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[NWN] Shall we use the Community Expansion Pack (CEP)

Shall we use the CEP

  • Yes - I want all the cool stuff!

    Votes: 18 90.0%
  • No - I don't want to download something that big!

    Votes: 2 10.0%

  • Poll closed .


Asmo said:
I´m with Henry on this one - I got 8 mb DSL so downloading is not a problem for me. I just think the module and nwn is fine as it is, so I voted no.
I´m afraid for lag-problems, as Henry pointed out. In Eurolaggia.Big problem area.


Well Im in the Uk and have CEP and have played on servers that use it lag hasnt been overly noticeable.

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Morrus said:
Yeah, it has just occured to me that to implement CEP into the module itself would require an awful lot of work - so many little things.

Well on the upside... something to consider is this.. even if you include CEP and do not add the new weapons, armours etc..to the merchants at the very least CEP will grant you as a DM more placeable, more new creatures to use and a whole slew of other things... and for use the players we get more portraits, more heads, 2 new races (brownies and Wemic), we get the ability to craft armour neck pieces in order to get cloaks, we get the abilit to craft our helms and shields to change thier appearances and so on...

So even without adding heaps of additional content which may or may not cause lag by adding CEP and installing it to the mod you are adding a heap of cool features the players and you the DM can benefit from.


First Post
CEP - Install Check

I've installed CEP, but don't really know anything but heresay about it.

Is there anything I can do within the game (or out) that will allow me to see if it has been installed correctly.

Advice and tips appreciated. Thanks!

Never mind, I just didnt realize I could load a CEP Module I had on my HD. It looks pretty cool...and for those like me who want to not look like everyone else, lots of new changes for robes and armor. Neato. :)
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
OK, so that seems to be a fairly overwhelming "yes" vote. I'll be CEP-enabling the module very soon, so please make sure you have it or you won't be able to log in. For those with dialup, I'd suggest getting it now rather than waiting for the module to be upgraded, because it's a 120 MB download and may take you a while!

Also, folks, make sure you get the CEP 1.01 patch if you have had CEP for a while; if you're just getting CEP now, make sure you get the latest version.


First Post
Morrus, you rock!

Morrus said:
OK, so that seems to be a fairly overwhelming "yes" vote. I'll be CEP-enabling the module very soon, so please make sure you have it or you won't be able to log in. For those with dialup, I'd suggest getting it now rather than waiting for the module to be upgraded, because it's a 120 MB download and may take you a while!

Also, folks, make sure you get the CEP 1.01 patch if you have had CEP for a while; if you're just getting CEP now, make sure you get the latest version.

I hope everyone seconds the great honor we have to be on a server with such a hard working DM. Huzzah!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Right, here's the status --

I've CEP'd the module. For now, all that means is that it requires CEP, gives you the [player side] options and has one or two cosmetic changes around Ascension itself. The process of going through every single area, encounter and item and CEP-ing it is going to be a long one, so expect it to happen gradually.

Here are the steps I hope to take; none of these have been done yet:

1) Add CEP items to merchants.
2) Edit all encounters to include CEP critters (Driders! Yeah! Goblin Worg Riders! More types of spider than you can shake a stick at!).
3) Make cosmetic changes to areas to make them prettier. Possibly change the tilesets on some (the Tainted Desert, for example, does not use the Desert tileset because that tileset did not exist when it was written; similarly, the underdark just uses boring old mines and cavern tilesets).
4) Expand areas -- I intend to increase the size of the underdark significantly, with areas occupied by mindflayers, etc.
5) Add new areas -- probably some new areas to the east of town. Maybe a few others here and there (I want a ghost pirate cove near the docks!). I kight just steal some areas from Seviss Isles and import them directly (that module has an extensive underdark, for example).

That's enough for now, and will take weeks, so expect these changes to slowly take place. I've put the "bulletin board" system back into the game (there's one outside the tavern, and one inside - BTW, I remodelled the tavern interior) so that announcements can be easily made.

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