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[NWN] EN World players - please read this!

Dark Jezter

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EricNoah said:
Hmmmm .... my interest is piqued. I have NWN -- I probably should pick up the expansion packs, right?
Definately. Shadows of Undrentide is much better than the original campaign both in terms of storyline and general enjoyment. Hordes of the Underdark ups the ante even more, with lots of new content, epic levels, multiple content, and a single-player campaign that almost rivals the Baldur's Gate games in terms of quality.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Angcuru said:
So 'russ, when do you put it up full-time?
Well, right now it's just a passive world with no actual quest or storyline - it isn't ready to launch properly. People have been wandering round killing the occasional monster, but it would be a while before I could get it to the state where it's a properly playable module.


First Post
I liked the module. But I have a question..any idea why the NPC conversations/replies are so slow?

Also does the mod support any CEP material?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
driver8 said:
I liked the module. But I have a question..any idea why the NPC conversations/replies are so slow?
Needs some configuring, as it may be a little big for the server. Easy to do, although trial and error - I have a master script with some numbers to tweak (like how often you meet random NPCs, that sort of thing) which affect server performance.

Also does the mod support any CEP material?
The next update (which also contains the actual quest/storyline, I believe) does, yes. It also has a whole bunch of stuff in it which is far cooler than the CEP (wait till you see the Strongholds system!)



Nice, expansive, and quite a bit to see. I especially like the area teleports, to really give your gaming an expansive feel. However, with only 16 currently available player slots and 500 areas to explore, it's gonna feel a bit like everyone says Eberron is like. ;)

EricNoah said:
Hmmmm .... my interest is piqued. I have NWN -- I probably should pick up the expansion packs, right?

We'd love to see you swing by, Eric, no matter what module's in place. You will need the two expansions for either one, though. They are well worth getting, even for single play.
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First Post
The two expansions are great, with good single-player campaigns. But unlike D. Jezter, I don't think HotU is better than BG. Doesn't even come close, IMO. The end was just soo....well, I won't spoil it. But if BG were run on the NWN engine, I think no one would even think of such a comparison.

So, it's back to PoA for now then, Morrus?

I think it would be a good idea for us to all create new characters, or re-create our current ones, for the new Module once in place. I know I will be, simply because the thing is so HUGE that you'd need to to figure out what's going on. :p


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Angcuru said:
So, it's back to PoA for now then, Morrus?

Yes, but in its original form, like it was the first few days, I believe: no crafting system for now (HotU system might be introduced later), no PC Vendor, and spawning objects reestablished, which should "repair" the Staff quest.

I think the houses will stay in place, but you would be much better off emptying your storage locker for now (that goes for Bognar too!), and everyone should log in and get their items on sale back from the PC Vendor.

Pierre-Paul, aka Elendiel


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I was online during the trial run at midnight ( euro-time ) and I want to post some comments:
- I played for about an hour - I got incredible tired and I didn´t want it to be the only lasting memory from the session :p

- I was bored, really bored. Let me expand on that:

I ended up in some giant giant port - alone. Tried to buy a weapon - couldn´t find one anywhere during that whole hour. I wandered around aimlessly trying to talk to NPC:s without anything happening ( merchants, people in taverns and inns, royal guards, etc ), finally I found me a sewer where I could get me some action and was killed by a Will ´O Wisp :p
I never saw any henchmens.
I compared this with how my initial feeling was when I entered Ascension for the first time - wow!

-Morrus has a point about his fears about the place being to big for us.
After playing I can only give him right. It´s to big, imho.
It´s going to be very , very hard to get that cozy "Ascension feel" where everything was just round the corner and you could hear a "well meet friend!"
each and every minute :)

- Think it can be solved with some variant of Angcurus idea of a Guild: a point where all the players could meet up regulary to chat and exchange information and ideas. A good use for the recall-stone! Then I´m sure I could feel that this could be my new home, but as it stands now I want to go back to Ascension :)
- One last comment:with a party I think this could be very good. I really hope that we can get one going later on, but that´s the only thing that gonna get me playing: soloing ( even with henchmens ) is out of the question, at least that how it feels now.
I´ll take another shot later, but not alone.

After rereading the thread and noticing Morrus pointing out that there is no real storyline makes some of my post invalid, but my feeeling on the huge-ness is still the same.



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Im not entirely against the new world thing. I would just like you to consider keeping the chars weve already made that are in the server vault available in the new world(I noticed that the one i made in the test was available to me in our present MOD, so there must be a way). It would be like moving to a new part of the world. And we could maintain the chars that weve worked so hard to make.

Anyway I know thats down the road. Looking forward to trying the Mod revert comming up. I like that we can keep the houses, and I hope we can get the persistant stroage chests back if possible.

Also Kell is still wanting to talk to you Morrus about his Sorcerers tower. And Chazman is looking to upgrade his monestary.

Thanks for all the effort to provide us with a fun persistant game world. It is appreciated. As soon as my finances are more stable I plan to make a donation to support ENworld and all its enterprises.



First Post
I had only a short time to spend on Seviss, but as I started (new character) on that boat, it was already laggy!

As Asmo said, it's... big. Getting back in Ascension, the town felt kind of... cluttered. ;)

There were lots of NPCs in the town I started in, but I couldn't interact with most of them (so were they just there to take up CPU-time?) I crossed Brand in the market, then tried to get somewhere more interesting. The Royal Guards were quite helpful, revealing the entire map for me (with many pins). I managed to get to a teleporter pad, which i used (with a nice "soaring to the sky" effect) to end up.... in another big area, another town, with no adventure in sight...

With 64 players, it might not seem so huge, but with 10-16 players, I tend to agree with earlier comments.

Anyway, it's back to OPoA (Not that I mind, I was getting tired of making those "money run"...). I still have a long way to go to finish the Quest.
Perhaps when most people have found the Crown, we can look around for another PW module to test?

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