. This is your "ogre with a few levels of monk" wackiness from 3.x.
  2. Yes, as a general rule. Every wizard you meet is mechanically a magic-user of a certain level. Githzerai can be fighters, mages, fighter-mages, or thieves (they're not innately X-level monsters just because of their race). Etc.
  3. No. Well, maybe as an option, but I don't want it in my game.
  4. Lemon Githzerai: Other/I don't know/I am a special snowflake.

I'm in favor of number two. Apart from the consistency and naturalism it affords, it allows greater freedom of monster/NPC design while still allowing a 4e-style "here's a few stat blocks" approach. For example, you could have "Githzerai Warrior," "Githzerai Mage," and "Githzerai Zerth" stat blocks that people can just use right out of the book, but in the small print you define them as level 4 fighters or whatever. In the back of the book, you could have "blank" level 1 fighter, level 3 fighter, level 7 fighter, etc. stat blocks, which you could modify with monster race templates.

Actually, one of the side benefits of this approach is, since you're going to have battles with a million level 4 fighters, it forces the designers to give each class a dirt-simple option to make it easy to run (which will be appreciated by many players as well!).

Also, it would make it a lot easier to run classic adventures, where many NPCs are just defined as "a 4th-level cleric" or whatever.
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First Post
I voted 1 before I read the OP, but I mostly don't want 3.x type multi-classing. So I guess my real answer should have been Lemon Githzerai. I want most npcs to effectively be a racial class. So an Ogre is an Ogre with say 4HD and the Ogre Chief is an 8HD Ogre.

The exception to this would be the NPCs that are humans in funny clothes (base 1 HD). I do like to create a few exceptional individuals with PC classes, but it is not my general preference for leveling say an Orc Sergeant. He would just be a 3HD Orc who has a small bonus to hit and damage over all the cannon fodder orcs.

In other words, the classic 20th century approach :).


I really enjoyed 4e's freedom from making NPC's exactly like a PC. I've come to dislike the whole "Let's build the entire fantasy world using the narrowly focused tool of the Character Classes Chapter in the Player's Handbook" style of world building. Sure, it is a tool you can use if you want, and it fits the task at hand, but for most NPC I don't want to go through the tedious task of building a(n) (N)PC.

I'm A Banana

I don't want it hard-coded ('cuz there's nothing more onerous than HAVING to make your orc take druid levels to be an orc shaman and getting a bunch of pointless noise on the way to the three spells you wanted it to have), but I don't see any reason it shouldn't be an option (because when you have a particular orc villain in mind, it can be fun to pull out all the tricks that class levels can give).

Dirt simple options for every class need to be there regardless of this approach.


it terms of the way i play or referee the game. anything that is not a PC is a monster. always have always will.
that 5th lvl NPC who did blank for you is a monster.

so yes. monsters have class lvls too.

I'm A Banana

dialgo said:
that 5th lvl NPC who did blank for you is a monster.

Dude, your NPCs sound rough. Unless "did blank for you" is a euphemism for "poisoned the orphanage."

That 5th level NPC who poisoned the orphanage is a monster. Yeah, makes sense. :)


the Jester

Optionally yes.

But I am absolutely against forcing monsters to live by pc rules. Too many fiddly bits.

I want individual dms to have the option of advancing monsters in any number of ways.

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