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[NWN] EN World players - please read this!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
So, we had our little server meeting at Elendiel's Temple earlier tonight and came to a communal decision. However, I would like to present an alternative which I think is a real doozy.

As you know, I have been looking at various persistent worlds. They vary in quality, but the one I'm discussing here is really, really good. It's massive, it is well-documented, it has lots of "cool" features, it is supported with updates, it is very professionally designed and scripted - it even comes with full colour maps of the world!

I'm attaching (in a ZIP file) the player documentation for the world; there's an even bigger DM document. Please download it and take a look; just the nature of the documentation itself should give you an idea of the quality of the world. Here are just some of the features:

  • Sophisticated persistent world dynamic object management system
  • Placeable object spawnpoints creating / recreating destructible world objects
  • Lycanthrope and vampirism afflictions upon PCs who are killed by these creatures
  • Vampires that upon being killed search out an available coffin for regeneration
  • Liches that upon being killed return to their phylactery to regenerate
  • Lycanthrope creatures that may transform during battle
  • Transformations upon death possibly occurring for some hostile NPCs
  • Multiple henchpersons for hire at taverns, inns, and bars
  • Multiple soldiers that may be joined and commanded by an adventure party
  • Creature slaves that may be purchased from illicit Underdark slave merchants
  • Good dragon wyrmlings may be asked to join a party, if the party/PC is good-aligned
  • Helpful faeries that inform PCs of those creatures dwelling nearby
  • Recall portals to travel between areas, binding points, and party leaders
  • Recall Stones and Party Leader Recall Runes to help PCs travel between locations
  • DM Orbs for DMs joining the world, used to travel to the “Grand Master Plane”
  • DM dynamic control of the world’s characteristics and environment
  • Evil merchants for evil PCs or hostile locations which do not favor the merchant faction
  • Automatic reputation adjustment between selected faction members and PCs
  • Capture The Flag (CTF), Strategic orientated with extensive NPC AI routines
  • Capture The Flag (CTF), Action orientated with extensive NPC AI routines
  • Ship travel between servicing ports in the world
  • Gladiator competition that PCs may partake in as a participant or spectator
  • Druidic competition that PCs may partake in as a participant or spectator
  • Combat ranged competition chambers with different environmental settings
  • Mining profession for PCs within those mines that provide valuables
  • NPC spawnpoints to that spawn / respawn all NPCs into world
  • Random hostile encounters between NPCs and PCs within areas
  • Spawned random hostile encounters between NPCs and PCs within areas
  • Merchants that are both location-bound and wandering, offering individual pricing for PCs
  • The Fugue Plane for those PCs passing into the afterlife
  • Dynamic challenge rating scaling for spawned NPCs dependent upon PCs
  • Improved NPC AI routines for ambient and combative interactions
  • Interactive objects spawned within areas throughout the world
  • Most wanted list for PCs committing atrocities; rewarding those who dispatch them
  • Environmental effects for selected areas within the world
  • Bounty hunters that seek both good and evil aligned PCs for their past reputations
  • Support for those features found in XP1, “Shadows of Undertide” and XP2, “Hordes of the Underdark”
  • Creation of Constructs/Golems by magic users possessing the required experience and materials
  • Realm Repository containers that provide persistent personal storage for all PCs
  • Persistent reputational titles assigned to PCs, tracking their progress within the PVW
  • Persistent tracking of the total number of hit dice of creatures vanquished from within the realm for each PC within the PVW
  • Persistent tracking of the total number of henchpersons / soldiers lost during the PC’s campaign within the PVW
  • Enchanted forging of armor, weapons and items allowing a PC to create their own customized magically enhanced items for adventuring
My recommendation is that we at least give this a try for a week or so; if we like it, we can adopt it permanently. If not, we can always switch back. Anyway, check out the documentation and see what you think.

There's another version being made (upgrades will be easy) which not only expands this world quite a bit, but adds features like strongholds which make our little player housing system look somewhat basic!



  • SevissPlayersHandbook.zip
    277.7 KB · Views: 217

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First Post
Hmmm interesting I guess. It almost sounds like they have a little bit of many different types of games in there at the sme time. RPG, Capture the flag...




First Post
Morrus, this is AMAZING.

Run this one PLEASE.

*Edit* - I just played on a test-run of the server, and it is simply breathtaking. There is just no end of things to encounter, from wandering merchants to exotic locales. My favorite place, so far, is a battleground where you can aim catapults that launch firey-blasts! Within moments, I was the captain of my own guardsmen, wandering around and slaying monsters. Cool stuff would happen, too, like Zombies spawning from slain corpses! The added setups of arenas and Capture the Flag means there's a lot more to do in this world, too.

I know, a lot of you are probably thinking, "A new world? The old one was so good!" I was like that too. I can't wait for this one to be the new module.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Well, we ran a trial of it for a couple of hours. Those who tried it will hopefully share their opinions and observations.

The original module is now running again - sorry for the interruption if you tried to log in during the trial. I'll probably run another trial later on.
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First Post

I cant belive after been in this game for the last 9? days, almost 10 hours a day, I miss a lot of the important stuff.

Can any update me on what I should be looking at, going to, etc? I am in the orginal module now, and no one else is there.



Well, that was fun
Staff member
You're in the right place. The "new" module was only on (in place of the old one) for a couple of hours; it has been switched back to the original now.


First Post
I'm sold. This PW looks and feels incredibly cool. And it's all in the details.

1. Visually, it's superb. Vast areas: grand city, coastal village, hot desert, frozen waste, dark forest, it has eveything the toolset provides, and then some. None of the areas that I've seen seemed cluttered or illogical. I visited a farmhouse that could house an entire adventuring party, with room(s) to spare.

2. The NPC scripting is incredible.

- I went in a gigantic store for adventurers and started a dialogue with the storekeeper. Within a few rounds, specialized merchants (all neatly tagged) had arrived one after the other from the nearby rooms, to salute me and offer me their services. When I left, they started talking to each other.

- In town, a passerby stopped to consult a sundial which promptly displayed the date and time of day.

- Opponents sometimes flee, possibly to regroup.

- You can hire a henchman; I took on a wizardress who always stayed just behind me, protected by the strong body of my barbarian , popping out to deliver electrical attacks that were real scorchers. She had 5 times my hit points, I seem to recall (65 to my 13 or so). A low-level char can still die a lot, though, even with that kind of protection. (You can also hire a cleric, a rogue, a fighter, possibly more). Of course, I was jumping from area to area at random, which is not the way one usually adventures, either solo or in a group, so I faced real toughies.

- I saw drow. I was eaten by a polar bear (like another char, who visited with me) and smashed to a frozen pulp by a frost giant. I saw zombies spawn out of corpses in the the desert sand, harpies attack on the wing, and catapults that you can orient quite precisely (20 options or so) fire fiery bolts. I was petrified, and *then* shattered to pieces.

3. The databasing is stunning. You can store money and possessions, and retrieve them from about any area. You can consult Realm stones, in temples, that tell you how many opponents you have slain or how your soldiers have performed (yes, you can become an Army commander). This is a little Birthright-ish, in my opinion, and in a good way.

4. Again, it's all in the details: clothes, music, portraits, architecture, variety of terrains and climates... The number of custom items that I saw is positively incredible. I'm already planning to buy some. No level restriction, apparently.

5. The crafting system looks neato as heck (and is probably the one from HotU, somewhat modified): bars of mithral and adamantine; actual glass flasks and blank scrolls -- you don't have to craft them, wow! -- to fill with your potions/write your spells under ; wands, amulets, golem pieces, dyes... Just amazing.

6. There are wandering merchants who sell the potions most useful to the average adventurer, from cures to speed to barskin to... you name it. The prices everywhere that I went are really reasonable; items seem to be bought for 50-60% of their price of sale.

7. Even the Fugue plane is splendid. Trust me, you'll want to die on occasion just to see it and interact with the forces present there (opposite forces, of course). You can choose a patron god (of the Forgotten Realms, including my favourite D&D deity ever, Shaundakul) and get a valuable gift. You can choose to go back to a specific area (see below), or to the exact place you died, or to the current location of your party leader.

8. There's a *free* portal system. You can choose the area you want to go to (within limits, I imagine, as it seems that the list changes according to the location of the portal -- think having to change planes for a long-distance flight). You can bind yourself to a specific portal to always come back there no matter from where.

9. If you're playing in a party and get hopelessly separated, each player has a rune stone in order to teleport (once a day; but there's no rest limitation) to the party leader.

10. The new DM avatar will look familiar to fans of the D&D anime of old.

10b. And best of all, when you do rest, you spread a bedroll and erect a campfire. :p

I could go on and on and on. For my money, I'd start playing there today. And I'd hit the ground running. (I'm sure it's a tough world, though, henchmen and good prices or not.) I actually stopped exploring before Morrus rebooted Ascension, because I wanted to be the more awed I could be if/when we decide to use this PW.

Pierre-Paul, aka Elendiel
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First Post

Morrus said:
You're in the right place. The "new" module was only on (in place of the old one) for a couple of hours; it has been switched back to the original now.

For a sec, there, I thought I was missing something, and feeling very obtuse indeed. Thanks for the info, Morrus :)


First Post

Elendiel said:
I'm sold. This PW looks and feels incredibly cool. And it's all in the details.

Thanks for that detailed in-the-game post, Elendiel. I am sorry I missed out on this trial, and really want to see what has prompted you to make such an incredible post.

I'm halfway sold on Morrus's and your post alone, but as I said earlier in another thread, I would trade modules, and start new, to stay with the people whome I enjoy playing with so much.
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