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Oddball animated skeletons -- any suggestions?


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For the past year or so I've been slowly building a 1d100 table of oddball animated skeletons. (Quirky stuff like a kilt-wearing McSkeleton or a tar-and-feathered skeleton.) Now I'm down to the final seven slots, but I'm running a bit low on ideas. Does anybody have some creative suggestions? I'm looking more for skeletons that add color to an encounter, rather than something that will give a skeleton a significant edge. (I do have a few that have small combat benefits, but it's mostly as a side-effect of the odd-ball additions.)

Any ideas? Thank you!!!

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Skellies from people who we're quatered, lets jst say they're alot easier to dis-arm. :lol: :D :) :heh: :\ :( sorry.

The battlefield fallen, that have had plants(perhaps flowers) sprouting at.

Squirrel skellies, always fun.

Headless chicken skellies

More skellies making it clear how they died; Beheaded skellies, burned crispy skellies, beartrap on leg skellies...

That was fun


First Post
Three skeleton bodies fighting over one head.

Two big skeletons playing monkey in the middle with a little skeletons head.

Skeletons without feet that are always falling over.

Skeletons with arms and legs swapped round that have to walk on all fours.

Skeletons having drinks together and the liquid falling through their bodies to the floor

As you approach you see two skeletons. One is sewing an empty humanoid skin into a shirt for the other. The first drops the needle and they both turn towards you with glowing eyes.

A womans skeleton walking with a little dog skeleton in her arms. She appears confused and you have a definite sensation that she doesn't know she's dead.

As you approach, a number of skeletons yell "Oh my God, Flesh!" and run away.

Any of those help :)

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101 Skeleton Adventure hooks:

A skeleton that walks around commenting on all the ladies femurs and cheekbones.

A giant skeleton with two small skulls lodged in the eyesockets. The smaller skulls verbally order the giant skeleton where to step when it walks and where to swing when it attacks.

A skeletal deer that runs when the party approaches.

32 skeletons, half painted white, half painted black. Each has a chess piece engraved on their foreheads, and each is in it's appropriate spot on a giant chessboard.

A skeletal child cries for its mommy.

A skeletal farmer feeds rotting grain to its skeletal chickens, while the skeletal farmhand plows the field with a skeletal bull and a rusty plow. The skeletal farm-wife is "cooking" rotting food in her burnt-out shell of a home, while a skeletal baby sleeps in its crib. As the party approaches, the are accosted by an over-friendly skeletal dog that want's to play fetch.

A skeleton that tries to eat a piece of stale bread. When it falls through his body, he picks it up and tries to eat it again. Repeat ad nauseum....

A skeleton that has tied a strings leading from his pelvis to each rib-bone. The skeleton is playing his strings like a harp, and creating a hauntingly beautiful tune.

A skeletal halfling tries to pick the parties pockets.

A skeleton with a peg leg approaches asking if the party is interested in a valuable treasure.

A skeleton with a leg made of sticks instead of bones.


First Post
Thanks everybody. There's quite a few that resemble skeletons already in the list, but plenty of new ideas as well. (I'm also going to add in a "masked avenger" skeleton. :D ) This should do the job!

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