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Off to War [IC]


Thy wounds are healed!
Rubbing his hands together Fickleberry jumps into the middle of the circle ahead of a lean short man with a scragly beard. There is laughter as the little man steps forward but putting his hand in the air in the custom of a bet man wanting to announce a new fighhter and wager, the crowd becomes quiet and attentive.

Turning in a small circle the custom complete Fickleberry shouts in a high pitched voice, "Bet's on! Bet's on!" he waves for Aidan to join him then. "Taking all bet's for Aidan of Burke!! Young warrior of the Pesh!!"

He drops his hand and rushing by Aidan he gives him a smile and says, {{Good luck.}} before running into the crowd talking to everyone at once.

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First Post
Aidan's frame shifted as the laughter began, while he had no particular love of halflings in particular(they were just another person to him), he also had no particular tolerance for belittling others. But as the smaller man continued, Aidan relaxed as the crowd quieted.

"Bet's on! Bet's on! Taking all bet's for Aidan of Burke!! Young warrior of the Pesh!!"

At Heron's cue, Aidan rolled forward, rising just before the 'ring' and propelling himself into the air, rolling up into a ball before landing. He smoothly rolled out of his stance, looking up towards his prospective opponents.

"Who's ready!?" He asked, entering a slightly defensive stance, his weight shifting evenly from foot to foot as he got himself pumped up.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Loreen gave Fallon a sideways glance, her face looking cute and innocent with the damp hair dropping in waves around it. "And if i say some nonsense like You can trust me, like you seem to be expecting, will that make me trustworthy? Fallon you are old enough to know that trust is earned with time and sharing. I don't know about Mart and Dellex and all this other business, although the net of manipulation has become more and more obvious in the past few days."

The girl paused and took a breath - she really had a hard time opening up, but she had figured out that some help was needed.

"I simply came to this camp in search of my brother Arthur. He was the man i showed you on the sketch. I still have it in my backpack." Some hope crept in Lora's voice as she spoke to the old man.


Thy wounds are healed!
"Yes your, your bro.." Fallon is cut off as you here a roar coming from somewhere ahead. "Hmm, they should, should know better with the troops patroling camp," he mumbles.

"Now, now a matter of trust," he continues as the two walk along. "I wish to trust you and I hope, hope you wish to trust me. So if I were, were to ask you to accompany Martomum, and said I will start a search for your brother what..." "Bet's on! Bet's on! Taking all bet's for Aidan of Burke!! Young warrior of the Pesh!!"

Looking shocked the old man looks around and pointing says, "I think, think we should go this way." He says leading Lora off towards the voice.

A few steps later they hear, "Bet's on! Bet's on! Taking bet's for Rathman de' Turmin!! Undefeated warrior of the Reygur!!" Fallon's pace quickens. "Hurry, Hurry!" he exclaims almost at a run.


After entering the roped off area, Aidan notices a smile form on the face of Lora's suitor, he whispers something to a man next to him. Then the scared man crosses his arms and smiles not taking his gaze from Aidan.

The man moves to stand near a roped post and announces in a loud voice, "Bet's on! Bet's on! Taking bet's for Rathman de' Turmin!! Undefeated warrior of the Reygur!!" At the last word a tall, dark-skinned man steps from the crowd. He must have been squatting before because he is easily a foot taller than everyone there. He turns from facing the ring and enters by doing two side somersaults that put him in the ring facing Aidan.

The crowd roars "Rathman!!,Rathman!!" before quieting to a gesture by the bet man. "Acceptorian to make the rules," he says with a smile of his own.

"No weapons, and to the submission." Rathman says taking off his baldric and throwing it in a corner. His arms look to be as long as Aidan is tall.

[sblock=edit] WOW that is colorful [/sblock]


First Post
Aidan nodded at the rules, tossing his javelins aside, knowing he'd have no need of them. Outside of that, he felt no need to remove garments, he only had the clothes on his back, and heaven knew they were dusty anyway. As he noticed the smile, Aidan smirked a bit himself. He'd have to try and keep a few aces up his sleeve, if that bastard was watching. He didn't want this guy to be able to predict all of his moves... he needed to get an edge.

As the other man flipped into the ring, looking up slightly. He blinked, continuing shifting as he started mentally preparing himself for what was to come. He bounced from foot to foot, his speed picking up as he began to switch his footing, weight from left to right, jumping slightly as he changed what side faced the larger man, getting his blood flowing. Aidan's breathing remained relatively calm, the boy grinning softly as he nodded.

"Aye, yer a big'un. This should be fun..." The farmboy grinned in a friendly smile, nodding in a gesture of respect, keeping his eyes levelled on the man in case he started anything. As the boy continued, he could almost feel as if something else was growing inside him. Something, supernatural. Aidan shrugged off the feeling, figuring it was probably a flight of fancy after seeing Lora's magic. It was fascinating, though... someone changing things so drastically like that. Loads more effective than his measly combat skills, too. Maybe, if he was nice enough, Lora would teach him...

Aidan shook his head, clearing those thoughts from his head as he started sizing the man up, his constantly shifting stance continuing as he attempted to gauge the man's reactions, making the ever so slightest of feints to see if the man would reaction, readying himself to open at the most opportune moment.

As a note, the supernatural feeling Aidan was having could be mechanically represented by a surge of power from the Stunning Fist feat, a small torrent of arcane energy surging from his hand into the target. I figured since I fully plan on Aidan slowly working into a melee-caster role, I would start throwing hints in there.[/sblock]

[Sblock=Statblock and initiative]
1d20+3=5 Apparently Aidan's thinking about Lora too much... ;)
HP: 16 AC: 15 Touch: 15 FF: 12 Fort Save: 5 Reflex Save: 6 Will Save: 3 Grapple Modifier: +2 Bluff Skill: +4, Escape Artist Skill: +3
Stunning Fist: 2 Attempts(If successful, target must roll a DC 13 Fortitude save to avoid being stunned)
Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Trip[/sblock]
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Myth and Legend

First Post
"Aidan? Wait... Bets? Oh no!" Lora was so surprised she didn't even question her own motivation and strange caring for the farm boy she had just met a week ago. Well not that she was particularly attached to him, but any emotion towards a stranger was above all else, a phenomenon for this girl.

The young Wizardress and Fallon reached what seemed to be fighting rings, with a crowd of smelly, loud men gathered around them. "Great..." the girl murmured to herself and reluctantly made her way to the edge of the ring.

"AIDAN YOU BETTER NOT LOSE!" She let out an encouraging shout. "Damn it what do i care if he loses!?" Her inner dilemma was silenced by the feeling of someone stirring her female parts with a spoon, the throbbing pain of her moonblood overcoming Lora's mental debate. She clenched her teeth and put her hands on her abdomen, but did not take her eyes off the ring.

Aidan's opponent seemd tough. "He will probobly try to grapple and pin him. He has an advantage in reach and size." Lora's Glavie was strapped to her back in a leather holster, and it's familiar weight somehow comforted the girl.

Frozen Messiah

First Post
Claude wakes up in his tent from all of the noise in the camp. He puts on his clothing and stretches to get some of the tightness out of his muscles. He looks over at his bow and shakes his head and grabs the dagger underneath his pillow "That is all I will be needing." he thinks to himself as he fastens it in place and walks out of the tent.

Claude walks around the camp in the direction he saw a group of soldiers walk. He sees the ring and as he watches it he sees Miss Lora and Fallon beside her. "She already has Fallon but one more person is one more person safer." Claude thinks to himself as he rushes of towards the ring to keep Lora safe.

Claude pushes through the group of soldiers to see Lora and Fallon. "What are you doing here..." Claude says trailing off when he sees Aidan in the ring. "MERDE," Claude mutters to himself. He begins trying to size up Aidan's opponent so he can tell him some thing useful.

Can I use Sense Motive to get any info on what this guy is going to do?


First Post
After the camp fire discussion peterer out, Trinham went off to his bed.

Once he has laid down and got settled, a white and ginger cat appears as if from nowhere and curls up in the small of his back. Just as he is falling over, the background noise from the camp gets a lot louder and some oaf starts shouting about bets. A young sorcerer needs his sleep and Trinham certainly wasn't interested in wasting his money gambling, so he swears quietly to himself, pulls the blanket over his head and tries to get back to sleep.

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