Omega Pathfinders Game Thread


Mission 1, Update.

The warrior bugs race closer to 1800'. The plasma bug lumbers closer to 1960'.

Cyrill joins Corporal Jackson and the other troopers at the "defensive line". He takes cover in the rough terrain and will open fire on the bugs when they come into range. He takes a single shot, (Modified ranged attack roll of 16 + 6 (AB) - 18 (range) = 4, a miss).
Jacob will toss his rifle and a spare clip to the star marshal and then begins preping trooper 3 for movement onto the slingshot.
With the launch open, Melara runs to the injured trooper, attempting to assist the sergeant give aid.
Carl takes a single shot, (Modified ranged attack roll of 2 + 6 (AB) - 18 (range) = -12, a miss).
Sergeant Lawson talks to Rudy via his intercom unit, "Well done Corporal on leading the first phase! We however have some serious bugs heading this way so leave the ordering to me now. Kate I want you to put our bird down ontop of us because it looks like we will not be waiting around for the relief transport. We have standing room for the survivor so let's get out of here."
Rudy replies, "Roger that sir!".
Kate confirms the order, "Will be there in 30 seconds sir!". (Heading SSE towards the squad, distance 2000', Current air speed: 500, Altitude: 100')
Robert takes aim with the twin rotary front cannons before Kate turns and lets loose, (Modified ranged attack roll of 8 + 2 (AB) = 10, a miss), once again spraying bullets all over the place except into the bugs!

OCC: Posting will now be back to 1 round a post.


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First Post
Jacob will sling trooper 3's gun acrost his back and then wait for the bird to land "Sir I will take care of bob, you go ahead an give the bugs hell"
[sblock=expendable temporary equipment ]gun given to marshal, 2 full TW-203-a mags left
15rounds in clip, 2 full TW-1020s mags left
2 M-901 HE grenades
1 MedKit[/sblock]
OOC: bob is trooper 3 :p


Mission 1, Update.

The warrior bugs race closer to 1600'. The plasma bug lumbers closer to 1920'.

Cyrill takes a single shot, (Modified ranged attack roll of 4 + 6 (AB) - 16 (range) = -6, a miss).
Jacob slings trooper 3's gun acrost his back and then wait for the bird to land.
Carl takes another shot, (Modified ranged attack roll of 17 + 6 (AB) - 20 (range) = 3, a miss).
Sergeant Lawson tells Kate to land the dropship between the defensive line and the downed launch.
Rudy takes aim and fires a shot and the lead warrior bug, (Modified ranged attack roll of 13 + 7 (AB) - 20 (range) = 0, a miss). "Those bugs are just to damn far!", says Rudy.
Kate having now turned the slingshot towards the squad had to bank hard to her left as a huge ball of plasma went sailing past, "Sir we can't keep up with this much longer!". (Heading SSE towards the squad, distance 1500', Current air speed: 500, Altitude: 100')
Robert now only having a single MW-5050 autocannon on the right side of the ship switches control to this weapon and opens up on the plasma bug, (Modified ranged attack roll of 16 + 2 (AB) = 18, a hit doing 10hp damage). Robert was happy to see the rounds hit home but the bug hardly seemed to notice.
The star marshal grabs the Morita and extra clip and pushes the damaged bay door to the launch closed, making sure it shuts, before heading over to help Jacob with Trooper 3.

Squad actions please.
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First Post
(You never posted the results of Mel's assistance on the first aid... I'll assume it was either successful, or the downed man is beyond hope. If neither is the case, she'll continue trying to help stabilize him)

Cursing under her breath, Mel stands up and rakes gun fire at the advancing plasma bug, even as she falls back towards the landing zone.

"We need something heavier to take out the plasma thrower!" she calls out. "Rocket launcher or something!"


Mission 1. Round 8.

The warrior bugs race closer to 1400'. The plasma bug lumbers closer to 1880'.

Cyrill takes a single shot, (Modified ranged attack roll of 8 + 6 (AB) - 14 (range) = 0, a miss).
Jacob checks trooper #3 and sees that he is still breathing and then waits for the bird to land.
Carl moves to U-24 takes another shot, (Modified ranged attack roll of 9 + 6 (AB) - 20 (range) = -5, a miss). The Morita can simply not shoot far enough...
Cursing under her breath, Mel stands up and rakes gun fire at the advancing plasma bug, (Modified ranged attack roll of 11 + 7 (AB) - 20 (range) = -2, a miss), even as she falls back towards the landing zone X-24.
Sergeant Lawson moves to AA-23 to make sure Kate lands where he wants.
Rudy shouts to the squad, "Hold your fire until the bugs get closer, Cyrill you try pick them off if you can!".
Kate has the Slingshot going full tilt towards the squad. "Sir that plasma seems to have taken aim off us?", informs Kate. (Heading SSE towards the squad, distance 1000', Current air speed: 500, Altitude: 100')
Robert opens up on the plasma bug, (Modified ranged attack roll of 17 + 2 (AB) - 10 (range) = 9, a miss). "Kate, that plasma bug seems to standing still?", says Robert.
The star marshal says to Jacob, "You wait here with the injured guy, I will go and help the Sergeant over there.", and moves over to Z-24 while changing his Morita mag for the full one.

Squad actions please.

Ammo Status for current magazine:
Jacob 23 (Trooper #3's rifle)
Cyrill 16
Carl 26
Mel 24


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