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Oh Man, Is This Party Screwed

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Undead Lincoln

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I had a villain give a speach to threaten the characters after they had done something stupid and gotten surrounded. Their stupidity was going to make a routine fight tough but still winnible.

He was a necromancer and undead were involved. He said something along the lines of "Surrender and you two will live to serve me while the rest of you will go free, or die needlessly and you all will serve me." The two he was gesturing to were the ones who had gotten them in this much trouble.

The party surrendered.


First Post
About three sessions into the first campaign I played with my current group, we chose to walk into a very bad spot against what turned out to be a cleric of Set (FR), his minions, and his very nasty staff (can't remember what it was exactly, though we were trying to stop it from leaving the city in his hands). In a few rounds, the five, third level adventurers were as follows:

Paladin, bodyguard: Deaf.
Duelist (rogue): Blind.
Wizard: Paralyzed.
Con-man (rogue): Cursed (Hefty Con damage).
Paladin's noble charge (rogue): Relatively fine.

Soon, we were all knocked unconscious and captured. Then we spent a month in the hold of a ship (these conditions still present the whole time). Thankfully, we were only sold into slavery afterwards.

Good times.


Clockwork Golem
the Jester said:
Did I mention, lost in a disease-ridden jungle and beset by mudmaws? :confused: :]

You know, I originally read that as 'beset by mugwumps." and was about thirty seconds of branding you the coolest DM ever :)


In our last session the party was fighting a glabrezu. In round one the sorcerer succumbed to Confusion. In round two one cleric was victimized by Power Word stun. In round three the main fighter was knocked out. In round four the swashbuckler was pinched and grappled by one of the demon's claws and could not escape. Leaving the demon one-on-one with the last PC, a cleric.


First Post
Oh, and there was a funny incident just the other day. A little pretext: We just rescued a very old and respected rashemi hathran (their ruling class of witches) and were given great rewards - amongst those was a holy silver longsword for our eilistraee-priestess, which she sold to improve her own bastard sword (regular metal).

Later that game session, we were facing a horned devil - those bastards with not only damage reduction, but even regeneration against everything except holy silver weapons (and the only [good] spell we had was holy word from the priestess which was lower-level than the beast) - and we didn't have one of these. Luckily, my kineticist was able to dominate him after some time (after a lot of power points were wasted on his SR). I then ordered him to lower his SR and don't resist my next spell, which was control body. He than had a lie-down while the rest of the party started hacking at him with everything they got.


Inventor of Super-Toast
The closest I've ever come to a TPK. In a mad necromancer's laborotory, fighting the necromancer and his super-flesh golem creation. Golem grapples, pulls apart fighters really quick. Necromancer casts cloudkill, and already put up all his defensive spells. Nobody has dispel magic. All but one die in the morass of poisonous fog.

Demiurge out.


First Post
return to the temple of elemental evil, 2 sessions after my first ever DnD game, one encounter with a destrachan destroyed every piece of armour and weapon in the party, my character (a 2 weapon fighter) had an arm eaten off by green slime, and we were stuck in the middle of the temple. the very next session, the player of the bard/cleric/rogue/ munchkin thingy moved away, his character sneaked off in the night, and we awoke without any healing, one encounter later we were toast.

Voidrunner's Codex

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