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Nu Divination rules (longish) (should be in houserules)


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My DM cames up wtih some new divination rules, If you want more details look @ diviantion rules
What do you think of it?

This netbook offers some alternative rules for divination which replace the spells in the player's handbook. My intention is to make divination and counterdivination an interesting battle between two magic users instead of a fail/succeed kind of action. Let me know what of think of it.

Each creature and place has a divination target number (DTN), a lot like an AC value actually. Spell casters have to beat this number with their scry check to see what is going on at said location. The DTN can be raised by various spells and those who are aware of being scried can make an active defense, replacing the basic DTN with a scry check of their own. Some creatures have special defences against scrying or ways to spy on others.
The DTN is 5 + any ranks in the scry skill. It is modified by the following factors:
+6 Caster does not know target
+4 Caster has seen target or a picture of it
+2 Caster is aquainted with target
+0 Caster knows target
+5 Other Plane
+2 Stone Wall, per foot
+2 Lead Wall, per inch
+4 Caster does not know approximate location at all

Creatures with ranks in the scry skill are allowed to make an opposed scry check against the scry roll made for the divination attempt. This check is usually done in secret by the DM. If it succeeds, the target is aware of the scrying and may make another check to replace his original DTN.

There are several types of divination, which are affected by different rules.
1. Occult Spies: These spells create (often invisible) entities that move away from the caster and scout the area for him. Alternatively, they might create this spy tied to an immutable location (e.g. skull scyring as found in Joy of Necromancy). These spells remain unchanged but the target may make a check to detect scrying.
2. Detection Spells: These spells detect the presence of certain things within a radius (e.g. detect magic). They are only modified by the intervening material and the strength of the source. Targets may detect the divination attempt.
3. Full-Scale Scrying: These spells allow remote sensing of a location without sending out any kind of spy device etc. They need a scry check to suceed and the target has a chance to detect the scrying. Locate spells also belong to this category.

Those creatures that have any divinatory ability (e.g. detect good) but no scry skill, substitute their level or HD plus their charisma/wisdom modifier (choose) for the check. The same rule applies to paladins and other characters with detection abilities.
Scry shield
The character has learned how to avoid scrying and is thus harder to detect.
Alternatively, he has developed mental powers that mislead scyring attempts.
Prerequite: 6 ranks of scry.
Benefit: The character gets a +4 circumstance bonus to his DTN.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times.
Subtle Scrying
The character is very good at staying hidden while using scrying magics.
Prerequisite: 6 ranks of scry.
Benefit: The difficulty to detect the scrying is increased by 5.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times.
The spells with the short descriptions are spells from the PHB which have been
altered by these rules.
Detect Scrying
In order to see who is scrying you, the
normal procedure for a full-scale scrying
has to be performed.
Discren Location
This spell works exactly as described in
the description and is not subject to the
new rules.

Edit: Sorry wrong forum, should be in house rules. My mistake -sorry
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