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NWN Conversions of existing modules - big "No-No"


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I thought I'd better mention this here.

As some of you may know, I'm going to be supporting a NWN module archive here at EN World. Just to make it clear, this will be for ORIGINAL CONTENT ONLY.

This means that it's NOT for conversions of old WotC/TSR modules or for conversions of Bluffside or your other favourite d20 locations.

Not only that, but converting such a property and distributing it via these messageboards is also a big "No-No".

Why? Well, I don't care what you do yourself. But *I* am not planning on finding myself liable for distribution of another companies intellectual propoerty, and I certainly don't plan on being on the end of any legal action WotC or any other company might take. And they will - they HAVE TO, because by law they must ACTIVELY protect their IP. It's not about being nasty, or trying to ruin anyone's day - it's about properties that these companies could LOSE if they don't actively protect them.

So - to summarise - DON'T illegally distribute material via these boards. But feel free to distribute your own original content, and, if you want to, add it to the archive I'll be hosting. I'd like to support NWN as much as possible.

[Incidentally, if a publisher gives me explicit permission to distribute a particular file or module that incorporates their IP, either here on the boards or in the archive, then that's OK. ]

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Thanks for making it clear Morrus. I wonder if the d20 publishing community will view NWN as a blessing or a curse. It'll bring a horde of new gamers looking for modules but the exchange of files/IP could also undermine the publishers. Frankly I hope something can be worked out with Bioware regarding modules and charging for them as more companies doing d20/NWN stuff more good for the community as a whole.

[/public] :D


There are a few modules that could be legally done. Some modules have a very large part desginated as OGC. If one took the OGC material and then just made up the rest you should be able to release under OGL or D20.

Green Ronin's Freeport module series is what I am thinking about. All the text is designated as OGC. So, you would only have to make up your own maps, of which there are only a few.


First Post
smetzger said:
There are a few modules that could be legally done. Some modules have a very large part desginated as OGC. If one took the OGC material and then just made up the rest you should be able to release under OGL or D20.

Green Ronin's Freeport module series is what I am thinking about. All the text is designated as OGC. So, you would only have to make up your own maps, of which there are only a few.

Except for the little fact that NWW is neither D20 nor OGL. :)

Open Game Content can only be re-used under the terms of those liscenses. Just because something is OGC does *not* mean that it can used like Public Domain.

So legally the only modules that could be done into mods and distributes are those that are Public Domain (mainly fan stuff). Note that all the OOP ESD's that Wotc is selling are not Public Domain.


no module nor anything that is OGL or OGC can be sent around the internet for public use..basically it's all homebrew for everyone...this sucks..plain and simple it sucks harsh


Vengeance Bunny
I'm gonna try making this sticky, since we've already had someone post a link to such a beast.

Please read this thread and act accordingly, folks!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I've seen around the net posts along the lines of "XXXX from Bioware said it was OK".

Bear in mind that Bioware CANNOT give you permission to use the IP of any compay other than Bioware. Bioware cannot tell you it's fine to distribute "Tomb of Horrors" or anything like that, any more than I can. Only WotC can do so.

Don't mistake "yes, it's technically possible with our toolset" for "yes, it's perfectly legal for you to do so". Unless the owner of the IP tells you specifically that you can do so, then you can't.


Morrus said:
I've seen around the net posts along the lines of "XXXX from Bioware said it was OK".

Bear in mind that Bioware CANNOT give you permission to use the IP of any compay other than Bioware. Bioware cannot tell you it's fine to distribute "Tomb of Horrors" or anything like that, any more than I can. Only WotC can do so.

Don't mistake "yes, it's technically possible with our toolset" for "yes, it's perfectly legal for you to do so". Unless the owner of the IP tells you specifically that you can do so, then you can't.

but remember there is a difference between IP and OGL/OGC. This is gonna be a disaster of epic proportion if WOTC does not act on this and tell us what is and what is not allowed to be redone, this is gonna end up being a mess and bot the fans and the publishers are going to feel the backlash on this.

I say stick a copy of the OGL agreement in the files and be done with it. The game itself may not be fully d20 compatible (and what game willl?) but it can still abide by the rules that wotc has put out (and it has) and should be regulated like anything out...

this IS the first true test of the OGL folks, you are seeing history in the making here...
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First Post
Who at WOTC...

Who exacly at Wizards would one contact to an answer about this stuff....have to go do a little digging now..



Re: Who at WOTC...

Loric said:
Who exacly at Wizards would one contact to an answer about this stuff....have to go do a little digging now..


try to find someone in their legal department, perhaps Anthony Valdera, maybe even someone in BioWare to find out who they spoke to at WOTC. Anyone in their licensing and service department.


Help desk
web masters.

those last few folk can't help you. Dig for the folk who have power and would know.

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