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D&D 5E Ok I have to ask..... what's with the Paladin hate on here?


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Can't speak for this forum, or indeed how paladins are in 5e, but fwiw:

As a DM and armchair game designer, paladins trigger my itch to fix the system, because they're kinda cool but restricted to one alignment, and in many published versions quite a specific way of playing that alignment and a general attitude. I always want to create Holy Warriors for other alignments and philosophies.

I know several players (the kind who 'usually play Chaotic Neutral' who dislike do-gooding Boy Scout types, especially those they have to share a party with who cramp their style. Paladins have 'do-gooding Boy Scout' tattooed on their foreheads, in many groups.

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Guest 6801328

It's dexadins and Polearm Master paladins that deserve the hate.

Regular old sword-and-board paladins, and even (maybe) great weapon Vengeance paladins, are just fine.


I enjoy playing/running for paladins, but there are times they seem to fall into the "extreme characterization" category of "I'm a paladin, therefore I'm a lawful stupid good stick in the mud." Think Buzz Lightyear without any redeeming qualities dictating what everyone in the group can and cannot do.

This is similar to the guy that plays the Chaotic Neutral rogue that's actually insane and will decide to stab his party member in the back in the middle of combat or helps the bad guys escape* "just to see what happens". Personally I find them more annoying (as a DM and player) but there's no simple label to throw on them.

So paladins become a shorthand for a one-dimensional character defined by their alignment and only their alignment and that are unwilling to allow anyone in the party to bend their strict moral code.

*Yes, I've had that guy at my table.


Oh this is where the title goes?
Can't speak for this forum, or indeed how paladins are in 5e, but fwiw:

As a DM and armchair game designer, paladins trigger my itch to fix the system, because they're kinda cool but restricted to one alignment, and in many published versions quite a specific way of playing that alignment and a general attitude. I always want to create Holy Warriors for other alignments and philosophies.

I know several players (the kind who 'usually play Chaotic Neutral' who dislike do-gooding Boy Scout types, especially those they have to share a party with who cramp their style. Paladins have 'do-gooding Boy Scout' tattooed on their foreheads, in many groups.
Well for reference, 5E has no alignment restrictions for paladins, and offers a variety of paladin oaths reflecting different types of ethos.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I'm great with paladins, have been for many editions. There's one frequent poster, lowkey13, who plays up his dislike fo them to comedic levels so it's a common interjection, but I don't think it's exceptional compared to other classes int he number of detractors it has.


In addition to the general dice envy the other martial types have over paladin smites, as a DM I feel the save bonus aura is really powerful in 5e. One of the things I like in 5e over 3e is the good chance you will fail a save you are not proficient in even at higher levels. Paladins can really throw that out of wack, especially if there are two of them in the party.

Combine this attribute with their typically high AC and enemy spellcasters may as well lay down and beg for mercy. :)

Dax Doomslayer

I've always loved paladins since the 1st edition days. It has always been my favorite class. They seem to be more popular now as they are a bit more 'party friendly' and have more of a 'range' of types. I'm actually a little saddened that the alignment restriction isn't kept but that's just me I guess. We've never had much issues with that as we've always played heroic type of campaigns so the alignment restriction etc. never bothered us.


So it's basically just as I figured. It's a combination of leftover old edition hate, and how mechanically strong the current iteration is.

I know that lowkey13 is the main Pally hater on here lol but I've still seen the hate from many other people in many other posts as I browse the forum. That's what made me ask.


First Post
So it's basically just as I figured. It's a combination of leftover old edition hate, and how mechanically strong the current iteration is.

I know that lowkey13 is the main Pally hater on here lol but I've still seen the hate from many other people in many other posts as I browse the forum. That's what made me ask.

Everyone who has played a long time has a Stupadin story. A story about a paladin who just had to be the living embodiment of every bad paladin stereotype. It's up to them if they let the bad players color their view of the class.

But, honestly, I have no problem with them. Are they mechanically strong? Yes. But even with that, the paladin players don't wreck my plans any more than the others at the table do. If you get a creative enough group, you find out just how easily a simply spell like Prestidigation can not only send your campaign off the rails, but have it chug four miles out to sea and sink after striking an iceberg.

So, in my perspective, 5E paladins are not special.

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