Off to War [IC]


Thy wounds are healed!
Introduction: Off to War is a campagin open to all willing to play(and for as long as you want to play). Your PC is part of a lord's army off to join other lords in the defense of the Five Kingdoms. This thread (is the IC for Off to War) will be the main campaign while other threads (missions) will be little offshot adventures for the players to participate in.

Joining is easy and check out the threads posted below. It will work out that once I have enough PC's gathered in this thread I will start a mission. They will no longer be able to post in-character in this thread until the mission is
complete. PC's not on a mission may still post in this thread and when ready another mission could be called for.

XP: I will not be using the D&D experience rewards guidelines as detailed in the DmG, but will be using my own formula. This formula will not be posted(sorry number crunchers). Experience will be handed out the 1st and 16th of each month, so all you need know is play have fun and the points will come.

Note:This world is not only home-brewed but open to all to help fill in. As we get along in the campaign the world will come alive just like it would for the PC's who are out of familiar territory and in the unknown themselves. As things unfold will be posting information about the Five Kingdoms in its' thread.

[sblock=Update]Please use sblocks to hide any out of character talk/questions and rolls you make in this thread please. Also no quoting please as it looks alittle messy and we want a free flowing story here thanks[/sblock]


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Thy wounds are healed!
The estates of Lord Bairan Doovan (Bear-AN DUE-van), lay far on the western edge of the Five Kingdoms,
in the valley of Pesh. So news of the war against the Treylor Empire was slow in reaching the Keep of the Bear.
Lord Bairan was not slow in the moblization of his men, and along the way he had recuriters go to every farmer,
wayhouse,and keep as he headed east. Adding to his regular troops and volunteers what some like to call the
irregulars. Men and women from all over some not even Peshmen, but merchant guards and some merchants
themselves heeding the High King Haspen's call. You have signed on and been regulated to the irregulars and now
stand among a cluster of small tents, lean-tos, and bedrolls laid about. As you look about for a spot to call
your own a cry raises in the camp "The Bear!, The Bear!", cries out in a hundred men's voices. And there he is
Lord Bairan astride a massive horse and trailed by a dozen or more mounted men, and the white banner with a dark
blue bear running in the wind behind him. He raises a guantleted fist to show the men he is ready to fight to die
for the Five Kingdoms. Just short of the inner camp (that houses Lord Bairan, his followers, and bodyguard) he
draws his horse in making a slow circle inspecting the camp. Soilders flock around him instantly to see what he has
to say. After a small conversation with the man beside him, Lord Bairan takes voice. "Heed me! heed me!, Peshmen nay
countrymen one and all. We are all Five Kingsmen who serve the Great King and serve we shall. The Treylor have
finally turned there eyes to the west and are set to come through the Eastwall Mountains and attack all the Five Kingdoms.
We will march to war and I am sorry a long march it will be." The man beside him says something you cannot hear and Lord
Bairan motions him to silence. "We will be marching across the entire length of the Five Kingdoms to join in the defense
of the Genku Pass. In the months to come we will prepare for battle, grow in number and send the Treylor back to their homes
like whipped dogs!" he continues. "But for now, tonight rest and join your comrades-in-arms in fellowship. For on the morrow
we are OFF to WAR!!" Spurring his horse he gallops off to wild cheers from the camp.
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Thy wounds are healed!
"Well don't ye stand thar an stare all night!", a voice bellows from behind you. Turning you see the shortest and widest
person you have ever known. He wears a studded jerkin and padded pants all in shades of brown. A nose the size of a
potato dominates his face and a dark beard streaked through with gray lays on his chest down too his stomach. The handle
of a large sword can be seen over one of his shoulders and his metal helm has two long horns on the sides. "Ye best be
sum rest, ye has a long walk on the morrow and the wilds after that." He turns and walks away yelling at anyone who comes
within his sight, before long he has disappeared behind men,tents, and horses.
"Don't mind him, he just doesn't like people who are taller than he is," an old thin man says to you. "Which means he hates
just about everyone I guess." he laughes and bends near a fire to check something in the pot hanging there. "Please join
me I have enough for you and you too. Please," hey gestures to some logs and a camp chair, then bends to grab a bowl to
filling with the stew cooking in the pot.
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First Post
A medium height, overweight man with a warm grin greets the stranger. "Greeting sir. Thank you kindly for your hospitality. My name is Trinham Woods but I answer to Trinham. How are you called sir?"

Trinham then grabs a bowl, ladles in some stew and sits down on a log.


Thy wounds are healed!
Follan (npc)

"Greetings to you my large friend. Hungry? Please help yourself." the old man replies easing himself onto a small stool. His dark brown wool robe looks big on his thin frame. He looks over the small group and nods as if to himself. "Manners, manners everyone. I am Follan cook, cobbler, seer, handyman, and herbalist." He smiles back at Trinham. His grin causes a hundred wrinkles to cover his face but they look in place with his chalk white hair. "A pleasure Trinham, and who are you?" he asks, taking a bite of his stew.


First Post

"Haha, my name is Shinn. My apologies for not speaking sooner." He laughs as he pushes back his dark hair. "I have come a river's way and am glad to rest my feet a little. Thank you for the fine company." He speaks with a slant and a small grin. "I am a warrior from Tan Province. Pleasure to meet everyone."
He pauses frequently to stretch and observe the busy campground. His many articles lay behind him and he struggles not to lean on his small spear with anxiety. Of course, his excitement for adventure is surpassed only by his interest in his new companions. Had they all come from as far away as himself?

[sblock=check](OOC: knowledge check,12. link)[/sblock]
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Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock]OOC: As promised Deskjob gets the first roll of the campaign. Roll me a Knowledge(history) check please. And edit the result into your first post.
This is a check to see what you know of Lord Bairan's history.

From stories told to you by your uncles you remember they mentioned the name Bairan Doovan. The subject was gaining wealth and influence through the art of war. Lord Bairan was not born a lord he was a stonecutter's son who left at a young age seeking adventure. Years later he took part in a battle against the earl Bronsk and the High King made him a lord for his courage in battle. He came to the valley of Pesh accompanied by some strange companions, they cleaned out a haunted keep then made it their own. He gained fame later by driving the gnoll tribes who lived in the valley to the north.[/sblock]

EDIT: to Deskjob your roll link said 1d20+1 but I have you at +3 (2 ranks + 1INT) you have it at +2 in RG[/sblock]
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Myth and Legend

First Post
Lora was making her way trough the crowded streets of Solemnheim, the town now bursting with cheering children, bands of armed men, and the occasional tavern wench giggling at all the handsome newcomers.

Lord Bairan Doovan's camp and the main army encampment lay a bit to the North of the town's borders, just far enough not to disturb the locals, but close enough for the merchants, taverns and brothels to make good coin off the conscripts and soldiers.

Lora's short stature made her sink in the colourful throng of people dominating the streets, all that could be seen was a shiny black ponytail, bouncing around as she made her way trough, and the handle of a long Galvie, sticking high off the slender girl's back like a mast.

Lora's face showed determination and lacked any cheer, her pink lips curdled like a rose bud as she flinched every time a man brushed against her body. "This is disgusting!" - she thought, but pushed on nevertheless.

The girl was smart - some would even dub her a genious, although she would always dismiss that as her mother's overzealous promotion of her daughter's skills. Lora would not willingly throw herself in danger once more - she was no longer fourteen.

Soon, the girl found what she was looking for, a piece of yellow parchment nailed to the side of a butcher's shop. Despite the stench of blood and the chopping sound comming from inside, Lora stayed and studyed the script:

"All ye good folk,

that would join our righteous cause and defend the realm from the incomming invasion, blessed be by our King and Sovereign High King Haspen. Join us at the encampent, north of Greenleaf Glen, and ye shall be rewarded for your service with both honour, riches and adventure!

Lord Bairan Doovan

The girl spent several mintues studying the handwriting and the signature, although it was obvious that an adjutant or some other scribe had written this, and the Lord had but only placed his signature at the bottom. It was to be expected, as these were probably scattered trough the province in great number.

Lora looked around and dove in to a nearby inn, sitting in a secluded table in the corner, away from the other patrons. The girl ordered a cup of mead to the sour looking serving wench that attended her table, and then began her attempts at forging the handwriting, making a document that would ensure her safety in the camp. "I am coming Arthur, you better be there when i arive!"

[sblock] Forgery: take 10+4 (int) + 8 (seen document) + 4 (seen signature) = 26 how is that? :)[/sblock]
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First Post
Trinham nods as Follan and Shinn introduce themselves but keeps on eating and in almost no time at all his bowl is empty. "This stew is exceptionally tasty, far better than I expected to find in an army camp. You really are a very good cook Follan. Do you think I could trouble you for another bowl."

"As to what I am and where I come from. Well I am a farm boy come failed carpenter. I grew up in the little village of Hazley Bottom, which is about 50 miles west of here, got recruited into the bear's irregulars and trained as a fighter. This stopped once they realised I could cast spells, so I don't really know what I am. A spell casting failed fighter I supposed.
This was all said with a huge grin on his face, so you are not sure if he is been completely serious.

[sblock="Moggins"]"At the current time Moggins is trying to stay within a mile of Trinham but outside of the camp. He is enjoying himself chasing rabbits.[/sblock]

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