• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

NYC Gamers Meetup Seeking New Members


The Manhattan Gamers Guild is a NYC based meetup group that plays various RPGs on a regular basis. We're looking to expand our membership.

If you're looking to try out particular systems and genres as a player, or run one you like as a GM, we're a good place to meet other roleplayers.

You can sign up on meetup.com at Manhattan-Gamers-Guild

On most Thursdays, we have “One-Shot Thursdays”. If we have any volunteers to GM, we usually run a one-session game of various systems. This is good chance to try out different systems and genres.

In the past we've run FATE, Savage Worlds, RIFTS, Feng Shui, Eclipse Phase, and many others.

If no one has a game ready to play, we just chat about games and gaming in general.

We’re only currently running one long term game – Spirit Of The Century, a FATE based game, based on the pulp hero novels of the 20’s and 30’s. Normally we play Tuesday nights. We're actively looking for other GMs to run other long term games.

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[Offline][NYC][DnD]Steampunk D&D - Dragons of the Farthest Star

Dragons of the Farthest Star

A Steampunk & Sorcery Space Opera set in a home-brewed Universe for up to 7 players using 5th Edition D&D rules.

You can sign up on meetup.com at Manhattan-Gamers-Guild

starting on Feb 17th

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