Ode To Dessy Writting prt.2

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So you want to be original?

Alright, in lu of how good a response I received from my last post called Ode To Dessy Writing I decided to post another little something for everyone. I know we all want to have wonderfully original characters with unique traits. In this post I will address traits to avoid when making characters. Hey, I'm not telling you how or what you should do but I will offer some of my advice just off of observations.

1. Heterochromia, this is a disorder I have seen TONS of out there. This is an eye condition in which one iris is a different color from the other (complete heterochromia), or where part of one iris is a different color from the remainder (partial heterochromia or sectoral heterochromia). As neat of an idea this is to have on your character, unfortunately I have seen at least ten characters on chat alone with this on average yet in real life I have only met one person with this disorder.

2. Hair: Aright this one is a touchy subject to hit and even I am subject to it. Overly long hair, the kind that hangs to the person's toes, as cool as it is....is done an awfully lot.

Clothing: Again here is another subject that’s hard to work with. Hundreds of different cultures offer a variety of styles, materials and colorations. Some things to remind yourself of while coming up with clothing.
For the CRT and Rotunda:
a.) zippers did not exist in these time periods
b.) Purples were considered for nobles and royalty, hence the name Royal Purple. It was and still remains one of the hardest dyes to make.
c.)Silk, Satin, and oddly cotton was not for the under privileged. Leather, burlap, wool, and sack cloth were much more common materials for travelers and commoners.
d.) If you’re not an oriental character…why are you wearing a kimono? This is just one example but try to stick to the area clothing that your character came from. If your a DnD player a good book to check into or try looking up was called Kingdoms of Kalamar which is a entirely human only setting. Its chalk full of cultures and styles of all sorts for humans.
For TMP setting:
a.) Really you can go wild here for clothing...just...don't be walking in wearing full plate?

4. This one is simple. If it’s covered up by your clothing then don't post it. If its important then perhaps put it as note at the bottom of the dessy.

5. Breaking the Code of Conduct. Look guys, i know the concept of making a character with funky animal ears, hooves or even just a tail is fun and all but in places like the CRT its just not aloud in there. Unfortunately it is the most active room on the chat which makes it hard to play these characters and get them to even interact with someone but just avoid those traits for characters if you plan on ever using them in the CRT. Best way around this is to make a character a description minus said odd traits and keep it posted up along with the true form. You can have simple spells or an item that could be hiding what you really are and completely avoid conflict with the higher powers.

6. Moderation. Remember this when making your character. Don't over due it when describing your character but don't under do it either. Nothing is more mind boggling when you have four pages of text to read through just to find your height and weight...even if its posted...Or perhaps finding two sentences telling me your tall have hair and blue eyes, and wearing a cloak.

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And before it gets brought up, Im not telling anyone how to do what they are doing but im just offering something for people to conciter. About four or five of my own points iv'e made in both of these threads now i myself am guilty of and i know it. It is the whole reason i even posted these up is because perhaps if its pointed out to new players or old players these traits we all have fallen into will break away.

After reading both of your posts, this one and Ode to Dessy Writing part 1, I have to say that I couldn't agree more with you. All of your points that you've brought up are right on target! And has made me think about writing dessies, especially the part about hidden items under your clothing, I'm not sure if I've done that or not. But anyhow, great idea posting these and I have to say that I also agree with the storyline thinger, I wanna find out why your are crippled and scarred all over, or mangled and charred black. I don't want to have a bunch of RP sessions that are spoiled because I know what happened, it's just not as fun! Great job, Immy!


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One thing that I think doesn't get stressed enough is this:

Have a (preferably) reasonable background for your character.

Reasonable backgrounds include the following:

  • A orphan who took up adventuring out of a need to find some fulfillment in his life
  • A farmer's son with no real interest in farming
  • A traveling bard just passing through (and then don't stay!)

Which is not to say that everyone who stops in is a traveler. Inns, taverns, and bars do not crop up in the middle of the wilderness. They tend to crop up where people already are - in other words, there should be locals. Don't overlook the fun to be had playing a local character, or someone who relocated to the area for their own reasons.

Unbelievable backgrounds include the following:
  • Infant ninjas. If your character isn't old enough to talk, ninjitsu is more or less out
  • A "good" demon. It's been done to death. Just for the sake of being different let's have an evil demon.
  • The king, princess, drow matron, etc. Honestly...these sorts of people have better things to do than hang out in a tavern with a bunch of people they don't know.

In short, give your character's background some passing thought - small details like - where do they come from, *why* are they roaming around the world (this is not the norm, even in modern societies) , and maybe something non-tragic that has happened to them. Most normal people do have good memories to go along with all the drama. These are the sorts of details that take a character from being a one dimensional shell to being an actual personality.

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Also, don't just post a picture and say "This is him." Or say nothing. Not only is this annoying and show a total lack of imagination but it does not help anyone. They do not know how tall you are, for starters. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with seeing a great pic and using that to base a character on but you should still write a dessy for it. Just wanted to throw that out there. And Immy, you are right on the money with this stuff!


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Unfortunately, since there's a tutorial on every board page for ISRP specifically for Description Writing, most of these threads will fall on deaf ears when it comes to those who could actually use the leg-up they provide.

So, I'll go back and paraphrase something I said long long ago, in a galaxy far away (err, back at Wizards):

"Originality on the internet often means doing exactly what the stereotype of the race suggests that you do."


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I would have to say that other then Thar, all of you have been victims of your own rules, and noting this is a fantasy game there is room for many things. Hair, eyes, rediculous backgrounds, items or fashion, the works. Zipper was not a technological break through, that would be velkro (sp).
What I would say that seems the nature of ISRP is 'Over Dramatization'

[last part of post deleted - Trelian]
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Magatsu said:
I would have to say that other then Thar, all of you have been victims of your own rules, and noting this is a fantasy game there is room for many things. Hair, eyes, rediculous backgrounds, items or fashion, the works. Zipper was not a technological break through, that would be velkro (sp).
What I would say that seems the nature of ISRP is 'Over Dramatization'

1. This thread is about suggestions for better descriptions, not requirements, so yes there's room for things that don't match these suggestions. People are free to make up anything that's not against the Code of Conduct or the setting restrictions.

2. You're wrong about zippers. First patent: 1851. Modern recognizable version: 1913. Velcro was 1941, not much later really. Neither really fit with a sword & sorcery culture.

3. Please avoid direct criticism of others on the boards. You are free to give generalized criticism ("lots of people... ") but that's not what you've done. This is an official warning for trolling.
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Well because it is a fantasy setting, that eliminated somethings right there, Velcro, guns, and I really would say zippers too,since that was brought up.Why? Because these things simply don't exist in the setting.Now if you want to invent one, go for it, though guns seem to be out altogether.And for a critique of others, that was rather poorly written itself.Also to add to the writing topic, please try to learn the difference between "then" and "Than" IE. This person did this then that person did that. Or, This person is better at this than that person.
*edit* not ditected at anyone, just something that bothers me for some reason, and I see a lot,here and otherplaces as well.


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I believe it was stated...in part one of these little hints...that Imreis' player admitts to having done some of the things s/he suggested as wrong. Even Imreis admitts to making mistakes.

Also...these are just suggests...particularly to those people who ask others EVERY OTHER NIGHT to write or rewrite a dessy for them....

I believe Imreis' goal in this was just to help people out...not to say that one style is wrong and another was right.....these are just helpful pointers. Thats all.

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