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One Year Ago


Hey Eric, thanks again. Your site and the site that followed is a massive resource for DMs and players alike, and the community of gamers that has grown (and continues to grow) around the kernel of ENWorld is simply amazing. I'd have to say that my D&D experience would be lacking without it.

By the way:

I'm hoping that I'll be able to focus more of my mental/spiritual energies into continuing to be the best librarian and teacher I can be.

How's that going? :)

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ForceUser said:
How's that going? :)

Eh ... hmmm, well I keep trying! There are some things that I don't like about my job, and I kept thinking "Maybe it's just my attitude." A year later, I like those things even less, so maybe it's not just my attitude. But they're things I can't really change, so I still try to work on "changing me" to accommodate.


Though I wasn't reading your site since before 3e came out by some months (hadn't gamed in a while), I picked up on it almost immediately after the books themselves were released.

It took me another few months to actually delve into the messageboard community.

I had no idea such a thriving, intelligent and wonderful community of people could exist on the internet with such a sense of stability.

I mark that as when my love affair with d20 (and proper gaming) truly began.



p.s. For those of you who are interested, Web.archive.org has three snapshots of Eric's old site from back in the day. Best of all, the messageboards are still intact! (including the story hour forum). Think of it as a day in the life of a wonderful memory.
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I remember that day well. Being in a different Time-Zone to most of the rest of you, I was in the chart rooms well into the small hours of the morning, trying to find out what was going on. Turns out I needn't have worried :)

Great work Eric, for starting the whole thing off and making one of the best Internet communities. And great work Morrus, for continuing to run the site, and continually innovate.

Without the main site I'd have no idea what was happening in the d20 world. Without the messageboards, I'd be playing in three fewer games, and running one less. Like I said, great work.

I'm hoping that I'll be able to focus more of my mental/spiritual energies into continuing to be the best librarian and teacher I can be.

Does anyone else get a mental image of Eric as a Giles like figure? :)


New Publisher
Eric and Morrus, thanks. The day that Eric sent his announcement WAS a blow to my stomach. I don't get a chance to play much, if at all, and this community gives me a fix. Eric, my wife doesn't thank you, I now spend way too much money/time on this hobby again.


First Post
It's surprising to find yourself described as an old timer. I remember having never used the internet before, after all, what could it offer that regular computer games couldn't?

It was then that I picked up 3e, also having never played 1st or 2nd (I just thought I had, turns out it was some type of GURPs thing) and thought it looked interesting. I even remember borrowing 20 cents from a friend for tax.

Of course, I was completely ubsessed and it wasn't long before I found a DM, who mentioned some news items. When I asked where, he sent me here. Suddenly I had to find internet time every day, as I agonized over slow connections, knowing that there wasn't money for anything else, but dreaming of DSL.

Then I found the message boards. I lurked for a few months. Then, as so many others, I found something I just had to comment on. I think I even got my first e-mail account in order to register. I was hooked.

Then, one day, the message boards weren't working (it wasn't uncommon then). So I trudjed on out to the main site and read the announcment. BANG! BOOM! CRASH!

After I picked myself and my chair up, and responded to several yells asking if I was okay, I read the rest.

I decided to keep checking back, and found that Morrus would be running things. Here, I remember thinking, "Who the heck is that guy and what is he going to do to Eric's site?!" (Sorry Morrus, I'd never even seen your name on the boards ;) ).

I returned, as I didn't know what else to do with my time and found that it was all still working right, nothing was broken. Now, it wasn't the same, but nothing was actually broken.

Well, we endured the "This would never happen if Eric was still running things" comments (those lasted longer than I thought they would, see how much people love you Eric) and survived. And it all came together. And it was all good.

And Eric was still around. So it was better. Hay Eric, I don't know what I'd be doing without you. Thanks.

Jarval said:

Does anyone else get a mental image of Eric as a Giles like figure? :)

I do. But who is Morrus?
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Psychotic Dreamer

First Post
I remember when reading that these boards were going to become part of D20Reviews (I think that was the name of the site then) and freaking out because I hated the design of that site. I used Netscape 4.x back then and they just didn't work well in that browser. I was so happy as the boards started to change and slowly mutated into what we have today. :)


Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
Ya, I remember I had a hard time with the announcement that day. Eric, you were my guide and mentor into this new and exciting D&D. I didn't know quite what to do. I had been visiting your site since the old red boards and needed my EN fix daily.

I will say this, Morris has done a smashing job since he took over. He was an excellent choice.

I can't believe it has been a year. Time flies when your rolling dice! Here's to many more!

Triple H

First Post
Hey guys and gals. I remember discovering Erics site when i was fishing for as much info as i could for third edition. I was turned off my second edition and was not having fun roleplaying with the group that was using that system. When I discovered third edition I fell in love craving information. I gotta say Eric gave me all the info and then some. He was a great and awesome resource and he kept abreast of most of the info that was out there. Great sources reliable information...you just cna beat that.

I havent been around as much either...since Sept 11 I have been spending more time with my family and friends. But I am getting back into the swing of roleplaying again after looking at Morrus's site. He was a worthy successor and he has done a remarkable job of not only keeping the site alive but gaining new people into the community. Thanks to this site I am now back to roleplaying. Both times this community has helped me come back and I thiank both eric and Morrus for that. Thanks guys. You are really awesome.

Voidrunner's Codex

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