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"older" gamers


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Buttercup said:
I'm a librarian. So is my husband, and all but one of my current players. The odd man out is a chemist.
BC, sorry for the hijack, but I've wanted to ask...

You have any advice on what sort of person should become a professional librarian? How difficult is it to become one? What do you enjoy about it?

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Raven Crowking

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Best Dennis voice from Monty Python & The Holdy Grail here: "I'm 37...I'm not old." Of course, I'll be 38 in august.

Anyway, the oldest person in my current "live" group is in his mid-to-late 20s. But then, I own a comic book store, and my weekly games are part of the draw to local customers, many of whom are high school age kids. Also, my son is 13, and he plays along with one of his schoolmates.

In my online game, the players are all older folks, some of whom are older than I am.

Raven Crowking


First Post
Buttercup said:
Old is other people, I'm just me.

Exactly. I may start calling myself old if I am lucky enough to reach 75. Or maybe venerable. Either way I am hoping that retirement will create even more time to game.


Princess of Florin
johnsemlak said:
You have any advice on what sort of person should become a professional librarian? How difficult is it to become one? What do you enjoy about it?
So as not to clutter up the thread, I'll PM you.:)

Silver Moon

GreyWanderer said:
Originally Posted by dungeonmastercal
The joke among my group is we'll all somehow end up in an Old Gamers' Home somewhere, eating liquified junk food and having to have nursing assistants read our character sheets for us.

A few years ago, my DM was saying how great it would be when we were all in the Old Gamers home - he could use the same Dungeon every day, and we wouldn't remember it - saveing him lots of prep work.....:)

We have the same running joke (our group now ranging in age from 38 to 51). The thing is, I work in the nursing home industry and am a licensed nursing home administrator, so it's actually not that far fetched an idea. Anybody out there want to sign up for the "Defenders of the Daybreak Home for Aged Gamers" ?

And as for the original topic, I don't discuss gaming at work but I do keep a d10 on the desk of my office, so if a real gamer ever saw it I'm sure they'd ask. I do have one coworker who I hope to eventually get into the gaming group. She's never gamed but is into science fiction and comic books, so I figure it's only a matter of time.
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My current gaming groups currently have players that range in age from 15 to early forties.


First Post
My gaming group in Germany ranged from age 20 to age 56, with me (then 37) in the middle. In my current group in London I (now 39) am at the older end of the spectrum of between early 20s and early 40s.


I'm 50 this year and I don't think that there's anyone in my group that I'm not old enough to be the father of. Fortunately for all of us age isn't an issue.

I'm also DM-ing for two 11 year olds and a 10 year old - now sometimes they make me feel old!

Torak Stoneweaver

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The group as it is now...

G'Day All..

I must admit I an lucky ... I have had a static group that has been together since our university days. We met online and started to play in the bookable rooms of the Students Centre on Sunday's. The group ranges from 27 to 35.. with me being the latter. Man those were fun days.. Star Fleet Battles and D&D... all good!

We took about two years off when people fell apart due to jobs and marriages and such but have been back at it strong since 3.0's inception. We try and play twice a month... 1 marathon 6:00 P.M. - 3:00 A.M. Saturday session and then usually a smaller session on a Sunday Night...

Our group is plagues with work schedules and family obligations but it seems that the people with children ( 3 out of 7 - me included ) have more free time to game than the others who are younger with no families. The other big obstacle is the three or so hockey leagues that most of our members belong to...

<trying to answer many things in this post from others messages>

I find a lot of people at my workplace play, or have played before... I work for the federal Gov in Canada for the Department of Defense. I am not ashamed to talk about the game... in fact most of my staff asks me what new ' geek ware ' I bouth.. and always want to take a look at the moniatures I buy...

In a nutshel... It's all good...


First Post
old is as old does

Funny, but I was reflecting on this a couple of weeks back when at 7:30AM on a Saturday morning I was driving downtown Montreal, Jet was playing 'Cold Hard B****' on the radio, and I was heading first to the Peel Pub for breakfast, then on to HyperBorea gaming store where I was running three D&D mods for whoever had signed up.

So I was thinking . . .

Ok, so I'm 54. And I still game. I run the Games' Club at the high school where I teach, I play in both the Living Greyhawk and Living Arcanis campaigns, and I play in a HOME game run by a young fellow [30ish] who owns a game supply store. [Up till three years ago I also ran my own Friday night game made up of a friend who was 10 years older than me, my wife, and four former students in their twenties.]

When I first got involved in these Living campaigns, the others, mostly in their twenties, wondered how old I was. After numerous game sessions, they now call me the 'oldest kid' they know. One of them called me his 'idol,' only half joking, cause I have been married for over 30 years and can smell retirement when I can game all I want.

The kids I teach gaming to at school have joined me in some of these outside games. Helps to give them a sense of acceptance the first time they show up.

I do not really see my age as a problem, nor do I hold the inexperience of these 'young people' against them.

Rather than game within your own age group, I suggest it is better to game with whomever you get along. It will broaden the gaming experience, and enrich your life as well.

You are only as old as you feel, and when I am gaming I feel young, real young.

Voidrunner's Codex

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