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Obsydia's Races Overview + Dweller, Fey, Fianna Updated (7/13/2006)


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Obsydia has two main continents Caradon and Idmyr. For this post I am going to share teh basic ideas for the races common to Caradon. The principle behind the development of Obsydia was that on some level, most D&D worlds have a singular culture divided up by races. I, however, wanted to see what playing in a world defined multiple cultures (like earth) would be like. Caradon is a large continent with many different climates and I still use different races, however each race is culturally unique, but obviously not every member of a race will adhere to the cultural norms. Those raised in a land outside thier normal homeland will often have the culture of wherever they were raised. Most of the races were designed following some typical D&D archetypes or off of real-world cultures that I thought would be fun and appropriate to the setting. The races of Caradon are:

Dwellers: (Complete write-up in later post) Dwellers derive thier name from thier unique homes which seem to be built into the sides of the rocky plateaus of thier homeland. They are known as a calculating pragmatic people. They enjoy haggling and are known to be fierce traders and great craftsmen. However, recently the Dwellers have begun to become more isolated. Dwellers worship thier ancestors which have all become a single group known as the Gurakhmas. They are short and broad but lack the hardiness thier appearance might indicate.(Think dwarven scholars, not gnomes)

Fey: (Complete write-up in later post) The Fey of Meshaccah consider themselves to be the highest race of Obsydia. They place a high value of propriety, reverence, politeness, and civility. Many say they are snobbish and aloof. They can be very stubborn. The Fey have a monothiestic religion and many customs similar to Islam. (Muslim Elves)

Fianna: (Complete write-up in later post) The fianna are a race lead by thier passions. They are very instinctive and often moody. They can be bold and outspoken with friends and quiet and strangers. They worship a pantheon of nine gods and goddesses known as the Tuatha De Danaan. Each deity has a triple aspect of good, evil, and neutral. (Celtic Elves)

Groth: A race twisted by thier ancient association with the thier god Bahag. These often barbaric people are covered in bony protrusions and thick hide. Groth admire cunning and strength above other traits. They worship the Demon King, Viseryk, who is the manifestation of Bahag. (or so they believe). It is believed that the Groth were once S'dhat but were changed by thier worship of the demonic god.

Gryndar: The Gryndar are a human culture that has adopted the ways of the Wynd (see below). However, inlike the wynd the gryndar choose only one house of Wynd gods to venerate and each tribe is different. Strong-willed and boisterous these hardy people live in the unforgiving Jormurgandr Mts. (Norse Humans)

Hunde: The Hunde are a human culture with a arthurian binitarianist religion that is supported through ancestor worship. The two gods are Vallas (good) and Derne (evil). Only clerics worship the gods directly, while others beseech thier ancestors to speak to the gods on thier behalf. The hunde place a great deal of importance on honor and chivalry. They are proud and stoic. The lion is a sacred symbol to these people. (Arthurian Humans)

Kentauri: The Kentauri are essentially deer centaurs. The have a nomadic culture and worship animal spirits that were sent to them by the Great Mother. (Deer Centaur Native Americans)

Netherians: Humans who were once very similar to the Hunde, but have been living under tyranical rule for so long that oppression has tainted thier views on everything. They are a private people but view others with great suspicion. (Human Refuges)

S'dhat: A tall thin namodic race that lives in the Durak Plains (clay desert) in small bands. These people worship the five elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Aether. They value independence and self-sufficiency. They value honesty, frugality, and loyalty above other traits. They look similar to githyanki. (desert nomads with an elemental twist)

Setters: The setters are a rae of small humanoids that have spread all over the continent of Caradon. They are laid back and practical, gentle and do not anger easily. They believe in hard work and harder play. They are not overly inquisitive and tend to let things come as they may. They are often quite talkative. Thier religion is often a hodgepodge of those cultures that are nearby thier settlements. (Adaptive Halflings)

Treefolk: These small beings worship trees and have a vast respect for all nature. In appearance they would resemble short elves with bushy eyebrows and deerlike ears. Thier hair and skin tones change with the seasons and they have claws on both hands and feet for climbing trees. Thier religion is very druidic/wican in nature. (Dendrocentric Treedwellers)

Valderians: These humans have a thirst for knowledge. They are the 'Fathers of Philosophy' and place a great deal of value on social standing and education. They have founded monastic orders where the greatest minds can be nurtured and developed. (Greek/Arthurian Humans)

Wynd: In the mountain kingdom known as Gunnungigap live the Wynd. Hearty and strong-willed, the Wynd value respect, honor, bravery and sacrifice. They are well known for thier value on deeds and for thier stance of gender equality. They enjoy the company of outsiders but are wary of thier customs. The Wynd worship a three-part pantheon of dietes made up of the Aesir, Vanir, and Jotnar. Each of these groups has several gods/godesses in it. (Norse Dwarves)

If any body would like to see more on each of these races, I have a complete workup for each of them. I will post each races workup as requested. Comments are always appreciated.
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First Post
I haven't read over all of it yet ( I tend to read small parts of things that catch my eye and skip around a lot, I'm crazy like that :) ) But I would be most interested in seeing the dweller write up.

Land Outcast

I must admit that these not only sparked my curiosity, but also made for enjoyable reading... that's difficult to find here in the forums.
The neat writing style made it a rather quick read.

I totally fell in love with the differentiated Religions...
Fey and Fianna is a subrace cut to the elven varieties which, from me, is welcome (especially if one of them is a Celtic Society)

Doubt: are Grynd exactly like Wynd? or do they have some distingushing characteristic? (apart from biological, duh!)

Kentauri: Mighty interesting and brought to me the idea of another celtic-like society, but that's just me. Summoned to my mind the great image of a M:tG card I've seen in the WotC website... I'll see if I can link it... nay... sorry :\

Don't like Setters and Treefolk... lets see if you can change that


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General Description: The Dwellers of Travague derive their name from their unique homes that seem to be built as if flowing out of the sides of the rocky plateaus of their homeland.
Personality: Dwellers are known as calculating and pragmatic people enjoy interacting with individuals of many other societies. Dwellers are known for their cultural knowledge of other races and typically research the practices of others before interacting with them. Dwellers are forthright and honest, enjoy haggling over prices, often negotiating prices down to the copper, and take great pride in their appearance and in their trades. Dwellers pride themselves on their business acumen and until recently were the most prolific traders on Caradon. A recent turn in their behavior has them becoming increasingly withdrawn from the outside world, a change which has greatly affected the rest of the world.
Physical Description: Dwellers are short, broad people possessing thick limbs. They appear heavily muscled when compared to other races, but in reality are more thick-boned than muscled. The have strong jaw lines and broad noses. Males usually shave their heads and where short, well-manicured beards.
Relations: Dwellers excel in trade and have good relations with members of most other cultures. Recently, however, there has been a push among Dwellers toward isolationism. To this end they have begun the construction of great steel walls in the passes that lead to their cities. It remains uncertain why this trend began and what it may lead to.
Alignment: Dwellers live very rigid and structured lives; therefore they tend to be lawful in alignment. Most Dwellers are either neutral or good.
Lands: Though Dweller merchants have traveled and settled throughout Caradon and Obsydia, most Dwellers still call the country of Travague their home. This land is made up of rocky plateaus and deep ravines. The Dwellers have built their homes and cities into the great plateaus and have grown to the point where they now appear to be spilling out of the cliff faces. For more information on Travague see chapter two: Lands of Obsydia.
Religion: Dwellers have a religious reverence for their ancestors, and most pray to these ancestors in small shrines in their own homes. For further information on Dweller religion see their entry in chapter three: Religions of Obsydia.
Language: Dwellers have their own language known as Travagan. Speech in Travagan is guttural and full of hard consonants. Most Dwellers also speak Caradonish, the trade language of Obsydia.
Male Names: Goadich, Bellach, Tragur, Wagert, and Kroll.
Female Names: Joset, Kless, Bina, Icha, and Haba.
Surnames: Dwellers take surnames based upon their occupations or the trades of significant ancestors in their family.
Adventurers: Dweller adventurers often begin their careers as merchant guards and traders. Typically they are fighters, but other classes are not unheard of.
Racial Traits:
+2 Charisma, -2 Constitution. Dwellers are well known for their negotiating skills and for their ability to get along with others.
Medium-size: As medium sized creatures, Dwellers experience no special benefits or hindrances from size.
The base speed for a Dweller is 30 feet.
Dwellers have darkvision at a range of 60 feet. Darkvision works like normal vision except that it requires no light to function and vision is only in black and white.
Due to their natural aptitude for working with tools, all Dwellers gain a +2 racial bonus on all craft skill checks.
Dwellers are very adept at trading and for this reason they gain a +2 racial bonus on all appraise, bluff, profession and sense motive skill checks.
Automatic Languages: Travagan and Caradonish. Bonus Languages: Hündish, Wyndish, Terran, Netherese, Goblin, and Giant.
Preferred Class: Fighter

Dweller Religious Practices: The religion of the Dwellers is not structured and no mass temples exist. Instead each home has a shrine built within it and their individuals may pray to their ancestors for guidance.
The Dwellers believe that their ancestors have a continual and beneficent interest and power over the affairs of the living. The dead have become one with the forefathers of the Dwellers called the Gurahkmas. Small sects of clerics reside in most communities and lead the few mass services that are called for. Clerics among the Dwellers are highly respected and considered well liked by the Gurahkmas. They often hold other jobs within the community, becoming leaders and influential citizens. They are councilors, arbitrators, and ambassadors for their communities.
Holy symbols among the Dwellers are often tiny stone idols carved to resemble the great ancestors of an individual community. Other items such as important relics and artifacts known to be owned by an important ancestor also function as holy symbols. Clerics may choose any domain and their favored weapon will be one favored by the Gurahkmas of their clan.
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General Description: The Fey of Meshaccah consider themselves the highest of all the races of Obsydia. They are refined and well mannered and have a highly sophisticated culture.
Personality: Fey place a high priority on propriety, valuing reverence, politeness, and civility. Fey are often considered snobbish and aloof by other races. Fey are usually very rigid in their beliefs and changing the opinion of a Fey can be daunting.
Physical Description: Fey are short and slender when compared to humans. They have delicate features and an almost willowy appearance. They tend to have fair skin and light hair. They typically dress in loose garments of the finest material they can afford. Great importance is placed on personal grooming among the Fey, so most will be well clothed and clean.
Relations: The Fey believe they are the highest race in Obsydia, most loved by Jurakah, their God. They believe that the other races have fallen from God’s grace and must be lead back to him. They often pity other races. It is understandable then that many others find them snobbish and condescending. Relations can be strained between the Fey and other races, especially between the Fey and the Fianna.
Alignment: Most Fey value structure and stability in their lives with an overall sense of goodness. Therefore, most Fey are either lawful or neutral good.
Lands: The Fey are from the island nation of Meshaccah, though they have spread to Valderia and Nether as well. Meshaccah is an island with a great central mountain peek covered in lush vegetation and surrounded by idyllic beaches of white sand. For more information on Meshaccah refer to chapter two: Lands of Obsydia.
Religion: The Fey have a monotheistic religion based upon the worship of Jurakah. For more information on this faith, see chapter three: Religions of Obsydia
Language: The primary language of the Fey is Feyan. Most Fey learn to speak one or two “lesser” languages as well.
Male Names: Theriss, Laerethe, Finnale, Solemnus, and Matiss
Female Names: Yasmin, Lissabet, Meredisse, Carythe, and Jesabethe
Surnames: Lenora, Teramiss, Nenathyr, Querrethe, and Sorissa
Adventurers: Fey adventurers are often scholars and missionaries on pilgrimages to minister to the rest of the world. The often see themselves as leading the rest of the world by example, and believe that Jurakah will bless them for their efforts.
Racial Traits:
+2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution. The fey are highly educated, but are frailer than most other races.
Medium-size: As medium sized creatures, fey experience no special benefits or hindrances from size.
The base speed for fey is 30 feet.
Fey have low light vision. A fey can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Due to the political structure of their society all Fey gain a +2 racial bonus on diplomacy skill checks.
Fey are well educated and because of this, they gain a +2 racial bonus on a knowledge skill of their choosing. This skill must be chosen during character creation and once chosen cannot be changed. This skill is always considered a class skill for the character.
Fey are immune to all enchantment/charm spells and effects as well as sleep effects.
Automatic Languages: Feyan and Caradonish. Bonus Languages: High Valdish, Valderian, Netherese, Goblin, Grothik, Draconic, and Fiannan.
Preferred Class: Wizard

Fey Religious Practices: The religion of the Fey is monotheistic. The Fey worship Jurakah a benevolent deity who forged the world for his Fey children.
The Ker’Jurakah, or worship of Jurakah, stems from the belief that the Fey are Jurakah’s chosen children. All other races were once Fey, but they have fallen and become infidels. Infidels must be pitied and treated fairly less one fall and become one of them. Ker’Jurakah is a religion built upon the basis of three distinct concepts: measure, destiny, and decree. All Fey have a measure, the gifts that Jurakah has given them in life and with these gifts a Fey must work toward his destiny. A Fey’s success or failure in their destiny is dependant on the decree of Jurakah.
There are three rites of worship in Ker’Jurakah. The first, the Kalajar, takes place at a Fey’s coming of age ceremony when he or she must declare her faith in Jurakah before a priest. At this point the Fey is ritually washed of their sins and renamed according to the measure of Jurakah. The second rite of worship, called the Hujini consists of three daily prayers. Every Fey must pray to the rising, setting, and noon sun in order that the light of Jurakah may cleanse them of their sin. The third rite of worship is called the Hajé Murati. This rite takes place on the day and night of each new moon. From the disappearance of the moon until it reappears a fey may not eat, drink, or sleep. Most of this time is spent in meditation and prayer for the return of Jurakah.
The clerics of Ker’Jurakah are called Jibralle and lead the Hujini, bear witness to the Kalajar and call for the Hajé Murati. They believe that the clerics of other religions are only granted spells out of the mercy of Jurakah. Their holy symbol is three four pointed stars set two above the first. The favored weapon of Jurakah is the scimitar and Jibralles may choose any domain aside from racial domains.


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General Description: The Fianna are the indigenous people of Umbarya. They are often considered the less civilized cousin of the Fey. But few similarities exist between the two races beyond their almond eyes and pointed ears.
Personality: Fianna are a race often ruled by their whims. They tend to act on instinct and be very passionate in their moods. They tend to be outspoken and bold with people they are comfortable with and quiet with others. They often have fiery tempers and believe in living life to the fullest, embracing many pleasures.
Physical Description: Fianna are a tall race, just shorter than most humans. They are somewhat more slender than humans. They typically have red or brown hair, often with feathers and tokens woven into it. They have fair to tan skin and fierce looking eyes. Most Fianna decorate their skin in tribal markings and or piercings. These marks may either be paint or tattoos. They have pointed ears and almond-shaped eyes.
Relations: Fianna relate to people on an individual basis. They do not typically view other races as a whole and therefore they have no real animosity directed toward any one race. They tend to be very passionate so many people find them hard to relate with. Fianna are very emotional, sharing their feelings openly, which makes some uncomfortable.
Alignment: Since Fianna change their moods frequently, they are more chaotic than most other races, but they are generally kind hearted and good.
Lands: Umbarya is a land of great tree covered hills and valleys. The forest is mostly coniferous but deciduous trees become more common to the southern region. Fianna also love to experience new things so many can be found traveling throughout the other lands of Obsydia, though they typically return to their homeland by the time they are middle aged. For more detailed information on Umbarya see chapter two: Lands of Obsydia.
Religion: Fianna believe in nine gods and goddesses called the Tuatha De Danaan who each exist in a triple aspect. For more detailed information on the religion of the Fianna refer to chapter three: Religions of Obsydia.
Language: Fianna speak their own language, Fiannan, which is somewhat similar to Feyan. Most also speak Caradonish as they enjoy speaking with other races. Many also learn Wyndish, Treespeak, and Hündish.
Male Names: Fianna often name their children after their gods in hopes of protecting them. Male names always end in the letter “s” (which may be silent) and are accented on the first syllable. Examples are: Ariass, Taris, Magris, Haerus, and Llaeros
Female Names: Females are also named after gods, but the names always end in an “e” and are accented on the last syllable. Examples are: Ishalowe, Baergitte, Danethe, Loeanne, and Onvysse
Surnames: Fianna take their surnames from their accomplishments. Strangely they usually take their surname in Caradonish rather than their native tongue. Many believe this is a way of boasting their deeds to everyone they meet. Names like Pathfinder, or Elkrunner are very typical. It is not uncommon for a Fianna to change names several times during his or her lifetime based on new accomplishments or experiences.
Adventurers: Fianna adventurers are not uncommon, many rangers, druids, and others leave Umbarya in search of adventure.
Racial Traits:
+2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom. Fianna are quick and agile but are typically more brash and driven by their instincts than other races.
Medium-size: As medium sized creatures, Fianna experience no special benefits or hindrances from size.
The base speed for Fianna is 30 feet.
Fianna have low light vision. A Fianna can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
All Fianna are proficient in short and long bows as well as composite short and long bows.
Due to their wilderness lands all Fianna gain a +2 racial bonus to spot, listen and survival skill checks.
Fianna are immune to enchantment/charm and sleep spells and effects.
Automatic Languages: Fianna and Caradonish. Bonus Languages: Wyndish, Hündish, Treespeak, Giant, and Goblin.
Preferred Class: Ranger or druid

Fianna Religious Practices: The pantheon of the Fianna consists of nine major deities collectively called the Tuatha De Danaan. One thing that differs the Fianna pantheon is the triple aspect of each of the Gods. Each is considered good, evil, and neutral, so the worship of one of the Gods offers little insight into the true demeanor of the worshipper. Due to this triple aspect, a Fianna cleric may always choose either the good or evil domain regardless of which god or goddess he or she worships. However, temple sights are usually dedicated to one aspect of a deity.
There are three specialties in the Fianna religious system. Bards are the keepers of tradition, of the memory of the clan – they are the guardians of custom and lore. Bardic training lasts twelve years in Fianna society. It should be noted that bards in Umbarya function much the same as bards from the players handbook except that their spells are acquired and performed more akin to clerical magic than wizardry.
The Ovates (clerics) work with the process of death and regeneration. They are the healers and specialize in divination, conversing with ancestors and prophecy. Training to become an Ovate lasts twenty-one years.
The third specialty of the Fianna clergy are the Druids, who function as elders, teachers, ambassadors, philosophers and judges. They undergo lengthy and arduous training lasting thirty-three years. Druids lead all public rituals, which are normally held within sacred groves.
The religious beliefs of the Fianna are never written down; instead they are maintained through oral tradition.
The Fianna believe that when someone dies his or her soul is transported to Dunaya, the otherworld, where life continues much as it did before death. When someone dies in Dunaya, they are reborn in this world as another living creature. At every birth the Fianna mourn the death of a person in the otherworld, which made the new birth possible.
Druids use many methods to perform divination including meditation, study of birds in flight, dream interpretation, and interpreting the pattern of sticks thrown to the ground.
There are four primary holy days to the Fianna. Each of these days is celebrated with a unique ritual, but each is festive and lively. Imbolc (The Return of Life) is celebrated on the first day of spring when the first stirrings of life are noticeable. Bealteinne (The Fires of Bel) is celebrated at the peak of blossom season when domesticated animals bear their young. Lughnasadh (The Feast of Lugh) celebrates the harvest. Samhuinn (Feast of the Dead) marks the time when the veil between Obsydia and Dunaya is most easily penetrated.
There are two holy symbols associated with the Tuatha De Danaan. The first symbol, called a Triskele is worn by Bards and Ovates and consists of three curved branches radiating from the center of the symbol. The second symbol, called Awen is worn only by Druids and is made of three pillars, with the outer two pillars sloping towards the center with three spheres placed above the pillars.
The Ovates of the Tuatha De Danaan have domains and favored weapons according to which god or goddess they serve.

Tuatha De Danaan:

The Silver Wheel

Symbol: The Triskele or the Awen.
Home Plane: Dunaya
Alignment: Chaotic
Portfolio: Moon, luck, humor, darkness, secrets, and lies
Worshipers: Poets, sailors, gamblers, travelers, and thieves
Cleric Alignments: Any Chaotic
Domains: Chaos, darkness, luck, madness, moon, and trickery
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe

The Great Mother

Symbol: The Triskele or the Awen.
Home Plane: Dunaya
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Creation, earth, love, hearth, and home
Worshipers: Mothers, farmers, and shepherds
Cleric Alignments: Any
Domains: Creation, earth, family, and protection
Favored Weapon: Spear

The Lifebearer

Symbol: The Triskele or the Awen.
Home Plane: Dunaya
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Healing, forests, and spring
Worshipers: Healers, farmers, hunters, and the wounded
Cleric Alignments: Any
Domains: Charm, healing, plant, and renewal
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

The Hunter

Symbol: The Triskele or the Awen.
Home Plane: Dunaya
Alignment: Lawful
Portfolio: Justice, law, hunting, and freedom
Worshipers: Warriors, hunters, and guards
Cleric Alignments: Any Lawful
Domains: Animal, law, liberation, and retribution
Favored Weapon: Longsword

The Shining One

Symbol: The Triskele or the Awen.
Home Plane: Dunaya
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Sun, honor, sacrifice, and destiny
Worshipers: Lovers, poets, and paladins
Cleric Alignments: Any
Domains: Fate, glory, nobility, and sun
Favored Weapon: Morningstar

The Deep Lord

Symbol: The Triskele or the Awen.
Home Plane: Dunaya
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Oceans, seas, rivers, and water
Worshipers: Sailors, merchants, travelers, and fishermen
Cleric Alignments: Any
Domains: Ocean, trade, travel, and water
Favored Weapon: Trident

The Seer

Symbol: The Triskele or the Awen.
Home Plane: Dunaya
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Knowledge, craft, magic, and fire
Worshipers: Craftsmen, spellcasters, merchants, and diviners
Cleric Alignments: Any
Domains: Craft, fire, knowledge, magic, rune, and spell
Favored Weapon: Dagger

The Unforgiving

Symbol: The Triskele or the Awen.
Home Plane: Dunaya
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Death, dying, disease, and war
Worshipers: Necromancers, warriors, healers, and rulers
Cleric Alignments: Any
Domains: Death, suffering, tyranny, and war
Favored Weapon: Greatsword

The Thunderer

Symbol: The Triskele or the Awen.
Home Plane: Dunaya
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Storms, destruction, strength, and air
Worshipers: Warriors, spellcasters, sailors, and travelers
Cleric Alignments: Any
Domains: Air, destruction, storms, and strength
Favored Weapon: Fanged Blade

Land Outcast

Fianna (I'm biased but...): Just excellent. Celtic societies are real jewels. Enamored with the multi-faceted deities.

Fey: meh... sorry for the lack of enthusiasm, but these are fairly stereotypical... although I like the twist their religion has: "we pity them, because not doing so would downgrade us". This leaves space for more than one conception of "being a pious fey".

Dwellers: I like before everything else the ties Clan-Religion, in their classical incarnation (Dwarves), the strong sense of clan I thinkis not enforced enough... And veneration of ancestors is something I've been toying for a culture in my game...
The mentioned withdrawal gives an excelent Campaign seed. Inspiring.

I also like the strong religious focus (perceived by me) you infused into their societies. Religion has been a central aspect - a defining aspect - of cultures through history in the real world, again something which -IMO- enriches a setting and provides opportunities for the Fighters lvl 1 to be completly unique each (in roleplay).

Voidrunner's Codex

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