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[Oct] What's up in your campaign?


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Just started running a short campaign for my sig other, as the only player -- she's only played a couple times, and is having fun. Gestalt bard-sorceror elf on a spell point system for ease of use (it's actually easier so far!) she recently woke up, had her mother deliver a short poem to her, she realized her head was on fire, she ran and jumped in the lake, popped out and it was still on fire (when she made her concentration check and realized that it didn't hurt, and that she couldn't put it out at will :)) ran into a childhood friend from her prelude who had recently lost an eye to a bear, and accidently went to the old tree in the woods where her ghostly ancestor that gave her advice in times of trouble resided. The tree, (actually her true mother, a CG efreet,) taught her how to control the magic within her a little bit (taught her how to cast burning hands,) and taught her to ignore the whisperings of the Dark One that happen when she casts.
Then she went hunting with her dad, and bagged some rabbits on a routine trip.
Really fun so far!
I still miss my old gaming group from moving away, finished up my homebrew right before I left, where the PCs realized their natures and ascended to become the fates of the dreamscape they lived in. I guess that was in August... drat.

...and I REALLY like this thread! You all have some really cool stuff going on. Let's try to get one of these threads going each month, eh, eh?

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Currently running a "main" game on every other Tuesday night with the whole group (4 plalyers) and three "spin-off" games on the other Tuesdays and every other Sunday (2 players from the main group). All of these campaigns are on my homebrew world which uses real world geography (easy mapping that way).

In the main game, the party just finished being involved in the succession of the new Queen of their sovereign kingdom...a strange selection process secretly judged by a group of druids. The party managed to reveal corruption within the Queen's advisory council and had the whole council ousted by the new queen, a 12 year old girl whom they managed to reunite with her disgraced ex-paladin father. One PC also got a hold of the big bad evil artifact of the campaign, the Dagger of Souls, and used it to accidentally reveal the mind controlled agents of the main big bad guy, the Overmind, a mind flayer with the Gou'ald (Stargate SG1 style) Aten (banished from Earth some 3000 years ago) bonded with it. The party is about to head home (base of the Rockies), but is being tracked by several parties interested in the Dagger....the agent of a demon lord and his cronies, agents of the Overmind, agents of a temple of Hextor hidden in the Rockies, and the half-dragon offspring of a corrupted silver dragon allied with said temple.

In spinoff number one, the two PCs are about to complete their fourth and final year at the Arcane Academy school of wizardry and become full fledged 1st level wizards. What they don't know is that the Academy is secretly run by Red Wizards (the PrC in the DMG modified to fit my world), remnants of a cabal of wizards loyal to Aten back when he ruled an empire about 2000 years ago (before he became The Overmind).

In spinoff number two, the two PCs are agents of the temple of Hextor, attempting to track down the Dagger of Souls.

In spinoff number three, the two PCs are drow, dealing with repercussions of the Overmind's domination of the underdark and making their way to the surface world.

And, one of my players is taking a shot at DMing, using my campaign world, but set 200 years ago with a pirate theme in the Carribean area, during the colonization period of the Legian Empire (what Rome would be if it had never fallen and existed in a D&D style world).



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Finally got to play again after a break of a couple of months. The players in my Wilderlands campaign have now completed Evil Unearthed from the Dungeon Issue #82 and it may be temporarily halted there while the other DM in the group runs Conan RPG.


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Earthdawn: Just saved a small town from 2 Dread Commanders and a Dread Lord (think Nazgul). Found out they are looking for the same thing we are, descendants of the last people to see a lost Kaer,who hopefully know where it is, because someone/something thinks we know where it is and keeps sending nasties after us.

Shadowrun: In Switzerland, while one of the parties friends is being "reconstructed" after some pissed off people tortured him for the location of a girl he saved from kidnappers many years ago. They group has been hired to kill 3 Vory crime bosses nosing in on the Mafias turf near the Italy/Switzerland border. One of the 2 amnesiac characters learned he has been programmed to respond to certain voice commmands. The voice command came from a local news broadcast, after hearing it he stands up, leaves the hotel room and takes the car to a meeting. The other PC's followed and were able to get him but not before seeing that he was with someone who looks exactly like the other amnesiac.

Eberron: Very loosely based on Shadows of the Last War, the PC's are on their way to the Mournland already really tired of fighting undead. They have only fought them once but none of them had bludgeoning weapons so it took alot out of them, both fighters were close to dropping (less than 4 hp each). They also don't have a cleric and now realize how much money that are going to need to buy potions or wands for the artificer.

Voidrunner's Codex

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