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D&D 5E One Shot #3: Lady of the Mist


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Mister Bubbles raises his eyebrows in response to Ivar.

"You're a very sceptical person, aren't you?" The half-orc's words are harsher than his tone; in fact, there seems to be a bit of respect in it. "Never met a dwarf before. What do you do, or are you in the unicorn hamster business yourself as well?"

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Forlorn Forest
Round 0

“Skeptical keeps me alive,” Ivar said. “Never trust a smilin’ drow, as they say.” He pushed back his hood to reveal his gray complexion and white hair, certainly like no surface dwarf they’d ever seen. “An’ bounties are me trade, mate. Huntin’ a drow up ‘ere on the surface, if ye’ve seen any. Moight be gaein’ by the name Zulayka Xorlarrin. Moight no’.”

Bonus Action:

AC: 14
HP: 15/15 HD: 1/1d12+3
Rage: 2/2/LR



the magical equivalent to the number zero
"I always thought drow were stories to scare children," Mister Bubbles says, shaking his head and apparently not realizing that Ivar is a duergar and not a surface dwarf. "Like demons. Except that demons do exist."

The half-orc looks Ivar up and down, a subtle tension barely noticable in the half-orc. Almost imperceptibly his hand stealthily sneaks to grasp a handaxe on his belt, ready to draw it should the situation escalate.

His voice is gentle but slightly strained as he continues, "Bounties, eh? Does that include re-capturing escaped slaves?"


Bilkar Gnome Druid

Without looking up from Squeeks the Squirrel. After his first sentance, Bilkar lowers his voice as if he is worried someone outside the group might be listening for some dubious reason.
"Drow real. Drow help Bilkar. Mad wizard want Bilkar to be lightening bug. Bilkar not lightening bug... Bilkar is Squirrel." When Bilkar mentions not being a lightening bug he seems to focus a lot on his hand almost as if he is checking it for something, and is comforted that he doesn't seem to find what he is looking for.

"Bilkar does not understand choosing mates from names. Humans would be better if humans mated to make good young."


Forlorn Forest
Round 0

“Trust me, ye’d rather meet a demon than a drow,” Ivar said. “They’re real enough, though.” He saw the half-orc’s hand drift to his weapon and pointedly set his war pick between his feet, leaning his hands on the pommel. “Escaped slaves are often most o’ me work. But nae one’s payin’ me f’r tha’ roight noo.”

Ivar glanced over at the muttering druid. “Wot was that, mate? Ye seen a drow ‘round these parts?”

Bonus Action:

AC: 14
HP: 15/15 HD: 1/1d12+3
Rage: 2/2/LR



OOC: Please continue on with the campfire talk. I had to work back to back doubles due to the weather and am now just catching up on here. Bilkar has traveled almost 300 miles south since the Irongrad game, to let you know. At least that is where this adventure takes place compared to the other.


Bilkar Gnome Druid

Bilkar scrunches up his face in disgust. "Bilkar not mate with Ivan. Not make good young." Bilkar looks at Ivar for a moment before continuing as if measuring how much more he should say.

"Bilkar was in pack with 2 Drow. Not near here. In Land Humans name" He seems to struggle to remember the name. "Cormyr."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Mister Bubbles relaxes. This bounty hunter is not after him, at least it seems that way. The fact that he has no qualms capturing escaped slaves, however, does not sit well with the half-orc, but he decides to let the matter rest for now.

He nods to Ivar and releases his grasp on the axe. "Just checking."

Then the half-orc turns to Bilkar with genuine amazement. The creature claims it joined not one but two drow, and lived to tell about it! Perhaps there is more to the mad gnome than Mister Bubbles first thought.

With narrowed eyes and a pleasant tone, he asks Bilkar, "How did you escape the drow? Set your little beasties on them, did you?"

Lee Ravenwood, Wood Elf Monk

The elf woman has been sitting quietly all this time, her eyes are closed as she sits with her legs crossed. But she is not idle. She is brushing her hair methodically with an unadorned, fine hair brush. Her head turns slightly toward the gnome. It is the first sign that she is paying attention to the conversation at all.


Bilkar Gnome Druid

Bilkar cocks his head with a confused look on his face. "Escape? Bilkar not escape. That pack is no more." Bilkar seems to think for a moment on how to explain things to these "civilized" people.

"What are the words. Bilkar thinks... Mad Wizard made many sick. Sick made pack to find way to not be sick. Not sick any more. No more pack." Bilkar makes a motion with his arms, bringing them out wide. "This pack catch man. Then no more pack. Bilkar go, Ivar go, All go... Same, no escape, no fear." Bilkar smiles "The Drow good mates, make good young some day."

Voidrunner's Codex

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