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Obi-Wan Kenobi trailer


Looks good I can't see any Inquisitor being a true threat to Obi Wan though as he has chopped his way through two Sith Lords by this point.

Still add 500 stormtroopers of the 501st fixes that. Inquisitors look cool new one looks like a bad ass.

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Qui-Gon would have to be in a flashback or as a Force ghost. Yoda is a possibility, if Obi-Wan does travel off-planet and knows his location. Another question is which other Jedi are still alive roughly 10 years after Order 66, since it has been stated somewhere that this series is set around halfway between the prequel and original trilogies. After all, no way we are not going to see the Inquisitors fighting Jedi other than Obi-Wan.
Well, we know Anakin is in it, and he is "dead" at this point.

My theory is at some point Kenobi will snort some lizard (see The Book of Boba Fett) and go on a vision-quest. And that is where he will meet Anakin, Vader, and possibly Maul and Qui-Gon.

Looks good I can't see any Inquisitor being a true threat to Obi Wan though as he has chopped his way through two Sith Lords by this point.
They are not a direct threat. The danger is they might stumble over Luke whilst pursuing someone on Tatooine. If, say, they where to pursue a fleeing jedi youngling to Tatooine, Kenobi might have to leave to lure them away.
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Do we have anything in canon from this time period saying that Maul was leading the inquisitors at this time? He's running Black Sun at the time of Solo, and a renegade hunted by the Inquisitors when we first meet him in Rebels.
Maul is hostile to the Empire and running Crimson Dawn in 10 BBY (Solo). By 4 BBY he seems to have been removed (by Qi'ra or Kenobi?) and is grubbing around in Sith ruins on Malachor (Rebels). Around 3 BBY he tracks down Kenobi to Tatooine and is killed (Rebels). Vader leads the inquisitors (Rebels, J:FO).

J:FO is stet around 14 BBY. Judging by the age of Luke in the trailer (9 or 10?), Kenobi takes place later than that, but before Rebels.
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The one talking (and shown with the spinning blade) is the Grand Inquisitor. I also spotted the Fifth Brother (with his distinctive hat) in a few shots. I don't recognize the black woman. It's possible she's the Second Sister from Jedi: Fallen Order. Otherwise, I'd assume she's new.
She isn't very like. I managed to track down a helmetless J:FO shot, she is olive skinned with straight hair.


I'm pretty sure I recognise the actor (in the trailer) actually. I think she's British (unsurprising for an Imperial). Can't get the name though. Isn't on the announced cast list.

Second Sister is a title, not a name though, so it could be a different person in the same job. Trilla should be dead at this point anyway.
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First time I'm cautiously excited for anything Star Wars since watching the original movies.
Full disclosure I have not seen 7-9, Solo or the Mando.

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